The Supreme Irony of Human Nature

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The Supreme Irony of Human Nature

a message from Caroline Myss
Thursday, 17 March, 2011  (posted 17 March, 2011)
Catastrophe brings out the most compassionate side of humanity, without a doubt. As all eyes turn to the perfect storm looming over Japan, we cannot help but wonder, "There must be something I can do?" Responding to human beings in need is just instinctual. We simply have to – it's in our nature. The news stories are now focused on the growing threat of a nuclear meltdown, the third and perhaps most devastating of the trilogy of crises that has struck Japan. Following the 9.0 earthquake and tsunami, the subsequent nuclear disaster threatens to do the most destructive damage of all. And thus, the media is highlighting the nuclear issue and the potential crisis that might occur should a full-scale meltdown occur.
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