POOF for October 21, 2012: Something BIG is Happening!!!! No Hair on Fire needed

Lia's picture

October 21, 2012 | RMN

Greetings and Salutations:


For years we have heard the words ‘October Surprise’ about one thing or another. Now, who picked out October for the month to surprise, I don’t know…but expect one. Keep your feet on the ground and take no wooden nickels. By now, most know, the political parties are the opposite sides of the same coin and it’s about money. Hold all things in common, is the wisdom as old as dirt. Yes, it can be hard, with emotions and other points of view banging on your head all the time. That’s where your own state of peace needs to be guarded as the most precious to you…never mind, the loudest voice in the room or the ‘internets’. When what we’re all waiting for happens, I will tell you in advance, seek the silence. The world will be skidding sideways and you’ll need to find your bearings. There’s no repeat of the past happening here so unfamiliarity will be the norm for a while until you get used to the new ‘norm’. At this point even the dogs and cats know, something is different and are acting accordingly.

Larry Larson ~ Twelve ~ Twelve Insight Journal ~ All That Is Really Wants~ 21 October 2012

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You have all been creating marvelously, but you have been unaware that you were doing it. In other words the process is automatic. You send forth rockets of desire and the Universe responds by creating them in the non-physical, and then they flow into your experience based on your degree of allowing. The more you feel connected with Source—when you feel good—good things flow.

But you have been asleep. You are like those sleeper agents in the movies that a government sends to another country to spy upon them, without knowing that is their reason for being there. And now All That Is really wants you all to awaken, so that you can consciously do the things that you were intended to do, and at the same time benefit from the allowing of your own creations in your immediate experience. So things are speeding up, and more and more of you are awakening.

Re Hearter about Today~ Decision day~ We Choose Love

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Greetings Love Beings, if you thought time was speeding up before this moment watch out.  We hit another acceleration button!! We are Going to Be Moving and Moving Quickly. What does this mean? The Awakening Process is speeding Up! Along with this energy movement all who are hanging onto any type of the old energy of unconsciousness, fantasy, illusion or ego and most especially any spiritual ego is going to be like someone pulled the rug from underneath them, energetically speaking. The old energy has no where to go, but either dissolve or be released from the Planet. We have shared this was going to happen as we got closer to the Galactic Alignment

to read the full update: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-free-press-update-we-have-entered-3-days-intense-energies-light

~Space Weather Update~ ALMOST-X FLARE:

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ALMOST-X FLARE: On Oct. 20th at 1814 UT, Earth-orbiting satellites detected a strong M9-class solar flare. The source was a new sunspot, AR1598, emerging over the sun's southeastern limb. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash (image), which sent waves of ionization rippling through Earth's upper atmosphere. More flares are in the offing. NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of M-flares and a 10% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

ORIONID METEOR UPDATE: The Orionid meteor shower is underway as Earth passes through a stream of debris from Halley's Comet. International meteor counts suggest a broad peak of about 25 meteors per hour centered on Oct. 21st. If the trend holds, sky watchers can expect to see a dozen or so Orionids flitting across the sky every hour after midnight on Oct. 21-22. Got clouds? Try listening for Orionid 'pings' on the realtime meteor radar.

Last night, Oct. 21st, Bill Vaughn photographed this piece of Halley's Comet burning up over Mt. Lemmon, north of Tucson, Arizona:

Lee Carrol~ Kryon: The Bridge of Swords

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Awakening to your True Self, Earth's Transformation, Family of Light

11Oct / 2012


Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. In the scheme of things, you are reaching the pinnacle of what we would call the decision point for humanity. In order for you to see this in the light that I see it, you’ll have to understand two things. First, going back a short time you will remember that in my first communications to you, I told you that Human consciousness was changing. I brought you information from the very beginning of my attributes on the planet, that humanity was in shift and that I had arrived for a special purpose and that was to shift the magnetics of the grid. I told you that the Kryon group itself would finish that in the year 2002 and would leave, and it did. All of this was in response to what you had accomplished as humanity, and some of you have done the mathematics and realized that all of this was well within the precession of the equinoxes – a 36-year window where your sun aligns to the middle of the galaxy – the beginning and the end of the 26,000-year wobble of the planet.

Lucas ~ I Had A Dream ~ It Came True ~ 21 October 2012

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I had a dream to envision the worlds beauty in its pristine form.  I wanted to see flowers and see the flora in its most magnificence. I wanted to see the birds fly all over the blue blue sky.  I wanted to see the crickets sing and the fish jumping in the streams. I wanted to see crystal clear water. I wanted to see human kind finding their abundance in nature without taking more than was needed. I saw people living and creating all together as One.

I saw that all was powered by the most simplest devices that would give clean and green energy. I saw  transport that was for all available and without roads to use. I saw people living each in their homes and caring for each other. I saw schools disappeared as it was no longer needed as we had all knowledge always  available and also guarded by the elders.


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Come support us in the energies of 10-21-12! We need 144,000 people around the world to visualize how humanity will go from here on out. Come support the energies today by helping out in your part of the Divine Plan. My higher self asked me to have a PRE-LOVE PARTY! MY HEART AGREES! Heaven on Earth is here. Come support the energies.





The wave of change is here! You can help support us in any way you know best.












Most Plastics Leach Hormone-Like Chemicals

will's picture

March 2, 2011

Most plastic products, from sippy cups to food wraps, can release chemicals that act like the sex hormone estrogen, according to a study in Environmental Health Perspectives.

The study found these chemicals even in products that didn't contain BPA, a compound in certain plastics that's been widely criticized because it mimics estrogen.

Many plastic products are now marketed as BPA-free, and manufacturers have begun substituting other chemicals whose effects aren't as well known.

Full Story... (npr.org)


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