Oz Angel's blog

Ascension Diary W/C Monday 8th October 2012

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Wow... How a week (and a bit) can completely turn things on it's head!


Last time I blogged things were on an upswing.. A new business opportunity had just entered my sphere and things were go go go...


Last week I went to see a healer to have some energy work done and assist me in moving on a blockage that I had had for a very long time (I wrote a whole separate blog on this, that, if you're interested feel free to read)... Well, since then I can only tell you I feel like I've been run over by a truck... which reversed back over me and ran over me again!


I am more tired in the last week and a bit than I have been in a very long time... A deep tired that no amount of sleep seems to shift... I'm tired when I wake, I'm tired throughout the day and then roll around bedtime I"m still tired!


Dreams are confusing and somewhat manic and I feel as though Depression is nipping at my heels waiting for me to stumble so it can wrap it's arms around me and draw me further into it's depths.


I ache.. all over... and while I spent a couple of days last week really angry (more like a rage than just anger) which has now given way to this overwhelming sadness... Yesterday as I was chatting to my partner I suddenly realised that I am not motivated, and nothing has motivated me for a long time... I have no goals and really don't seem to care which way the wind blows me or what happens day to day...


If I could stay in bed I probably would... I am not wanting to see people or talk to them I really just want to be left alone... My solace is in meditating, reading and very little else.


I look forward to this shadow moving on and the releasing to be complete as this really isn't fun anymore.


Riding the wave, and reminding myself it's with Love ~ Joy and Abundance

Dragonling Garden.. Releasing the Karma of old wounds

Oz Angel's picture

So yesterday I went to see an energy healer in the hopes they would be able to assist me in moving on (what felt like) a stagnant energy that I'd been having trouble with for a while... What I got though was a whole other level...


Like any good healer we sat and chatted for a little bit, we talked about what I had worked through myself and been able to shift and the difficulties I'd been having trying to get this "thing" to release and move on. After about 20mins of chatting (and playing with some amazing Chinese gongs for a little bit of sound healing) we got down to the nitty gritty..


As we began the process the healer called upon the guardians of light and his soul group to assist in the process that was about to occur. He told me that usually his group will show up to him as Dr's or Lawyers (if there is negotiation to be done) Today, he said they have shown up with Ouzie's and Machine Guns AKA Rambo style ready to do battle... Great, I thought... Just what I wanted to hear... Not!!


Turns out this "thing" was karmic, and dated back well thousands of years off planet, back to a time when I had gone into league with the powers that were.. Seems (surprise surprise) I was duped!! I had gotten involved with a group of "scientists" who were playing around splicing different species dna together... Now, what the purpose of this was i still don't know, and quite frankly don't really care... BUT, I had spliced my soul with that of a dragon in an attempt to garnish the dragon power... Sigh, the things we do!! I had taken a dragon egg from the kingdom of the dragon's to use as a power source, only I had handed this power over to the dark one's and they in turn had used it to control me. I can't tell you how the tears flowed as I was able to return the power source back to the dragon's and watch as the dark one shadowing me was left with no defenses and nowhere to go... Except to the light


Sending Love and Blessings to Greg Giles

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For those of us who have been following the channelled scene for a while Greg Giles is a name that was often talked about in lightworker circles.. Chancellor of the GFL and Ashtar Command I had become appreciative over the months for Greg's regular updates.

Over the last month or so though I found myself out of resonance with Greg's work. While I still (for the most part) read his messages I found myself "put off" by the introduction of fear and accusations that had (for me) appeared more and more in his writings.

I was genuinely taken back though to read his "finale" message where he says he was "duped" that there is no assension, no GFL and no cabal... I have attached his message at the end but I do urge anyone who chooses to read it to use discernment as there was definitely some disturbing messages writing in the body of his finale writing.

Some chat rooms are asking if Greg has gone missing, others are saying his site has been hacked.. Whatever the reason, I would like to extend a big hug and thank you to Greg for his tireless work over the past few months. This is a big reminder for me on discernment, that we are all responsible for running messages through our heart before accepting them as true... Everyone is entitled to their sovereignty and to their own opinion... But I can honor and respect the person who is doing what they believe to be their highest good.

So, thank you Greg. Whatever the truth be behind your exit, I wish you well and from my heart to yours I send love and blessings _/\_

*link to Greg's final message..... http://www.ascensionearth2012.org/2012/09/message-from-those-who-share-t...

Ascension Diary W/C Monday 24th September 2012

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Today I woke feeling overwhelmed.. There was no logical reason for this. just a deep unshakable feeling that everything was overwhelming me… I also then realised for (maybe) the first 30 minutes upon waking I could not remember words.. A great sense of nothingness had invaded my head space and the usual chatter that I have upon waking was not there. It also meant that I could not describe to my partner what was going on and my only option left was to grunt and smile at his questions. Strangely though this did not concern me instead it felt …overwhelming. Slowly the words began to return and as I lay there listening to the latest SaLuSa channeling I began to feel more in my 3D body once again..

Once more I struggle with the notion that a week has passed since I last put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) as it feels more like a day, maybe 2 at a stretch.. But still, here I am (almost) 10 days on and wondering if maybe I have been leaving this physical body or if indeed the timelines are converging causing a further feeling of time speeding up. yet when I look at what has been done since I last wrote I realise there is much activity taking place..

