AdiGaia's blog

Lightworkers around the world are holding and anchoring the Light like never before!

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October 26-November 2nd, 2014

Beloved Ones,

Lightworkers around the world are holding and anchoring the Light like never before! Each person is endeavoring to nurture themselves each day by doing kindnesses unto themselves, little rewards that make them feel acknowledged and seen. You are all learning that self love is a necessity in order to move forward on your spiritual path. Love of self is a vital component in one’s overall spiritual development and it keeps a person in balance and in harmony, both within themselves and in the world around them. As the distractions of the outer world continue to bombard the senses, this practice keeps one steady and grounded. Never forget how wonderful you are and that you are deserving of all the good in the world.

Most of you have been receiving more downloads from the cosmos and this will require the usual integration and assimilation. There is more focus now on moving forward by contemplating that which brings you joy and that which brings out your passion. Much of this has been contemplated upon for many months and now it shall become much easier to implement....


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This New Moon Portal may be "the Universe is about to unzip its limitations" ~

hat-horSo having said this, here is the channeling from the Hathors, enjoy

The avalanche portal of discoveries of the past and the discoveries of the future, shall ring true to the ears of those who are familiar with said statements. Shall ring true to the ears of those who understand innately that which we speak of.

For through the Avalanche portal of your known understanding of personified existence on human earth, you shall be granted access to the highest octaves of your higher self. Through the Avalanche portal of the Emerald frequencies and recognition purposes. For the emerald principles of your being shall propel you to the recognition that indeed such frequencies are plausible and comprehensible in your world.

For indeed the Avalanche portal is that which shall propel you to and open the door to your home planets, to the destination of that which you all hold sacred. The Avalnch portal of abundance, restoration, recalibration, balance, peace, harmony, health, love, fruitful endeavors, aligned opportunities, significant encounters… ALL this is coming your way, all this is already available, all this can and shall be found in the Avalanch portal of the coming new moon. The Avalanche portal of abundance, health and joy. The avalanche of love and affection, the avalanche of prosperity, benevolence and peace.

We call upon all lightworkers in the world to hold the vision high of the new Earth made manifest.

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We ask that you discipline yourselves to not be distracted or sidetracked from your purpose by the created illusions that beset the world during these times. You all have ability to discern what is real and true and to create what you desire to experience and this is where your attention should be focused. Peace is a reality if you can bring this into your own experience. From this, it flows outward into the world around you and has an exponential effect on everyone and everything. The new epoch is being created by your adherence to the highest ideals that you can envision and hold as your focus. The key here is to identify with your divine origins on a daily basis and act as the daughter/son of the Divine.

. It is time to let your light shine, to let your goodness and purity of heart shine, to let your deep love of the Creator shine. Decree daily the light that you are and do not falter in this practice. It is necessary to add this field of protection around you as a shield or sphere of light.

Oct. 16-17 Sun was exactly conjunct Arcturus, and the Arcturian Corridor -- Universe is about to unzip its limitations...

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Oct. 16-17 Sun was exactly conjunct Arcturus, and the Arcturian Corridor has introduced an entirely new ascended frequency band into our planet which is now off-setting most negativities and allowing the ascension to proceed unabated to its destined conclusion.
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We the Council of She ask you to ‘take it to the limit one more time’. We send you comets asteroids solar flares. We send you postcards from Sirius, from the Pleiades, from Arcturus and Andromeda. We send you etchings from the green grass and signature songs from the birds. We do it all for you. To keep you from giving up, for you are the hope of the planet. You are the ones who have never given up, even though they wanted to. In this lifetime you come to clear on a cellular level the three falls of Atlantis. Not only earth Atlantis, but the destruction of the star Atlantis and the energies that befell it.
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We know that you have many disappointments and angers at the Creator. We know that sometimes you feel your prayers have not been answered. We know that you feel as though you have been discarded and deserted, but that cannot happen. You know that you are never alone. We ask you to take it to the limit one more time for all that you have ever believed in and everything that you could not prove.

Standing in Power and Love and Being a Focus of Radiant Light for the Earth Transition

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The Emergence of the Inner Warrior of Light

Standing in Power and Love and Being a Focus of Radiant Light for the Earth Transition

The Eclipses of October 2014

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

As this energy intensifies on the Earth, all of those who are resonant with the incoming Light Codes and the Diamond Light, will feel their Inner Warrior of Light being activated and will feel the need to express a powerful Heart Connection with the Earth and with her peoples. This energy will be expressed in different ways; for the young it may be in protest and organization, for others it may be in more quiet and focussed activities of meditation and other group energy activties.

In all cases, what is birthing now, as you move into this month of October with its Lunar and Solar Eclipses, is the emergence of the Inner Warrior of Light, a powerful expression of the Divine Light within, that allows you to shine forth and radiate the Light that you for all to see. You will no longer be afraid to be who you are, but will joyfully be empowered to express the Love and Compassion that lives within you. This you will do in ways that are unique to you, as you express your unique and beautiful essence as a Soul and Spirit in Human Form.

Equinox through Blood Moon Eclipse Passages: Revealing the Shift

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Everything has changed – again.

