Maureen Moss – Love, Presence And Acceptance – 19 April 2012

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Maureen Moss – Love, Presence And Acceptance – 19 April 2012

Dearest Hearts,

As always, I pray you are well.

What a compelling year this is proving to be. On the morning of January 1, 2012, I awakened to the feeling of peace and calm. I was deeply appreciative as the previous couple of months had been abrupt, though revealing. On this day it was a beautiful feeling to begin the New Year in peace, knowing it would be the last of its kind in this long cycle of time. I also knew that this year required my full attention. I had stated my intention and commitment to the God of my Being several months earlier.

There is No Time Left for Hesitation! by Lisa

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by GLR Lisa Gawlas

I am really starting to notice universal themes playing out each and every day.  Maybe these themes have always been there and I am just really noticing them now, I don’t know, the only thing that does matter, I am noticing.  Let me tell you, yesterdays theme was huge and unmistakable!!

Yesterday was the first time I had actually flown since my oldest daughter turned 16 years old in 2000.  I never even took the time to think about how long it has been, until I had seen how much airports and travel had changed as I arrived for check in!

FREEDOM PROJECT: Greenwald: Assange + RT drives US mainstream extra mad

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Julian Assange's debut as TV-show host on RT was bound to provoke a mixed reaction from around the globe. The world's top whistleblower has drawn a wave of criticism for his choice to talk to a guest largely ignored by the mainstream media. Journalist Glenn Greenwald thinks there's apparent hypocrisy in the way some US media treat Assange.

RT on Twitter: 

Heavenletter #4164 A Favor Has Been Granted You

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Heavenletter #4164 A Favor Has Been Granted You, April 19, 2012 

God said: 


Beloved, Beloved, you seek and seek. And now is time to accept. Instead of your attention being full-flung on the future, attend to accepting all that has been poured on you today. You are fleet of foot. You are on Earth. You are My treasure, and you have goodness a-plenty. Attend to the field that you reap today.

There is a lot to be said for today. Yesterday is a memory. Tomorrow will arrive but not today. Make a big thing out of today, for today is what you have in your hand only for a blink of an eye. You travel fast in time. Your feet hardly touch ground. Fleeting fleeting is this day, never to come again. Welcome it. Greet it. Love it. This is the day before you. It is more priceless than the greatest jewel. Today is your priceless treasure. Accept it gladly. Warm up to it. Be today's cheerleader. Hurrah for today.

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~18~12 A Tsunami of Love is Moving Across the Planet~

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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~18~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update A Tsunami of Love is Moving Across the Planet~



~The Heart Tree ~Photo By Valentin59


Greetings Love Beings, Today We had a tremendous amount of Movement into the Light for Planet Earth=Heart. Through The Transitionary Government meeting today,  We were Able to bring an intense amount of Unity Consciousness Light, through to the Planet. The Whole Planet took a Huge Leap into the Light. WOW! We had an Amazing 30 people focused on the Light, Truth and Unity. What has occurred because of this, is a Tsunami of Love which is moving through the Planet at a very high speed. Get Your Surfboards, We are all Moving Up!



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