
Putting the Culture Back in Agriculture: Reviving Native Food and Farming Traditions

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By Tory Field and Beverly Bell, Other Worlds | Harvesting Justice Series 6/03/13

“At one point ‘agriculture’ was about the culture of food. Losing that culture, in favor of an American cultural monocrop, joined with an agricultural monocrop, puts us in a perilous state…” says food and Native activist Winona LaDuke.[1]

Her lament is an agribusiness executive’s dream. The CEO of the H.J. Heinz Company said, “Once television is there, people, whatever shade, culture, or origin, want roughly the same things.”[2] The same things are based on the same technology, same media sources, same global economy, and same food.

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Waiting for rain in the long paddock

Silver's picture

Weatherzone, By: Lisa Herbert, 05/08/2013


A farmer who has been grazing his cattle on a stock route for months on the Liverpool Plains in north-west NSW says he has little choice but to stay there. Neville Hicks has properties at Nowendoc and Werris Creek but he's been holding watch over 250 bullocks, steers and cows in the long paddock of the Kamilaroi Highway near Breeza since Christmas.


He says he's having trouble off-loading his stock because the abattoirs are full and prices are low.


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