ellion's blog

Are You The Hundreth Monkey?

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Before any good idea becomes common knowledge, resistance rules. - A.D.

The "resistance" is ignorance.  This term should not be interpreted as a disparaging description, but merely a fact.  There are various reasons for resistance, but conservatism is the main reason.  In general, people just don't like change, and "resistance to change" is the dictionary's meaning of conservatism.  Again, this is not meant to put down anyone in particular.  The trait just dominates the human being in general.  But that is changing.

Think of anything that is considered "normal" nowadays and trace its history.  Human resistance has always played a part before it became "the way everybody does it"..  It is the way of evolution.  Discovering a better way works right away, but getting others to accept it is rarely easy.

Currently, the world is in the midst of a great "Shift" which is transforming human society into something quite foreign to the general perception.  This will completely erase all things that cause mankind pain and suffering.  Do you believe this?  If so, you are as involved as is this author, busily spreading the news at every opportunity, This is delicate and great patience is required.  You may not be sure because everything looks like misery is on the increase or you may be completely opposed to such a notion.  None of them matter as the Universe needs no help. 

Have you heard of "the hundreth monkey" effect?  Humans are not monkeys of course, but this experiment in this article, exemplifies the results in both communities, for this is how the Shift is taking place.


Life In The Matrix

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According to metaphysical thinkers and associates, the Universe has entered a New Age.  This occurred on December 21, 2012.  For decades this date had high expectations of suddenly transforming humankind into dwellers in a paradise "garden of eden" or at least evidence of the beginning of such.  Of course many were disappointed and the "I told you so's" came out of the woodwork to point out that they knew all along that nothing would happen and further contributing to the melancholy mood of the disappointed..  If anything, conditions on this blue island in the darkness of Space, have darkened and the pace has only accelerated since then.

Does that mean that our species is hopelessly locked into a Cosmic Entropy of sorts and that "the end of the world" looms at the doorstep of the future?  Many think so as their perspectives are filled daily with "evidence" of war, poverty, injustice and the like.

There is however, great hope, yeh, promise, for our planet home.  As stealth as a caterpillar in a cocoon, our society has developed wings and will burst into magnificence when the right moment arrives.  The caterpillar knows this somehow and when the butterflies fill the air, the evidence will become quite clear.


The patriots of old used crude methods compared to today's technology.  They managed to rouse themselves and overthrow tyrannical rule which has sinced been challenged by the modern tyrants.   Still, all weapons forged  are inferior to the power of Love and all citizens are all armed with that!    Imagine what will happen when the greater number steps forth...


Abundance for All...(Part 1)

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Why hasn't abundance for All manifested yet in modern society?             


I have been watching "NESARA" now for 15 years and still it's the same.  "Anytime now", "Just around the corner", or other such worn slogans.


Recently, a new one has cropped up called the "OPPC" or something like that.  To me its just another conception that has been injected into the hope industry of control.


Of course, they could both be right and suddenly become manifest as the worldwide financial system comes crashing down and that would be excellent.  Then again it could go another 15 years, about the time I turn 81, lol.  In truth, we don't know anything more than the words or videos we watch.  Blend that with experience and you have your present understanding, always subject to change.  So if money has been your the determining factor for happiness or sorrow,.the present condition of the economy may be troubling you.


God Is = All There Is

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God is All There Is, and at the most fundamental level, we are One with the Power and Presence of God. Enlightened Awareness is a State of Being in which we have our own personal, subjective direct experience of The One, and as a result of that awareness, we practice Enlightened Action. If we want to experience Oneness with All That Is, we can begin by observing our actions in our day-to-day lives -- how we create separation between ourselves and others. There is a saying in the mundane world that, in my opinion, equally applies to the Spiritual Path: “Fake it until you make it!” By making some subtle shifts in our responses to life and practicing more Enlightened Action, we can create a climate conducive of experiencing Enlightenment, as it is difficult if not impossible to experience Oneness when our actions consistently place us in a position of duality. 
Article Continues...


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Money is a touchy subject in the spiritual realm, and a lot of folks are quick to judge that anyone bringing the subject to the forefront, are subject to suspicion.  So be it that is their journey.

On the other hand there are those who have an interest in it because want or need more.  The point may be brought up that you don't really need anything to be happy, except Love.  Well, that's true enough, so how about the word "desire".  


Why desire money though?  I would guess it would be because money is an energy that can raise yours.  Assuming of course, that the inner work is attended to first.  Or maybe not.  Perhaps a person has been too attentive to survival and all their waking energies are directed to that end.  Regardless of any particular person's reason for money, its an energy very few can do without.


The amount one has or one is expected to get, has a certain definition of the quality of life one can enjoy.  I think that most of us could agree that the plus side is more favorable that the alternative.  The extremes of balance go a long ways in both direction towards rich or poor.  Personally, I've never experienced either end of the spectrum for any duration.  Sure, I've been "broke" at times but never destituted.  I've even felt "rich" at times having in my personal possesionalmost ten grand when I sold my house back in the eighties...  lol



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           Whoever brings blessing will be enriched,

and one who waters will himself be watered. 

Proverbs 11:25




I would like to invite you to our blessed Community "2010 Blessings.

We bless and are blessed.





Love and Peace,



Politics and Lightworkers

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These two topics seem antithetic to each other.  Both see the other as "unreal", yet they both exist in this 3D world.  Political people see the New Age as something to keep the wishful thinkers pacified, for to them it is but pure imagination.  Good for the hippies and kids but impossible in their perception of the "real world".


Lightworkers on the other hand, view the New Age as very real.  We know that the transformation is occuring before our very eyes, but of course, a person needs to have "eyes to see"  The New Age is stealth and only reveals itself to those who actually want to look. 


The frustration comes for those who want to look, but still can't see.  They feel the changes in their experience, but the world still operates the way it always has.  Power, money, corruption.. all these and more try to convince the mind of the seeker that it's hopeless.  Meanwhile, those who see, keep their distance, less they themselves should fall into the quagmire they observe.


What was it that Yoda told Luke Skywalker, when he was convinced he would never be able to go up against Darth Vader and company?  "Trust the Force" or when David's own countrymen called him a fool for going against a big guy like Goliath?  Something like "Its you guys that are nuts, I have my ally that I trust (God), and I'll drop this guy before the day's out!"



These are but a couple of examples where the dark and light met.  You can write volumes on their many meetings, history has given us.  The point is, are we living differently then what the Source expects?  Is staying separate from the dark a cure for what ails us, or is it a form of fear?  Can we ever expect change without confrontation?


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Ask for what you really want.

Send out a clear heart-felt intention
right now that everything is manifesting effortlessly for you.
Take a moment to FEEL this right now.
Become absorbed in the FEELING and
surrender to the greater power within you!

You don't even have to say "Abracadabra"

Jafree Ozwald


I know you're just going to LOVE being on this enlightening list...enjoy!





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