viel ...lifts past ....reality.....Christs sacred love ...flooding planet ....divinity

'Tis Completion

debbie's picture

Everything shifts as the viel now lifts

Truth is revealed at last past

The acting continues as illusion plays out

But Reality's here of that there's no doubt


Christ's sacred love surfaces to the top

When you just stop

As and at the ONE you truly are

This Love's arrived on Dragon's wings

And your heart sings , with glee ...merrily

Foundations of peace are already laid , so don't be afraid

Don't be afraid

This perfect love shall cast out fear , far and near

Far and near ,

Flooding the planet , cancelling time , fluid and flowing, feeling divine Devotion,

Enter the Timelessness temple of Light

Eternal Love has set All things right

The chimes blow and jingle

Let thine eye be single





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