

Rosa's picture



    We have passed through the Portal that was 2012!


    We have battled with the increasingly intense Energies that have


    bombarded us with ever relentless rapidity since 2011!






Haha (level unstable neutrality=deception's with truth)

Mario's picture

Once upon a time, there was thee (one) and he didn't no why he was and how he was, all he knew was what he could "see" darkness. And from there on out started to think in a quantum way, because he was of consciousness. He, from 1st density created by sound (Frequencie's) of consciouss thought's started from parallel reality's from dream state's creating the unexistent from exoextentional plane's of extra Ultaiemaeaxtreme state's of mind beyond higher frequencie's attainable by LIGHT ATTAINED BY*** more loop's of further realization's of 1st density time wasent acknowledged. Then to 2nd to 3rd to 4th and so on becoming more and more complex but each advancement in these quantum loop's in mind (consciousness) show's the simpless answer to the previous but never noticed because old is not of new but interconected within time that has been achieve by reality of our uknown augmentation. Time become's aware and this creation is new because it takes time to attain these exoextentional loop's of impossibility this is from 4th to 5th dimension of reality in plaines of new creation to simplistical knowledge of heart and mind working in conjunction with the body.

Where did She go . . .

Rosa's picture

Last night, after my friend Kyle Byrnes left, and having debated long and hard with myself, (because Friday night is generally my party night, and I have my family with me to join in this evening - don't really like to 'do' alcohol two nights in a row), I eventually decided to go and buy some wine. I've had the most excruciating pain in my ribs since last Friday, along with all the other ascension symptoms many of us are suffering from, and while the energy downloads have been spectacular, I was - overall - very pissed off, and there seemed to be no getting away from it, try as I might! So when all else fails . . . . . 


 I sat here drinking my wine, not blasting music as usual but rather in quiet reflection and enjoying the solitude - when there was a knock at my door. I answered it and in came a pretty young woman, shortish blonde hair, nice make up, strapless black dress and impossibly high heels - almost the exact opposite to me in appearance lol. She sat with me, drinking brandy and whatever else she brought with her and we talked . . . or she talked, I listened, because I knew she needed me to listen!


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