what you don't know that you believe; unconscious belief; conscious belief

Belief Assessment: It is what you don't know....

FoodForHearts's picture

Today, I am thinking...no, receiving deeply in my heart-of-hearts that “you/me/we simply must acquire a truer and clearer understanding; a wise-knowing base, to anchor ourselves solidly into "the quantum real" in this New Year Age of 2013!” I am being told via the Inner-Divine that "we should continue to diligently work on being clear, as humanly possible, about the personal and global ramifications of the extreme extraterrestrial and inter-terrestrial energies that this year is rapidly shepherding in!”

Children of The Divine and Earth Mother know that what a vast number of us still need is an operational “Accurate Belief Assessment List”! We especially need this type of list now: As it is our personal and collective beliefs that will either sustain us, or, inadvertently cause our folding.

Many of us have spent years working on one or more self-improvement/self-actualization spiritual and/or personal life-path goal(s). We have also spent lots of money, valuable time and energy "doing the healing work". We give thanks to those teachers and mentors that came into our lives unexpectedly but always just in a "synchronicity perfect” moment in time! We own an enormous debt of honor and gratitude to those Divinely sent beings that came into our lives to help push/kick/guide us toward succeeding in that ultimate goal.

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