Legalize Freedom's blog

Miley Cyrus just shattered and saved the music industry. 432 hz <3

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Miley Cyrus, a spiritual giant waking up.

I know Miley Cyrus personally.... in a way. I saved her life a year ago. This is a curious tale you are about to witness. November 2013 I started writing a comedy about Disclosure, she became a character. Wrecking Ball was fresh on the airwaves. I believed in illuminati mind control conspiracies from YouTube. I was very worried about her. I thought Wrecking Ball was a cry for help, maybe it was!

While writing I got blasted with light very often. The light would possess my dogs. I'd sit and talk to them telepathically. It was a curious period in my life. I used to write to Obama most days of the week for a long period of time about issues, having heard his role in Disclosure. One day he gave me a telepathic link to him or his higher self. I asked him telepathically while writing this comedy for help gathering the artists. They showed up!

I met so many celebrities, powerful political figures. But I didn't ' talk to them. They'd show up where I went, Panera bread, at work at the hOMe Depot. It drove me nuts. I broke down. I had just reunited with my then soulmate and I didn't know how to explain this to her. I couldn't sleep at night. I would cry at night,
Miley Cyrus - 1 Sun


The internet is a free country

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What if the galactic federation were to do a broadcast on our internet ? What if each person at a specific time,  or for example the first time they log in  on any given day, were to see a pop up  "We are the galactic federation of light, we have an important message for you " then a few links popped up , one about 9/11 truth, one about  the truth about the war on drugs, how some drugs can help us get further along in our evolution , how THC cures cancer , one a bout GMo and monsanto,  and etc ?

What if it was our collective prayers on 9/112 that stopped the end of the world ? 

I think this should happen, please call upon such a change, to begin disclosure,

Together we can cure cancer!

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Imagine over 100,000 people showing up to the white house saying "hey , we know THC cures cancer, do something about it!"

Be one of those people!

34 studies confirm THC cures cancer! Treat us with dignity and respect, help us, stop hurting innocent people!

It is very easy for people in power to corrupt our lives and lie to us to line their pockets. It is fully known by science and a huge movement of fully cured people that THC oil eaten each day fully cures cancer. over 34 studies confirm this. End the drug war which penalizes human recreation and dignity and violates everyone it touches. Good drugs do exist and they improve our lives, cannabis is one of them. Let us use cannabis and anything we wish, accepting the consequences, we are adults and deserve to enjoy our lives not be molested by the brutality and hate of our government which denies even simple scientific reason. Use your drug war budget to heal addiction, addiction, not drugs, is the problem.

My chaneled words about Obama, NESARA, and changes of peaceful intentioned loving kindness.

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here is something I wrote on facebook,  I hope it will be useful to others :

The human condition is very curious, perspective change changes everything in the world, without our consciousness in this world it does not exist, relative to us. It would seem as if a gathering or federation or league or legion of Good people, or anything we could call it, a communion of like minded gentle souls were to be birthed on earth that all good could happen. I am making a leap of faith to guesstimate that there are enlightened beings in this universe, they may be thousands of times more conscious than we are, they may be perfect as God is, as Jesus was and blessed that we could be one day. The yoga exists, the methods of purifying a self on this planet to a level of that immortality and absoprtion with God exists. This is something if understood by all would be a great blessing. This message can reach all for the first time through the interconnection of technology! The union of technology with all souls on this planet or at least enough to profoundly impact change makes it a great chacne for a true living avatar of God, an enlightened being, a Christ, a savior, to come and reach to us all. Maybe through angels, enlightened beings from friendly planets that travel in ships made out of  their own consciousness and light and love of creatior, creation creator energy. Maybe through any number of ways, such as Earth traveling t hrough these supposed photon belts of spiritual energy and deciding as a conscious planet to raise us to a higher level.

