Aaron Asphar's blog

On the futility of worry and the illusion of control

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These ought to be just footnotes to what is really important right now, which is to grasp and understand the depths of your own self, or to grasp and understand the depths of your own experience of reality, the two being one whole truth in experience, but alas, apparently divided and contradictory realities in language and thought.  For many, however, these issues are not so much footnotes as the necessary a footbridge to that very problem, because worry and the illusory struggle for control over your reality lies between you and  a full understanding, thus a full possession, of either yourself, your life or your reality…




What you seek to control in your life is controlling your life. Haven’t you noticed that?




Worry and try to control…I’d be lying if I said these are tendencies I struggle against. They aren’t. I have learned that it is never, never useful or liberating to worry, and such an insight saves me a vast amount of inner tension and energy. If you can secure this truth for yourself – and the truth demands not just the mental understanding but the experience which affirms it – then worry can begin to fall away: never will you solve the problem of worry if you think the problem is outside of yourself which the worrier always does.




What do you actually control? Do you control the texture, temperature, duration of your experience or your body or your life?Do you control your fine movements? Do you control even a significant portion of the minutia of experience? What do you really control but for the yes or the no, reaction or else the non-reaction? You control nothing but your non-reacting to the world, let me tell you that much for sure.




Hmmm…a bit of a mind-blowing insight for me this one.

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Look at your hand. Each centimetre of skin has about a thousand individual cells, separated by cell membranes, each in themselves a dependent, though in situ, entirely self-functioning, self-regulating system, and each developed out of each other, one by one – billions upon billions of tiny little self-functioning systems all adjoined and functioning together in perfect graceful co-ordination. Move your hand – wiggle your fingers: see how they work in perfect, instantaneous synchronicity in response to the most subtle, virtually unconscious desire or intention, delivering it more perfectly and more specifically then ever your mind could so quickly conceive…


Now look at your other hand, and your arms together – look at your body and your head and your mouth. Look how ever part of you is a perfectly ordered synchronicity of billions upon billions of highly differentiated, highly specific cells all working in the most breath-taking harmony you could ever imagine. It’s a fucking miracle! Think about it: looking in the mirror, dancing around – some profound co-ordinating intelligence manifesting instantly your vague intentions, your vague whims: it’s just incredible – a breath-taking miracle.


Emotions in relation to the energetic structure of reality

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Just some more observations here. I am trying to describe unitive realities in a language of duality, so aspects may sound contradictory: alas, our language cannot well express a reality that is A and B at the same time: well ours is A (objective), B (subjective), C (quantum field or spiritual/energetic), three different ways of looking at the one fundamental reality. I am seeking a language which bridges subjectivity and objecivity, and the term I use for this emphasis is ‘psychosocial’. I ought to flesh these out and try and bring more clarity to this but finding it impossible to edit or read my own work at the moment…


What is an emotion? Emotions are neither personal or impersonal until we make them so. An emotion is wordless, but the ways we label them, judge and personalize them are social and endless. Emotions are psychosocial energetic manifestations of unresolved, inner systemic tensions, but if you can be emotionally free thus not fear them, you can see they are also a language: and if you can master them, they can become a radical, productive power in themselves. However, emotions are far more usually in bondage to the idea, to the norm, to what other people think, thus keeping us wedded to the emptiness of non-being. Why? Because emotions are socially and historically enslaved beingness. They relate to human evolutionary-historical work – it is what produces and then churns the world. It’s what in the East they call karma. It’s what I see as part of a social-historical emotional structure and structuring force of life.


Some intuitive flashes…

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You are walking humming a tune: why do we do this – what’s happening? Music, especially that which is performed, entrains the body, mind and emotions into a coherent, harmonic rhythm which for a moment eliminates conflict between them, liberating conscious energy, and this is experienced as increased presence and enjoyment of life. This harmony is far more efficient in terms of conscious energy, and the liberation of this free consciousness is the aim of all artistic pursuit, all pleasure seeking, and all reconciliations of tensions and opposites in ones life. This free consciousness can be used for pure spontaneous creation, and a deepening of enjoyment, and transcendently deeper experiences, for example spiritual, thus revelations in terms of truth and understanding. But the implications are much broader. In all of our life, harmony equals transcendence! Implication being? Turn your life into a song – but make sure its your song.


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