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Money is a touchy subject in the spiritual realm, and a lot of folks are quick to judge that anyone bringing the subject to the forefront, are subject to suspicion.  So be it that is their journey.

On the other hand there are those who have an interest in it because want or need more.  The point may be brought up that you don't really need anything to be happy, except Love.  Well, that's true enough, so how about the word "desire".  


Why desire money though?  I would guess it would be because money is an energy that can raise yours.  Assuming of course, that the inner work is attended to first.  Or maybe not.  Perhaps a person has been too attentive to survival and all their waking energies are directed to that end.  Regardless of any particular person's reason for money, its an energy very few can do without.


The amount one has or one is expected to get, has a certain definition of the quality of life one can enjoy.  I think that most of us could agree that the plus side is more favorable that the alternative.  The extremes of balance go a long ways in both direction towards rich or poor.  Personally, I've never experienced either end of the spectrum for any duration.  Sure, I've been "broke" at times but never destituted.  I've even felt "rich" at times having in my personal possesionalmost ten grand when I sold my house back in the eighties...  lol


There is nothing to compare to spiritual wealth though and in that area, I feel very wealthy, but as The Beatles once sung,  "money can't buy me love", only in reverse.  Love can't buy items at the local store.


Having said all that limited information, their is a Community I just became a part of, that incorporates Love with "making money".  I use those terms as a relative transfer of understanding, for making money is usually attributed to working and business.  This is a Community, not a business.  Important to distinguish due to its unique emergence in the world of commerce.


I was introduced to this Community quite unexpectedly while perusing the usual sites I explore, looking for a way to find the prosperity and abundance that I so often read about in the Metaphysical world.  I had no doubt I'd find it someday or that it would come to me.  Well Bingo, it did!  The timing was perfect.  December 21st, 2012.  I was secretly hoping for a great event to occur, but one quite different than this!  I spent that entire day, investigating this Community and was extremely elated to find that it was exactly what I had been seeking since beginning my abundance quest.


I had to give a little information first and the usual paranoid feeling s of spam fear came, but were dismissed just as quickly.  My name, email and phone number were submitted and I entered the gates of this Community.  It allowed me 8 days of study to see if it was just a dream.  


It is a Private Community, meaning that someone has to invite you in, and what I found was nothing short of mathematical genius.  In fact, it was something I had envisioned some 15 years ago and related to a friend, that the whole structure of social finances was built on the same premise as that of the conventional makeup of the pyramid.  All businesses are built like that.  This Community has found a new form.  So I joined on December 22nd.


Joining is very simple as is all that is presented.  Once I understood and agreed to the terms, my "Inviter" placed me on "The Wheel".  This is an actual, visible wheel in your back "office" (I prefer "room")  Bottttom line is that I was assigned to send $25 cash to a complete stranger.  This was done as a gift with no expectations of any return or gain.  It wouldn.t be a gift otherwise, would it?  The second part was to send the Community Administration a donation of $10 cash or electronically through a Payza account.  This is the only exception to the Cash only clause.

That's it.  I was now a lifetime menber, with no more out of pocket exchange.  Very liberating.  I felt great and still do, after performing this.  The person I sent it to called me and thanked me.
Well, thats all I'll type here, but I am inviting YOU to see what we're all about.
You can investigate this yourself and enter the portal of abundance, as I like to call it.
Sure, I expect there are plenty of skeptics out there and this probably isn't for them at this time.  
Any questions?  There are two live Webinars every week on Monday and on Friday.  I'll share that info with anyone who takes interest.
My Inviter ID is 96807
Love and Peace in this New Age :)