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SOLAR BLAST: A magnetic prominence dancing along the sun's southeastern limb became unstable on Nov. 15th and slowly erupted. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the event, which unfolded over a period of thirteen hours:

The eruption hurled a cloud of plasma (CME) toward Venus. According to a forecast track created by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the cloud should reach the second planet on Nov. 17th. Venus has no global magnetic field to protect it from CMEs. The impact will likely strip a small amount of atmosphere from the planet's cloudtops. Solar flare alerts: text, phone

~ Room for Your Light ~ New Earth Angels = the group~

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~ Re-minders from Home ~
Steve Rother

From Steve:

In this message the group talked about a special kind of person that they called Earth Angel. They say that these people come in with a very bright light and sometimes have difficulty even being here. Often they burn out early, but leave a lasting impression on all of humanity. Marilyn Monroe, Pablo Picasso, Albert Einstein, Nicolai Tesla and on the list goes. In this message the group asks each of us a simple question: If we were to start carrying that much light tomorrow, what effect would it have on our lives? So the question becomes. . . is there room for your light?

I hope everyone had a wonderful 11-11-11. Ready to step up?

~Your Role in Earth's Tipping Point~

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Wednesday, 16 November, 2011  

The pivotal times you have long prepared for are here. You feel the transformational changes deep within your bones, and you are intuitively drawn to take part in them. You have a natural inner urge to participate fully in the dance of change now in full swing. You truly care about what happens next, and you want to feel tangibly connected to the birthing of a brand-new reality.

In these moments before 2011 ends, your full creative potential is becoming quite real - whether you realize it or not, whether you feel ready or not. It may feel scary to you at times - knowing you are moving into something amazing that you can't yet quantify, and also knowing how much still needs to shift before you can have the world you want.

SaLuSa 16~November~2011

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  SaLuSa 16~November~2011



Expect a lot to happen but allow for intent to ensure that the flow is orderly, so that each event compliments the last one. As many will know our allies are more active now than ever before, and having considerably weakened the Illuminati we have been able to remove many of those who stand in the way of progress. At all different levels there are people who have been used without their knowledge, but with the awakening are beginning to see how they have been manipulated. That alone is often sufficient to get them to resign, and as talk travels fast others get to learn about it. There is also a matter of rising consciousness levels, that bring some people to question the ethics of those they work for. You will begin to see more of this happening, as the thrust for more transparency and truthfulness grows.

~Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation~

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~Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation~


Dratzo! We return! Time is swiftly collapsing the time-space grids that form the framework of your present reality. Ever-increasing new energies are flowing into these grids and shaking the very foundations of the dark's long hold on you. Nearly 13 millennia ago, the Time Lords and the local Elohim constructed these grids as a temporary measure in order to permit you to survive, and now they are rapidly disappearing. The dark ones know this and yet persist in their bizarre schemes to keep all of you entrapped within their dark control fields. The time has come to counter their delusional activities and free your world from their ever-weakening grip. As you look around at your world's political and economic conditions, you can see just how close everything is to complete breakdown. We have monitored the strange maneuvers of this dark cabal and seen how easily they dissociate their continuing fantasies from what is now manifestly becoming real. Our Agarthan cousins consider it their prime obligation to you to liberate your surface world from these decaying delusions, and we are here to fully support this vital task!

~Relax Into Yourself~

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~Relax Into Yourself~



a message from Dean Noblett

Monday, 14 November, 2011 

There is no question we are now in unprecedented times! The changes and breaking down of the old structures in our lives that no longer serve us - both at a global and personal level - have escalated to intense proportions. Many are becoming “battle weary” as they try to hang on to what is thought to be their livelihood and protect all that they have worked for and built in their lives. And yet, no matter what is done to try and preserve the status quo, it’s a battle that can’t be won.

The Earth’s ascension (and all that are here to assist in this historical event) is gaining momentum big time and our roles within this are shifting to another level. It is very difficult to make sense of what many are going through, and yet, if we are committed to our Divine Blueprint for this lifetime, we must give up the struggle and know with every cell of our being that all will unfold with perfection. Actually, if we look back in our lives and what we have already “overcome”, we can see that it always does.

~The Hathors of Earths Solar Astral Planes: Distortions, Growth in the Higher Realms and the Direction of Source Energy~

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~The Hathors of Earths Solar Astral Planes: Distortions, Growth in the Higher Realms and the Direction of Source Energy~



~Galactic Love Reporter Wes Annac~

With infinite blessings to every dear soul reading our words, we are the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes. We watch over you via the Logos energy that we send you. We send the energy to you with our own energetic handprints attached so to speak; we throw our own personal Love into the mix of Logos energy that manifests through your chakras. In this way a mark of our specific energy is left upon you, and if your higher self and the many components of soul essence that make up your higher self choose to accept the handprint, a steady relationship is formed between us and those higher aspects of yourselves. Very many of you on Earth have taken to our energetic handprint, and we are developing very close bonds with many of you as a result.


Oneness ~ Soul Energy ~

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Oneness ~ Soul Energy ~ Channeling


I remember back in the beginning of this journey, everything I experienced was so new, so incredibly exciting.  Meeting my guides, meeting my friends from the Pleiades, meeting Sananda and the whole lot of energies that came to help me… Become.

I was not looking at becoming anything really.  No one, in those days, within my field of meditation, ever talked about enlightenment and what we are really doing here on earth.  Truely, they were all aligned to take me out of the chaos and fear that was my life, and raise my whole body into a more divine light of existance.

The first thing I ever learned to do was channel.  That is a funny word too… channel.  Back in the day, early 2001, the only form of channeling I was aware of was trance-channeling.  That a highly evolved entity would move over Lisa and talk thru her mouth and she not be present.

I thought I failed at this channeling thing.. or that any highly evolved entity didn’t want to have to use my smoke filled lungs to speak thru.  I was sure it was the later.


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