no escape

Realize This.......

hilarionra's picture

Just because you're enlightened, doesn't mean you are through with your work. Just because someone passes over, doesn't mean that they stop serving. Just because you have the thought that you're done with clearing yourself out, doesn't make it true. Just allowing yourself to feel that way is willfull ignorance of the love you are. Just because you aren't awake(aware of who you are at the soul level), doesn't make it right for you to just mess around and use “ I'm not awake” as an excuse. We have instincts, they're there for a reason. You may not enjoy reading this, and in that experience, shows exactly what I am speaking of here. You get upset because you would much rather remain in la la land, than remaining in the love you are. This is because you would much rather avoid the reality of the situation, and you just wish for it to be over. Good luck with that path, you'll only end up facing these facts head on in the long run.

The love we are , love's to work on the love of self, for it benefit's everyone all at once, all the time. It's an eternal process, working on the self. This goes against the grain of every false teaching that there ever has been spoken of and shared with anyone throughout all eternity. You can reference eternal inner work as the love you are being a conscious digging machine. A conscious drill, with one objective. The objective is to heal the self, by going through all that pertains to you from all experiences that you've ever gone through, are going through and will ever go through. The conscious act of chewing away at the self, is a beating of the ego. The beating is necessary, for it dismantles it, and allows the being within to live a better life. More ethical, += more loving,+= better living, += the all, += shared equally, += eternity. Heal yourself forever, and in turn the all will also be healed through the simply complex laws that govern creation.

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