Reality to policy makers : Immediately change the nature of the drug war to legalize substances safer than liquor

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Immediately change the nature of the drug war to legalize substances safer than liquor and promote freedom and health.
(authors note, watching my grandpa waste away in pain, though he is strong enough to be able bodied if it can be called that at all, makes me ponder the sad reality of his alcohol and opiate use ( mainly opiates ) when he clearly needs a new lense on life, love, something he never even knew was possible, being a child again at least a few times a month from MUCH safer medicine, the illegal reality of my benevolent 0 harmed religion is hard to deal with, so is the fact my ideal career cannot exist until freedom matters to our people again)

Click here to sign!

If a person goes to a liquor store they can drink themselves to death. They will not be punished for alcohol overdose. Families are encouraged that alcohol is a part of life to be used responsibly, yet on the other hand cannabis is a medicine, has been around since the beginning of time and in every pharmacopeia of the world, and is a safer responsible choice. Putting healthy productive GOOD people in jail for using any drug safer than alcohol makes no sense. It is like legal assault rifles but 40 year jail sentences for buying paintball guns.

Cannabis, iboga, magic mushrooms, peyote, and more have substantial long term benefits to RESPONSIBLE users. Irresponsible use is a health-care situation not a crime. Killing is a crime. Drugs are not.


Freedom not persecution!

150 People who care becoming millions of lives saved! Add your voice to the request for the cancer, alzheimers, and etc cure!

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My friends first I wish to relay a story. I was meditating and I saw a faint light like that of a cell-phone, green in nature, from where my cell-phone was not. My mind said "The Galactic Federation is real" and I began to feel a strong magnetic energy around me as if I were to levitate.

having said that, hopefully we are aware cannabis cures cancer, not by smoke or inhalation but through ingestion of the refined oils of the plant each day. 

it also can heal alzheimers, diabetes, anxiety, depression, mental illness, arthritis, chronic pain,  brain damage, and more.

it is troubling in particular little children are being poisoned to death not just by food supply, not just by meidcine, but in a sadistic and cruel process called chemotherapy , and it is my insight that this procezs was never intended to work, rather, to kill. 

So, regardless of the white hosues response, sign this! 
When someone goes to this petition and reads it, and for that to happen we need 150 signatures, they will learn a new truth. This means that when you sign this, you will save someone's life, because a new person will stumble onto this site randomly and learn how to heal a temrinal illness. 


I've heard some odd arguments against cannabis, that it supresses the immune system. The people must be thinking of smoke inhalation, and while it may not suppress the immune system, i can see what they mean. Its been proven to kill the flu virus, but obviously not in smoke format. Our endocannabinoid system is integral to health and longevity, the oldest woman in the world, from India, at age 125, said her secret was smoking cannabis each day of her life, and she smoked a huge amount of it. 

Spread awareness of a powerful cancer cure!

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Many readers here are well aware that there are medicines inside cannabis which is a medicine as it is in whole which cure cancer completely, both killing cancer cells and creating new cells.

Here is a wonderful to read article detailling just how powerful this plant is. 

For those who are wondering, medicines invented by the western pharmaceutical paradigm, when they work, rarely cure. For example, a man can drink soda his whole life, get diabetes, and be told it is genetic, and be given a pill for the rest of his entire life. 

Cannabis oil eaten not inhaled however actually fixes a terminal disease. That is a real medicine. It is not toxic, it is not addictive, it can be used to wean off and detoxify deadly and pointless pharmaceitcal substances, and unlike chemotherapy which seems to be "state sponsored genocide" replace state with whatever the truth is, wealth elites? Corporate greed ? Both ? SOmething of the sort at the *very* least, 

Now, think of it this way, a plant, with no side effects, whose *high* can be dosed to be as mild as a few cups of coffee or one or two beers, can heal ALL the pain of an "incurable" disease, as well as cure it, with no side effects.

any way you look at it the criminalizatoin of this and other profoundly useful tools is an evil we cannot bear to allow to continue. 

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