Aisha North

Welcome to the third Gathering around the Pond, Sunday July 7

MomT's picture

aisha north July 6, 2013

Dear friends!

The time is stretching and bending, and it is diffcult to keep track of the days, but tomorrow (Sunday 7) we have another Gathering coming up at 21:00 Oslo time. I know I am not the only one who have felt the ”heat” of this summer already, but I also know that many of you can testify that under all of this pressure, the love continues to pour in. The energies have been intense, and the effect from them have touched us all. We can also see signs that many others are starting to register that ”something” is going on, and I think that the Gathering this time will help to send these energies of change even further afield. This is what the CCs shared about this upcoming event:

”You are fast approaching another momentous day, namely the day for the next Gathering, so let us just give you an update on that. For by now, you have all gotten used to tuning into this grid of energetic filaments that you have all been instrumental in setting up. And you will all have had your own individual experience of just how this grid can be of help in so many ways. It is indeed both a safety net, but also a way of recharging not only yourself, but also those in your vicinity.

The manuscript of survival – part 331. June 30, 2013's picture


The manuscript of survival – part 331. June 30, 2013

The times ahead may be construed as chaotic for many, but as you have been told before, chaos does not need to entail fear. You have been taught well dear ones, as you have managed to wrestle yourselves away from the old prison of fear and started to breathe the air of freedom of choice. For that is what all of this is really about: to stay within the confines defined by the society that you live amongst, or to start to set out on the road defined by your willingness to go above and beyond the limitations stipulated for all the so-called normal human beings on this beautiful planet of yours.

You have already gotten a taste of what this freedom of choice can give you, in the manner of connecting not only with the truest parts of yourself, but also with others who adhere to the same idea of enlightenment in all of its forms. So we know this will not come as a surprise to you when we say that freedom also comes with a whole net set of challenges, as it means not being able to always follow someone else paths. For you are indeed trailblazers in every way, and as such, you have learned to trust your own instincts whenever you come across a fork in the road leading off into unknown territory. For where others would choose the well traveled road, you have again and again dared to push aside the bushes covering up the other, less defined paths and dared to stride forth in that direction.

The manuscript of survival – part 329

MomT's picture

aisha north June 26, 2013

We would like to delve a little further into the recent energetic upgrades you have all been through. And, as we mentioned earlier, these missives of information are not only affecting you, but they will continue to affect everyone around you in one way or the other. As you are all well versed in these phenomena by now, you are all very familiar with the effects this will have on your physical setup, in the way of nausea, aches and pains. For some, this will seem to have intensified lately, while for others, these waves seem to subside as fast as they arrive. However, there might be a way to lessen your symptoms somewhat. But in order for us to explain this, we need to go back to the actual effect of all of these missives, and the reason for them being beamed into you in the first place.

The manuscript of survival – part 328

MomT's picture

aisha North June 24, 2013

As you have all passed through an intense weekend filled with much energetic chatter, we advise you all to try to stay focused in order to better be able to assimilate it all. In other words, do not push yourselves unnecessarily in any direction, as what you need most of all now, is to avoid exerting yourselves in any way. And when you do feel the urge to ”get up and go” as it were, and you are filled with an intense longing to see past the horizon, know that this will not serve you in any way at the moment. So again, patience is the word for today, and you will all benefit greatly if you take that advice to heart.

For this has not been an ordinary weekend, and what you have been through will make its mark on you in so many ways, so for now, it is better to keep a low profile as it were and to try to give yourself as much care as you need. Again it is your physical body who has taken the brunt of all of this, so heed the advice it gives you now. This will not be news to anyone, but we do know from experience that it bears repeating as you have a tendency to try to get a little bit ahead of yourselves unless we remind you to just slow down and BE.

The manuscript of survival – part 326 solstice message

MomT's picture

aisha north June 20, 2013

As you are perhaps aware of, tomorrow (June 21) is another pivotal day for your planet. For once again the sun will make another announcement in her perpetual journey around your globe. Or rather, it is not the sun, but your planet who will reach an apex of her yearly travels around your shining sister, and as such, you will reach what is referred to as the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere. And then, you will all be able to savour the longest day of the year, before the balance starts to tip the other way, and the days will once again start to shorten. Of course, for those of you living on the opposite end of this beautiful planet, you will be able to savour the thought that it is your turn to look forward to the lengthening of the days from then on.

The manuscript of survival – part 324

MomT's picture

aisha north June 16, 2013

Fear, pain, struggle and toil. For many, this will be a very accurate description of the last few days, and for all of you, you have been in touch with at least one component of this heady mix of conflicting symptoms lately. For yes, they are indeed symptoms of a profound transformation taking place within you all, and as all symptoms go, they can in may ways effectively mask the reason for their appearance. For all of these unpleasant effects can easily be classified as negative, and for some, even be construed as detrimental. But they are not. For what they really are, are clear sings that you are moving up and away from the miasma of drama and illusion you have been swimming in for eons.


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