Parallel connection

So... cocreating. How much outcomes are left for survival? of extinction if someone knows? (Level of duality trying to explain)

Mario's picture

When I'm watching tv or so interacting with information beyond, in my mind, outcomes are portrayed over what is possible of true meaning of my five sense's so unconsciousness listen's to reality and unconscioussly overlap parallel reality's by having sense's aware and visualization's with thought patterns by the third eye conecting parallel reality's of meaning's in my head for new creation. When machine dont run I can picture the pattern of what will happen thankfully haha might sound insane this is hypothese's:   so the tree's are tree earth's parallel from my understanding close to this earth one magma #1 other one hollow #2 and other green plasma #3 let's say... also known as tree's=to humans on each level of # on earth working parallel to this one. each having an accelerator on planet and in mind's pineal. this will be of further work umm... this is mainly how I work when I dont feel it in back of pineal feels alot more less guided but mostly awakening in information from uknown incredible is the human body over analyzation will decide if I keep changing these thoughts or to trow it away. Its my kind of evolution everything happens for a reason so do not take action on this its only for acknowledgement of creating with um what extraterrestrials would have available at higher precision thought process


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