
Heavenletter #4200 Serve Because You Love to

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Heavenletter #4200 Serve Because You Love to, May 25, 2012 

God said: 


When you want to do something, and you do it, that is serving. When you do from a sense of duty, without the joy, that is not serving. There is a big difference between serving from your heart and serving from obligation. Serve because you love to. Serve because it is your joy to do so.

Of course, there is value in your washing the dishes even when your heart isn't in it. You are cleaning up a mess. Someone has to. How much better it is when you can feel: "I love to serve my family. Right now washing dishes is my way to show love to my family. They leave their cups in the sink, and I am happy to find them there in the sink, and I am happy to wash their dishes. I am happy to be part of a family."

Heavenletter #4199 Dream, Dream, Dream

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Heavenletter #4199 Dream, Dream, Dream , May 24, 2012 

God said: 


I speak now. I say you are beautiful. I say you are love. I say there is One Alone in all of Creation.

I, God, speak in the present. When I talk about the so-called past, it is to soothe you and bring you to greater understanding. It is the same when I speak of what is called the future. I desire to give you solace and a greater vision. Having a greater vision is a necessity. A greater vision starts with dreaming.

Heavenletter #4198 Sing Life's Songs

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Heavenletter #4198 Sing Life's Songs , May 23, 2012 

God said: 


You seek joy. Of course, you do. You seek joy, and you seek importance. You seek meaning. You want to be fun-loving and meaningful, and you want your life to be fun and meaningful. And, yet, so often, too often, the joy and meaning you want elude you.

You run after joy and don't find so much of it. You chase meaning, and often are disappointed.

Heavenletter #4195 The Creator and the Created

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Heavenletter #4195 The Creator and the Created, May 20, 2012 

God said: 


In My Name, are you. In My Calling, are you. In My Love, are you. In all that I AM, are you. In all that you are, I AM. In all that, to your eyes, that you are not, I AM. I AM in you, and, therefore, you ARE in all. There is not an iota of the created world that you are not or I am not. We are One inextricably One.

Heavenletter #4194 Call It Love

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Heavenletter #4194 Call It Love, May 19, 2012 

God said: 


So many thoughts you have. How they race around. Come, settle down. Let your mind rest a while. Your mind does not have to be so busy, so occupied with one thought after another. Your mind can recline in a hammock, put its feet up, have a little recess from thoughts racing back and forth and up and down like a scale in music.

You have been resting your heart and speeding up your mind. This is askew. Let the mind rest and your heart surge. Your heart is ready to go.

Heavenletter #4193, To You Heart's Content May 18, 2012

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Heavenletter #4193, To You Heart's Content  May 18, 2012










Your heart is opening and opening. You are setting your heart free. Once upon a time, you had braked your heart. You went way less than the speed limit. You may have cut your heart, your beautiful heart, in two, packed half in reserve, the other half for view or perhaps show. Now you are pulling the restrained half of your heart out of storage and restoring wholeheartedness to its rightful place. You are beginning to make sense. How happy your heart is. And how happily your heart pulls the world forward.

Heavenletter #4190 A New Shoreline

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Heavenletter #4190 A New Shoreline, May 15, 2012 

God said: 


When life doesn't turn out the way you wanted and thought it would, then it is incumbent for you to go along the new path, even when you don't know where it is taking you.

Here is your test of letting go, letting go of the dreams you held, letting go of the change in the course of the river of life, the change that presents itself to you now. Many are finding this now.

One way or another, your anchors are being loosed from their joists, and you feel adrift. Well, you are adrift. You have been set loose, and now you are in a different direction, even when you don't know what the direction is. You may feel directionless, but, know this, you are not rudderless, and your connection to Me is infallible and infinite. Dear Ones, it feels that you are adrift. Everything points to your being adrift.

Heavenletter #4189 The Oneness of Life

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Heavenletter #4189 The Oneness of Life, May 14, 2012 

God said: 


Be My love. Be it. Be what I made you. Be the love of your own life. Be an inspiration to yourself. Look not so much for inspiration outside you. It is there, yet assert inspiration within you, within your heart. You who are in Truth dependent on every other Being are, at the same time, the One Self-sufficient, an ennobling One Being. All there is is you, which is the same as to say all there is is I. Oneness alone is. God alone is.

Heavenletter #4188 The Key to Relationships

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Heavenletter #4188 The Key to Relationships , May 13, 2012 

God said: 


Hasten your heart to speak its language. Your heart's language is love. Languages are to be spoken. That is what they are for. Words are not the only language. Without words, love can be spoken very well.

You may be rusty in speaking the language of love. If your giving love has been squeaky, oil your love with practice. Practice the giving of love, and you will be a natural speaker. You will not know how to stop expressing love. It is natural to express love. Love is meant to be expressed. A cow gives milk. A heart gives love. Pump that heart of yours, and love will express itself.


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