Visionkeeper - Keep Reaching…

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One World Rising Posted on

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We must never stop reaching for what we want. We have everything available to us to live our lives exactly as we want them to be, so never stop reaching for the next thing you choose to be or do. What you can create in your mind can be yours if you strive for it and believe in it. Just like wishing for a peaceful world. We can create it with our minds and hearts and intentions. We were created by source where nothing is ever lacking therefore we are never lacking except in our own minds. Reach high and think big, it is all there for the taking if we desire. Too many forget to keep reaching and dreaming or else they have just plain given up. What you must realize is that no, you won’t get to live your dreams in the 3D drama of the darklands. You must wiggle free of the illusion and free yourself before you can begin to manifest your dreams, unless of course you dream of war and death and destruction.

Jesus through John - What humans experience on Earth is a travesty of what you truly are

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Jesus through John August 23, 2013 by John Smallman

The energy levels are rising all across the planet, and this can be seen in the various conflicts – civil disturbances, political disagreements, whistleblowers versus government agencies, relationship issues – many of which are now being reported in the mainstream media.  The energies will continue to rise as more and more of you learn to handle them, leading to far greater understanding of your life purposes and the paths that you are following towards your awakening.  There is no turning back. There will be openness and expansion, transparency and integrity, as honesty uncovers and discloses corruption that has occurred on a vast scale and which will then be eradicated.

Love Flowing : the Treei Calendar brings change

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The daily calendar that i use is the limbic mind 64-day Treei calendar. My good friend Armando Busick, who worked with Alan Watts at Haight-Ashbury in the 60s/70s, developed this sequence that fits onto an 8 by 8 grid of 64 squares.  Today is love flowing, the 35th day of the 64 days in a year.

The vertices of the grid each contain the 8 essential functions of basic non-intellectual maturity. The story works into a pattern that begins with the generation of mass as a point source of energy within the void. On our day of birth, our individual creation begins the first year start with our mass massing. As the mass takes form, it begins to learn the texture of the fabric of the universe. The mass begins to flow through the contours of existence, while taking in the architecture of new being. Our being rises to power of self – seeing that it can shape the surroundings as the surroundings change us. Consciousness awakens as love emits emotion to say how we feel about the new here now. Our comfort zone embraces sound as birds chirp and rain lands with a pop on the top of the tent. We come together in mind to integrate the pieces together and then let it all go back into the void once again.



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