
It is my Divine Will that you will all ascend with Gaia and you can not escape that – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn ~ Ap

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My beloved Humans, my children, it is I, your Mother. I am the Divine Mother, the Divine Feminine and the Creator of all that is. I have not only created your universe but countless uni- and omniverses. Nothing is above me, but all is in ME. You are I and you are all divine aspects of my SELF.


Today I want to speak to you through this scribe who has willingly been at my disposal.


My heart is heavy and I suffer with you. What happened a few days ago has been an act of barbarism, an act of abuse of power the dark mights have exercised to stir up fear in you. The “Mighty of the World” know exactly that they have given away their power to you and try with all that remain to them to get it back.

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