reality check

Reality Check, 2.0

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Reality check everyone who read’s this. The illuminati, are going to be playing out their role’s of taking the side of evil, while, we who discover this and decide to take a stand against it, are taking the roles of good. This is however a game, so keep that at heart. I know those of who you read this, and see the word’s “Life is a game” upset you, but this is the truth.” We have a responsibility to our fellow family member’s on this planet, that is to take care of each other, and be there for each other. However, to reheart us all again, we all have contract’s that we agree’d upon before birth, that determine our experience throughout this journey on the planet. Essentially, all we can experience forever, is working with the inevitable. Now that being said, the entire contract before birth, literally determines, who live’s and who die’s. What part’s being’s play, good, bad,  and both covertly, all of us together as one whole family on this planet, are playing these role’s and not a single person is excluded from this. NOT ONE.


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We have technology on this planet that can literally assist us all in living a better life completely. The only catch is that the being's who have access to this technology are ordered to stand down and not release it to the public en masse. This is a fear tactic projected unto them, and the main fear is that if they release this information to the public, they will face dire consequences for their actions. Death being one, another is losing all that they have worked for. The situation that is contained within this use of fear, not only to keep them in line with their duty that they agreed to obey on paper but also through the use of admiralty law.

The signing of their name's on paper is done in capital letters and states that they agree to assist the illuminati in supressing the lives of other's on this planet.
This is done to keep other's in line, through fear once more. Complacency, blind trust towards tyrannical being's on this planet, who also have fear tactics projected unto them as well. It's a vicious spiral (inside a circle) of communication via the network's of the illuminati on this planet. Their inner circles consist of the purposeful actions of conspiring against themselves between themselves, and everyone else on the planet simultaneously. Albeit the energetic understandings of consciousness being expressed via creation's law's and the propaganda used en masse all across the planet.

Religious fanatics are completely insensitive.

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Religious fanatics are totally insensitive. Every single one of them. The reason why they're insensitive, is because they're walking around, telling other's that they know the way to "salvation" and threaten you with damnation if you disagree with them. They condemn you for being the love that you are, for pointing out their misunderstandings, they condemn you, they tell you that sex is wrong, when it's perfectly natural to touch yourself and enjoy the sexual energies. They condemn you for genuinely loving yourself and other's as equals, and enjoying helping other's in the way that you're heart truly desires. They condemn you for being all that they are not, and they refuse to even admit to this fact because they're completely willfully ignorant.

They will also condemn you for nurturing a child properly. Letting the child know that touching themselves is okay, that it's okay to desire to see other's naked and to examine themselves and other's completely are they are. They condemn you for nurturing the child in understanding their true intelligence that lies within them, just desiring to be truly nurtured with real unconditional love and ruthless compassion. They condemn you for nurturing yourself and the child for expressing your true sexual desires. The reverse psychological misunderstanding that they refuse to condemn and claim that it's perfectly natural, is being gay or bisexual, and or getting a sex change.
They're all for complete delusion and stating that their savior from their religion of choice will come back and they nurture their children to abide by their way's because they're older, they have more experience on this earth than you, so therefore, they know better.


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The current president, and the being's also running for president, are in on the new world order agenda together “in secret” behind closed door's. They're all given specific information in regards to how to go about getting specific responses from the being's on this planet. They discuss how to go about this, in great detail, hence the term “ the great work”. They know precisely in the public eye, which groups they need to say they support, and which one's they do not, and behind closed door's that isn't shared through all media outlet's is the fact that all of them, are being the truth, but are not fully disclosing the truth in regards to what their actually going for. Being the truth but not always telling the truth.


There is the constant threat amongst the population for speaking out against these facts. Why? Obey their rule of thumb. Do not question authority, go along with the in crowd, and keep your mouth shut. This is the same way they treat each other, behind closed door's. They know what's going on, where all the energy is taking us, and yet continue to persist in not speaking a word through all outlets on the planet, to assist humanity in their enlightenment directly through spoken word. Instead they use their knowledge to conspire against humanity, and know exactly like I said before, how to go about getting what they desire from the public, who defend them with all that they are. Why? They identify with the fear and pain of the programmed ego mind's resistance towards the love they are.


Copyright and piracy.

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Copyright and piracy.


First off piracy supports where humanity and this planet is headed in the long run, the life where you don't have to pay to get music you desire to hear, and the artist making the music doesn't need to support capitalism or any other current societal standard from this and other nation's on this planet, in order to continue living and supporting themselves and family. The whole copyright law infringement war is full of beings who are pitching tents and throwing temper tantrums over the fact that that which they've put their whole being into , to support and attain their inner dreams.