The Equinox through the Blood Moon Eclipse passage brings a deepening of the Solar Cosmic Christ that is somewhat unexplainable in linear terms. You have to feel it to know it, however I will do my best to describe it here. For the linear levels: We have four Equinox-Blood Moon passages in 2014 – 2015 which increase in intensity as they anchor the Solar Cosmic Christ. They get more acute in their purpose, shorter in their duration. We are in the middle of one right now.

The Equinox brings the balancing point for New Light entry (the precise Equinox date/time is based on an off-planet point out in space to align perfectly with the Sun); the Blood Moon eclipse brings a finishing, anchoring energy at the end of the New Light influx. The windows for 2014 – 2015 are:

Equinox March 20 – Blood Moon Eclipse April 15 (25 days)
Equinox September 22 –  Blood Moon Eclipse October 8 (16 days)

Equinox March 20 – Blood Moon Eclipse April 4 (15 days)
Equinox September 23 – Blood Moon Eclipse September 28 (5 days)

The Division of Realities

Since the end of 2012, we are different people. Layers of illusion dropped, the veils lifted and many of us left – the old Self dissolved. Our collective perception, the collective creation of HUmanity on his planet, re-created what was familiar, repeating the old light creations in a collective agreement. Some diversified from the norm, realizing what Ascension, Resurrection, and the Shift were truly about. We went within and the truth was revealed to us.

Stargate opening: The greatest Epoch in human history...

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Mankind at certain times have always stood before immense epochs in their history, where the collective stood before the portals of the next dimensions and then had to either step through this portal, or were left behind.

It was declared that this time round enough Light workers would be activated who could step through those portals, and then bring in those necessary octaves of rising which would allow the New Earth to truly settle in, without outside interference.

A lot of souls therefore, who were highly evolved then volunteered to assist the planet through this new epoch and ensure the full anchoring in and blossoming of the New Golden Age.

The transition phase then has now begun – the phase when the old is making way for the new and therefore now the frequencies and vibrations of the planet are undergoing immense upgrades and with it the upgrading of mankind is simultaneously happening.

The door to higher consciousness, to ascension, lies in the constant and continual feelings of sublime states of joy, bliss and gratitude. Practicing and feeling these states connects people to the higher realms of perception...

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September 21-28, 2014

The forces of light and love take great delight in joining with the individuals who take part in a worldwide focus to bring in the highest outcome for the Earth and all of humanity. By the efforts of these combined forces of light, many positive and benevolent changes take place in the world. It is a sacred and holy work that is performed with love and reverence by those who heed the call. Lighted souls the world over turn within to offer their deepest and most heartfelt desires to the Creator of All That Is in faith and trust and a deeper understanding that they are each a divine spark of the divine manifesting upon the Earth.

They turn then to contemplate the beauty of the world around them and celebrate the wonders of nature, the incredible sunrise and sunset, the myriads of tiny creatures that surround them, each unique and incredible in their exquisite detail. They drink in the colors of the flowers and notice how each petal seems to radiate light from within. They connect to the trees and listen to their timeless messages of fellowship, nurturance and support. They begin to realize that life thrives on their planet and it is all connected to All That Is and that they also are a innate part of it. They sense that each moment they spend contemplating and admiring the wonders of the world they live on is an endorsement and an acknowledgment of gratitude for the abundance that was created for their enjoyment. It is in this way, they realize, that the universe responds by bringing them more of that which fills their hearts with joy.

On September 26, Jupiter begins a trine to Uranus that lasts several weeks. Jupiter in trine to Uranus opens a portal to good fortune, positive energies, and new and interesting people. This is a great time to bring forth new visions and new creations.

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Dreams and Eclipse Portals Transport us to Future Life Tracks

We are approaching a period of accelerated and powerful energies with the upcoming fall/spring equinox, an eclipse series in October, and Mercury retrograde from October 4 to 26. These energies will bring windows of opportunity as well as challenges designed to help us re-calibrate our spiritual connection and restructure our approach to our purpose. The decisions we make during this period will cast a wide sphere of influence well into the coming year.

Revisit your intentions to make the Most of Magnified Energies


On September 26, Jupiter begins a trine to Uranus that lasts several weeks. Jupiter in trine to Uranus opens a portal to good fortune, positive energies, and new and interesting people. This is a great time to bring forth new visions and new creations. Artists, writers, inventors and visionaries of all kinds can ride waves of success during this period. This Jupiter/Uranus trine leads us into a grand fire trine (with Mars, Jupiter and Uranus) conjunct the October 8 Lunar Eclipse. We will talk more about these energies as we draw closer so stay tuned.

Creating a Unified Field of Intention

The vibrations and influences of the last cycle are destined to die away, as they are replaced by the more refined ones of the New Age.

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SaLuSa  19 September 2014

The vibrations and influences of the last cycle are destined to die away, as they are replaced by the more refined ones of the New Age. There is something of a battle taking place for supremacy between the dark and Light, but there is no contest inasmuch that the Light is destined to reign supreme. The dark are steadily losing power and no matter how much they try, they cannot overcome their demise. However, they are to be reckoned with until their power is removed. They cannot last much longer and are already losing their influence where worldly matters are concerned. It is their karma to experience defeat and the failure of their plan for global dominance. In their gross arrogance did they really imagine that God would allow them to decimate the population. They planned to reduce it dramatically to a “manageable” number that they could easily control. So have no fear, as that plan would never be allowed to interfere with the evolution of those of the Light.


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