
Riding The Turbulence

Rain's picture

Before It's News - 11/26/13, Zen Gardner


The Shift is here. So many new people are experiencing the stepped-up strange changes and shifts in perception it’s amazing. Time seems altered, perception seems to be slipping. Many are feeling almost drugged by it.It’s moving fast. It’s not easy to describe but the effects change perception, your sense of timing and energy, and some are even sensing physical earth changes around them.And it’s all good!…that is, unless we resist the change.

Trends Now Appearing

I’m seeing some very interesting trends in the past few months in light of these changes, both inspiring as well as disconcerting.

On the surface, some of these trends seem to contradict each other, but really they’re manifestations of the same vibrational change in the midst of the mounting matrix clampdown, and we have to see them as such. These daily and even hourly choices remain choices for each and every one of us.

Chat Session At 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern ~ ALL Are Welcome!

Rain's picture


Please join us this afternoon!
ALL are welcome.




heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain and Silver)

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

We welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.

It’s the Questions, Not the Answers

Rain's picture


Before It's News - Zen Gardner, 11/20/13



Researching has taught me so many things. First of all, explore. Remain open and take the time to follow your heart and the leads and little nudges you’re given.I know I’m preaching to many of the choir here, but these basic principles have such a wealth of wisdom to be gleaned and many newcomers are daily finding this awakened perspective.We also soon find out the deeper one gets in the labyrinth of rabbitholelandia the lonelier it appears to become. It isn’t really in the cosmic sense, but we become estranged to our previous surroundings and ways of thinking and quickly realize our very lives are being drastically changed as we truly adopt the new Truths that are becoming increasingly apparent.

Baby and the Bathwater – Out They Go

Thinking Outside the Hourglass

Rain's picture


Before It's News - 11/21/13, Zen Gardner


This imposed artificial time constraint is a very subtle one, especially when you realize everything depends on perspective. We’re clearly experiencing a manipulated, illusory cycle of time with parameters that make us feel contained, limited. And that’s the intent. Closing in on your prey is an ingrained predatory behavior. If the subjects feel there’s no escape, compliant behavior will eventually follow.

That’s pretty clever on the part of the controllers, but it’s only effective when you’re not awake to what’s going on.

More: BeforeItsNews.com



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