Piracy goes against the grain of the greedy, selfish beings on this planet. You stating that you aren't greedy or selfish, how about you go give some inside information in regards to what you know about the corrupt , hypocritical beings working in the government. (right now it is absolutely impossible to go without the use of currency in order to continue living.)


Telepathic communication and consciousness exploration.

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Telepathic communication and consciousness exploration.


One way of experiencing telepathic communication, is through thought. Another is through color.


Another is through feeling, or vibration. Another through breathing and allowing all that you are consciously going through to work it’s way through your system. This is allowing your consciousness to learn, grow and expand simply through breathing in your experience of being present. Emotion and emotional discomfort is another form of telepathic communication. Apart of taking it all in, are the visions, visuals both inner and outer. All the emotions,feelings,thoughts,fear, pain, discomfort, and all attempts to eliminate those feelings also, the complete and total dis identification with the self, and all that one goes through is another form of telepathic communication.


Another way of experiencing telepathy is consciousness exploration. You can refer to that experience like entering Dante’s Inferno, abandon all hope the moment you become willing to explore all that is within your psyche. If you are unwilling to abandon hope, you will be nurtured into being willing to abandon hope, via the nurturance of becoming aware of your higher self, your soul, stepping in your body hologram, gradually. You will encounter of the variations in which fear and pain appear as. This is the shapes shifting nature of the unconscious reactive controlling conflicted believing contradicting conditioned ego mind’s mimicking device, from every direction you can imagine. In turn all that I previously mentioned in the first paragraph about the telepathic experience, will be mimicked back at you, in an attempt to deter you from continually exploring your similiarly uniquely equal consciousness that is the love you are within your heart, where your unification with all life is found, thus experienced.



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Our nature, is to take in all the forms that the energies of creation come in. Thought, vision, feeling, emotion, negative, positive, pain and fear, along with the indescribable. Our nature is also to take all of what we go through, and use it to learn grow and expand our heart’s, in turn dissolving that which is not our heart’s, by going through that which is not our heart’s, the moment the realization that what we went through wasn’t our heart comes to us, all that energy is used to assist us in learning, growing and expanding ourselves further. That which is not our heart’s is the unconscious reactive controlling believing conflicted conditioned ego mind, this thing, which has creation’s will contained within it, mimics all that we are not, back unto ourselves, and everyone else simultaneously.

All of that happens using all that we are, all that we go through , and using it to uplift ourselves forever.

Realize This.......

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Just because you're enlightened, doesn't mean you are through with your work. Just because someone passes over, doesn't mean that they stop serving. Just because you have the thought that you're done with clearing yourself out, doesn't make it true. Just allowing yourself to feel that way is willfull ignorance of the love you are. Just because you aren't awake(aware of who you are at the soul level), doesn't make it right for you to just mess around and use “ I'm not awake” as an excuse. We have instincts, they're there for a reason. You may not enjoy reading this, and in that experience, shows exactly what I am speaking of here. You get upset because you would much rather remain in la la land, than remaining in the love you are. This is because you would much rather avoid the reality of the situation, and you just wish for it to be over. Good luck with that path, you'll only end up facing these facts head on in the long run.

The love we are , love's to work on the love of self, for it benefit's everyone all at once, all the time. It's an eternal process, working on the self. This goes against the grain of every false teaching that there ever has been spoken of and shared with anyone throughout all eternity. You can reference eternal inner work as the love you are being a conscious digging machine. A conscious drill, with one objective. The objective is to heal the self, by going through all that pertains to you from all experiences that you've ever gone through, are going through and will ever go through. The conscious act of chewing away at the self, is a beating of the ego. The beating is necessary, for it dismantles it, and allows the being within to live a better life. More ethical, += more loving,+= better living, += the all, += shared equally, += eternity. Heal yourself forever, and in turn the all will also be healed through the simply complex laws that govern creation.

Seen unseen seen unseen seen.....

hilarionra's picture

At home, you have a responsibility to yourself, to take care of all that takes care of your living space.

Clean/organize all dish(es), bathroom(s),shower,all floors,counter tops, sinks, cabinets, fridge(s),clothing,shelves,desks,trash,

All assesories, including all technological items,furniture, bed(under and around), cosmetics,closet(s),all area's outside the living space.This includes the lawn, the driveway, the backyard, the garage, the vehicle of transportation(s). To organize all of this, top to bottom, not

OCD style – that's insanity. Just keep it all in its proper place when it needs to be put back, keep it all organized and clean, not overly sterile like youre boy in a bubble, that again is insanity.

Cooking food = clean hands, clean dishes and silverware. The food itself whether its organic or fast food or a mixture of the two doesn't matter, so don't go all insane in your attempt to find the purest healthiest food on the planet and keep the pattern going, that would be insane.

Water = yes drink the best water you can get your hands on, but if you cannot, drink away. Drinking too much water = insane, same with food, and all over activities.

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