AdiGaia's blog

We have a new platform for our physical experience of multidimensionality here on beloved Gaia.

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The Seamless Merge of Dimensions


The June Shift did not disappoint. We encountered the marker on this miraculous Ascension timeline when we merged dimensional expressions. It was seamless, profound and changes everything – again.

We have a new platform for our physical experience of multidimensionality here on beloved Gaia. We received a huge amplification to accelerate our perception of what occurred 18 months ago at the end of 2012. Now we apply our knowledge of these events with the New Light provided and attain wisdom at last. It seemed like a long journey, then it was boldly, instantly un-created for the New. A seamless shift of perception.

We are different beings, in a different area of space, dealing with different energies, creations, and many tools which we planted in the planet to assist us during this passage. With this deep realization comes acceleration for many on the Ascension path; responsible creation will be the test of Mastery during this passage.

We have been told that the old Divine Blueprint for the Earth has now been withdrawn, and the advanced Divine Plan for the Aquarian Age is now pouring forth, by way of the powerful, new Ray energies from our Mother/Father God, via the great Archangels.

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We have been told that the old Divine Blueprint for the Earth has now been withdrawn, and the advanced Divine Plan for the Aquarian Age is now pouring forth, by way of the powerful, new Ray energies from our Mother/Father God, via the great Archangels. The times of turmoil and uncertainty that we have been experiencing these past few years were necessary in order to prepare us for this amazing, new influx of Creator Light. Archangel Michael tells me that this fall we will begin to see some of the results of these powerful, transformative vibrational frequencies. Each of us will magnetize to ourselves the appropriate level of higher frequency Light that we are capable of integrating, so that we may then activate and radiate it out into the world of form. Dear friends, this is what we have been preparing for over these many past years. So, I ask you to focus on what is right in your world, and to express gratitude for your blessings, as you go through your personal “Rite of Passage,” and clear the decks for the bright future that is just over the horizon. As Archangel Michael tells us, “Hold steady, beloveds. The best is yet to come.” Forever love and angel blessings, Ronna


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This is now becoming activated in the life of some ascending masters of creation who are participating in the planetary creation system of universal living creation civilization which has begun within the existing planetary and universal community.  To bring this activation into the life of one’s local community, it is suggested to remain open to its presence as one is participating in one’s local community life.



The new original creation universe is becoming an expression of the inner and outer universal dimensions which have the unity of both realms integrated into oneness for the continuous life of ascended community and its components.


As the infinite universal dimensions are becoming unified, they are mutually complementary and harmonizing.


The Transitions of this Time By Archangel Michael

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The Transitions of this Time By Archangel Michael
Channelled through Natalie Glasson-
With the presence of love awakening the rising of the goddess to bring forth valuable and sacred
wisdom from the Creator to activate and inspire the Earth and humanity more fully, so numerous
energetic keys and codes are brought forth to be acknowledged and understood. The vibration of
the goddess has the power to activate numerous energies and consciousness of the Creator within

All is in process for grand Hue-manity and hu-manity mass awakening.

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Interwoven timelines currently inhabit near Earth energetics


gaia_energy1Interwoven timelines currently inhabit near Earth energetics. Requirements for Hue-manity birthing include exposure, recognition, separation, and transmutation of such, by individual Hue-Beings.

hu-manity follows the leadings of the Hue-Beings.

Treading of prior time paths proves fruitless.

All is in process for grand Hue-manity and hu-manity mass awakening.

Establishment of Unification Paradigm complete.

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Gaia Activations are moderated


gaia_energy1Gaia Activations are moderated for a period to allow full integration at acceptable levels for hu-manity.

Sites of Light influx recalibrated and re-aligned for next phase.

Complexities erased.

Phase shifts in progress.

Establishment of Unification Paradigm complete.


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