
What You Can Do To Quickly Heal Yourself from Pain

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Healing and Love June 16, 2013


If you have a sinus headache or a toothache or any sort of moderate pain or discomfort, there is something that you can do to help you get rid of this pain.  It should work instantly for you.

This remedy is better than taking over the counter or prescription pain medication as the pain medicine may have adverse side effects.  Remember that you have an inner and an outer aura.

This is your etheric body.  The etheric body follows the contours of your physical body and this etheric body composes the energy field in which you live and move.  When you are sick, it is typically because there is an energy leak in your aura or you are congested or depleted of energy.  Ki or prana energy is the vital energy or the life-force.

Andy Bojarski - Step 2 – How to Heal Yourself And Others – Understanding Your Chakras and What They Look Like

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Healing and Love Posted on June 15, 2013

GFP Commentary:  Using these techniques to heal yourself is for the highest good of all.  Everyone is capable of healing themselves and once these techniques are re-learned can teach others to do the same.  Healing another takes away their own personal power to heal themselves. 


This posting builds on the second posting about how to heal yourself and others. You can view that posting by clicking HERE.

We all have a physical body and an etheric body. The chakras in your body control and affect your spiritual and psychological condition. They also control and energize the vital organs of your physical body.

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