Blue Star UFO Report

Colorful triangle UFO formation captured in New Zealand – Aug 17, 2012

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The Truth Behind the Scenes
August 19, 2012

Our regular reader Luke sent us these amazing photographs of a colorful triangle UFO formation captured on August 17, 2012 in New Zealand.

Luke’s report: “Three objects positioned over my house in NZ, over the past three nights. I’ve noticed 3 stars materialize were there were none before. At first, I just passed them off as something that maybe I missed, until August 17, 2012”.

To see the photos and read the rest of this story, visit:

Put on the coffee. Little green men are visiting.

Rain's picture


GFP Note: This story is in Norwegian. I used the Google Translator to translate the first two pararaphs. One of the reasons I posted this is because there are several interesting UFO photos and videos on the page, including the one at the top of the page that this story describes. Be sure to follow the link at the end of this post!

Lena Kleveland
Published 8/12/2012. Updated 8/13/2012

"Put on the coffee. Little green men are visiting, " said Steinar Johansen (58) to his wife Mary Ann as they witnessed a mysterious celestial phenomenon on Saturday night.

LYSFORMASJONER: De underlige lyskulene var i starten formet som bokstaven Y.

LYSFORMASJONER: The strange balls of light were initially shaped like the letter Y
Foto: Steinar Johansen


UFO During Olympic Closing Ceremony? 2012

Lia's picture



UFO During Olympic Closing Ceremony (Witness and Video)




One of the subscribers of StephenhannardADGUK (George Harveston) sent Stephen a footage which he recorded using his cell phone from the TV. He was unsure if he spotted something or not, so he asked Stephen to have a look. There is definitely an object there.


Not only George Harveston saw a fast moving object. Also N3m3sis, subscriber of ‘The Truth Behind The Scenes’  witnessed a strange and unknown phenomenon.

Witness N3m3sis: “I live about a quarter mile from the Olympic stadium and the structure is in direct line of sight from my front door.


UFOs at Olympics Closing Ceremony

Rain's picture


UFOs at Olympics Closing Ceremony, August 12, 2012

 These are most of the videos that are available so far. I believe that there were GFL craft visible last night, but I AM not claiming to be certain of what is shown in these videos.

We are posting these as an "FYI - This is What People Are Talking About." At this point, nobody is saying, "These are starships." Remember, UFO stands for "Unidentified Flying Object."

Watch them, compare them, keep an eye out for more footage and feel free to comment. If you are going to comment, though, please try to remember what I have just said and be kind. It is possible to state your opinon without being rude or judgmental. We are Family and there is no need to be insulting or disrepectful when sharing your thoughts. The Golden Rule - check it out!

I AM pretty sure this is a blimp - presented for comparison.




First UFO Video - Olympics Closing Ceremony!

Rain's picture

Thanks to AussieNews1 and blackdogshow, we have our first video of a UFO at last night's Closing Ceremony!


Here is the video, followed by a description.



Published on Aug 13, 2012 by

An unidentified flying object was seen hovering over the 2012 London Olympics fireworks closing ceremony this evening in London. To me it looks like an aircraft or helicopter, anyway it is still news and any news on the Olympics is good news! a shame it is over.
Credit goes to blackdogshow for this video



Blue Star UFO Report - August 11, 2012

Rain's picture


GFP Note: Dear Brothers and Sisters, please help make our Blue Star Reports the best they can be by sending me the latest UFO footage either here or on our Facebook page. Thank you!

Blue Star UFO Report - August 11, 2012




Bill Ballard – Update – Cool UFO Sighting These Past Few Days – 6 August 2012

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Lucas 2012 Infos
August 6, 2012

There has been some really good footage of UFOs these past days and weeks. Much I post below has occurred in August already. All of these I post are recent sightings June~July~August 2012. Some of the footage is quality, and some not. Remember, when you see UFOs… it’s alway unexpected, you film whether you are ready or not.

There are Hard Metallic Ships and also Lightships in these videos…
Some are our own Secret Government 3-4D projects along witht the 4D ETs (Hardships) and some are literally from out of this world (5D+ Light Ships).. ha

I hope you enjoy!

So much disinfo and accusations came out from the disinfo agents aka~trolls after the Olympic UFO sightings and then again after August 4th date which so many of us covered in our news postings. I was attacked personally for the videos I made on the subject. I get a bit agressive when attacked… I guess that is understandable.

'Warping' UFO Spooks Cedar Rapids (Video)

Rain's picture

by Tom Rose, August 7, 2012

A video showing a group of "Generation Ex-ed" 20-somethings from Iowa using iPhones to catch a crazy, bouncing ball UFO performing incredible feats of aerodynamics has been posted to YouTube. Is it real?

If the video is staged, it scores points for authenticity. It opens with a nerdy guy meeting up with his plugged-in buds in a Cedar Rapids parking lot. He uses his iPhone to get the once-in-a-lifetime shot of a bright, white, flying orb, hovering too close to the Moon.

Suddenly, the object starts zooming through the sky at impossibly odd angles, flying faster than any airplane, jet or helicopter, all the while carefully framed in the camera. Until the end, when this inexperienced cameraman misses the money shot.

If this is a hoax, it's a pretty good one.


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