
When God Calls You

UpsideDown's picture

The light of God entered me in 2007.  A shaman and earth angels working on me.  I was wealthy then. In 2009 God asked me to forsake all.  Never argue with God.


So I did, I became homeless, so that others may indeed 'Wake Up'.  Find their heart of compassion and love.  God asked me to heal those with little light or love.  A huge quest.


I thought I had become succesful, but I resolve myself to the fact that I have somewhat failed. I sacrificed all for God.


Do you know I do not even have one pair of winter shoes?  I live in the UK so this is outrageous, Not so in India or Africa though is it?


I never go out anyhow these days to wear the shoes..................


So look in your closet and count how many shoes you have, and then ask yourself, do I need all these shoes?


Listen to your heart and in there you will hear God.  


Let us pray the meek indeed shall inherit the earth,  If not, I pray God will call us lightworkers home, and be done with you and all your 'stuff'.


Dedicated to all Hamsters still trapped on the wheel of materialism.

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