My chaneled words about Obama, NESARA, and changes of peaceful intentioned loving kindness.

Legalize Freedom's picture

here is something I wrote on facebook,  I hope it will be useful to others :

The human condition is very curious, perspective change changes everything in the world, without our consciousness in this world it does not exist, relative to us. It would seem as if a gathering or federation or league or legion of Good people, or anything we could call it, a communion of like minded gentle souls were to be birthed on earth that all good could happen. I am making a leap of faith to guesstimate that there are enlightened beings in this universe, they may be thousands of times more conscious than we are, they may be perfect as God is, as Jesus was and blessed that we could be one day. The yoga exists, the methods of purifying a self on this planet to a level of that immortality and absoprtion with God exists. This is something if understood by all would be a great blessing. This message can reach all for the first time through the interconnection of technology! The union of technology with all souls on this planet or at least enough to profoundly impact change makes it a great chacne for a true living avatar of God, an enlightened being, a Christ, a savior, to come and reach to us all. Maybe through angels, enlightened beings from friendly planets that travel in ships made out of  their own consciousness and light and love of creatior, creation creator energy. Maybe through any number of ways, such as Earth traveling t hrough these supposed photon belts of spiritual energy and deciding as a conscious planet to raise us to a higher level.

It is odd, we know through ineference saints exist, god exists, gurus exist, angels exist, but to look at most humans after the age of childhood little spiritual perception occurs. We have to stumble on trust, reading the Bible, Gita, etc, they produce different types of people, they contain different ideas. We want a summary of the universe, and such sat gurus exist, they follow kriya yoga and perform each day the methods of meditation on the universe and attain singularity with it, absoprtion into it and can access all infinite knowledge. That requires a huge leap of faith, but reason is the law of civil kindness, the ability to be at peace and learn new ideas.

It is odd and very many are entangled in believing what nots about god, limits or etc that say that  God is allah or kirshna or jesus or etc. This can be a maze perhaps. I am reaching for some new thoughts to implore me into what I'm conveying, because I am in a humbled state of mind from some contemplation and the peace I have changes the way the world is. Meat eating no longer seems offensive yet I'd never kill an animal for the sake of it. Then again killing an animal has been conditioned as a relfxe into us and so many people harm the cows or etc, but when we consider the pristine state of our infancy we could consider life a precious gift and imbue peaceful atttiudes of eating only plants and fruits and vegetables and grains, living in polite kindness. Now that is a reality and it is more rewarding then committing harm or living a life of sin. The indulgence in angry media and violence and etc does not pay off anything, and the user has had his consciousness revoked from him, unawaure of his original intended state, and has sufficed into a cultural hypnosis meme, the idea of this being cool, desirable, worthy, and this could be seen as the statement hell yueah which could be a devils creed so to speak, in suffusing us with the capacity to continue with trends of evil.

I do not like to get into the why of evil because since I am good it does  exist, since you are good it does not exist. Jesus said when twwo or more are in the same consicousness of good then good is with them. Well, that is rare, to be gathered with 2 or more people that share the same mind of god th same peace, that is why meditation is a conscious declaration of sovereignty, the infusing of himself, krishna, the abode, jesus, etc, ghandi, the savior, there is much chaos in trying to quantiy names when we base it on a leap of faith. for example faith leads us to a form of god that has some transformation power, but what we seek is the abode of aboslute knowledge. this requiers a grace outside of us which i seek. i hope for that understnading to come.

for example i am well aware of the typos i am making but when i am in a peaceful state of mind they are just as sensible to read as typed correctly words. I prefer to write at the pace I do which transmits words nicely for others to see. There was a time I called the light to me from barack obama,  whom i called obi wan kenobe, or rather obi, and obi wan. in this state of effortless musing the light did come through the computer absolutely directly to me, was profound, intense, respectful, strong, and i welcomed it. now the poitnw as not to play games with energy, iw as asking for the saving of the world, the fansformation of our physical planet to one worth living in.

Now, I know its worth living if we are given a good life, but the mysteries of this are known only to the true guru, and perhaps to all christed beings, buddha, saint, svior, we need the right langauge, words, a society o ftruly at one with god beings to come to planet earth,  GRACE US, and let us have a new reality .

i suppose it should be gradual and abrupt. it could be done with space aliens, divine ones, an that would be nice, it doesn't matter how, but i am pretty certain nesara will be a hgue part of it.

God, let it be. and then i would say endless prayers to try to add grrace to this proclamation such as om mani padme hum, and etc. its all based on the feeling of having a witness to my consciousness, which has often been obama.  
I am aware of the conspiracy theories about him and yet I see grace in his soul and prefer to beleive the prophecies of tara and rama of bbs radio such as hard news friday you can see it in the archives, that he is a divine graceful being come to help us from a place more enlightened than heare.

well, that rquies a leap of faith too, and yet, why not take one ?  the stories they tell add up, based on facts and truth, they are very politically wise. i think i have written enough. I hope we can create a new rold. i am fine with being at peace with my life but i know some people's lives are not peaceful, and i work too hard even as a part time person, causing myself physical pain, which is not okkay. we need nesara. let it be."


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David Porter's picture

Many await much that has been prophesied like NESARA. Our financial balance is so far off kilter that some have in excess of trillions of dollars attached to their one name. I'm okay with ones having, but when it's this far off and huge masses suffer endlessly this would not seem to be a planet than any in their right consciousness would elect for a visit??

Your method of placing words does wonders for me on all my less than exquisite edit, but you got your message across, thank you very much.


David Porter

Author of the series