Ascension Diary Thursday 13th September

Oz Angel's picture


I realised after I signed off yesterday that I really wanted to talk about my memory issues.. As the memory thing goes though I had completely forgotten hahaha and so here I am another day on and finally I remember to talk about probably the biggest change I have noticed on this journey… Memory.

I did a meditation last night and one of the things I asked my higher self was “What is going on with my memory?” I was given an image of a magnetic strip being wiped (think what happens if you put a atm card near a hotel door card).. So I understand that I am going through a period of having that which no longer serves me being wiped, but, from a 3D perspective it is really quite frustrating when I am mid conversation with someone and then for the life of me I cannot remember what the hell I was just saying lol… And I have to say this seems to be getting worse.. As an example I had a mate over for dinner the other night, I asked him a question and when he responded with the answer i looked at him like he was an alien (sorry galactic family) I then asked him why he would say that and he said .. you really don’t remember what you just asked me.. do you?.. A resounding No was the answer!! This is beginning to cause me no end of grief in my business, as you an imagine. I talk to someone on the phone and then the next day (not even) I have no idea who/ what/ when/ why or how… I feel like “Dory” from “Finding Nemo”… just keep swimming just keep swimming hahahaha

Ascension Diary Wednesday 12th September

Oz Angel's picture

Time is still playing silly buggers with me ~ I feel like I'm now living in "the eternal now" as I really have no idea of days or dates, when I'm sending correspondence from my business I find myself having to switch my phone on just so I can recite the time or the day.. The fact that I can say that my relationship with time has changed shows to me how far I have come on my journey. Only a few years ago wherever I looked I would be surrounded by clocks, and would be constantly asking what the time was, how much time we had left (on a certain project), what time did i have to be somewhere etc.. Then one day I got rid of clocks in my house, this didn't happen over night, but gradually one by one the clocks went by the wayside... No bedside clock, no clock in the kitchen, no watch.. These days the only timepiece in my house is the one that is on the front of my microwave. Yet I'm never late for appointments, I have plenty of time to get whatever needs to be done in my day done and find that I am far less stressed. I've now discovered time works 'for' me not 'against' me.. A significant shift in my belief system and one that I've noticed cementing itself to me as a marker on my ascension journey. So I find it interesting that yesterday a common theme I heard when talking to people was time and the varying beliefs that we all hold around it.. I had a realisation when I was talking to a friend over dinner last night that busy is our new collective definition of success.. Think about it, how many times do you hear people ask "You keeping busy" "Have you been busy" "Are you busy".. I could go on and on, and a lot of responses when you ask people 'how' they are will respond with "busy". The realisation I had was this... Busy keeps us in the dark to the truth... If you truly wish to connect with your heart, your higher self, your spirit then you look to slow things down and go within..

The gifts 9/11 gave me

Oz Angel's picture


Yesterday in Australia we saw the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on humanity… 11 years before 9/11 saw George Bush SNR gives us this (now) famous quote ”“[The war in Iraq is] a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times…a new world order can emerge.” 

The acts that were carried out against humanity 11 years ago should not be forgotten, but nor should it (in my opinion) be a constant source of further inflammation of hate and anger. Instead of further enslaving humanity 9/11 for me has become a beacon of awakening. It was the turning point for me to begin my investigation as to what really happened that day, which led to me having a much clearer understanding of those who would seek to control/ manipulate/ cajole and eliminate. Unfortunately for them the fear and scare mongering that was force fed to us through the mainstream media did not work on me, and so I looked deeper, followed the trail and found that the real truth did not align with what was being ‘sold’ to us through the media.

Ascension Diary ~ Friday 7th/ Saturday 8th/ Sunday 9th and Monday 10th September 201

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Wow, I could have sworn I only put my laptop down for a moment - but here we are Tuesday 11th September already and somehow I missed 4 days!


Time is still playing tricks with me - of late it has once again entered a period of speeding up - I get caught up in something, look up and the day is all but gone! It has been a few months since I last noticed this so I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the planetary window from 6th September through to the 12th.


Friday after starting with so much pent up anger subsided to be a rather lovely day... I have taken up "tapping" and really do notice the benefits (when I remember) to tap my way out of my mood. I did this on Friday and immediately noticed a lightening in my emotional field for which I was very grateful.. It is such a blessing to recognise these things - not by putting additional energy into them - but simply recognising - honoring that is where I am at at that present moment in time and then allowing myself to let it go... I have to admit though, sometimes it works, and sometimes, well.. I guess my ego still gets in the way ;-)


Ascension Diary ~ Thursday 6th September 2012

Oz Angel's picture

Yesterday was a pretty quiet day... No energy surges, nothing much to report at all.. There has been some intermittent dizziness which continues to come and go and my vision still feels like it is adjusting.. I seem to have issues with judging depth or distance when I walk, which has led more than a few times to me misjudging steps or pieces of 'deceptively flat' footpath.


My sleep last night was deep, I had a conversation with my best mate who crossed over (not quite) 3 months ago, I know he was giving me a 'heads up' about something but for the life of me on waking I can't remember what it was. When I did wake I noticed that i was in a 'bad' mood, so true to form my mobile began ringing around 7:30am with other people in bad moods looking to dump their energy on me...


I still have a headache (going on 2 weeks now) and the portion of my back between my shoulder blades feels as though it needs a good crack.


Today I hope I can find a little peace and quiet (we have houses being built across the road from us and a chorus of builders coming and going with machinery) as I am aware this anger is bubbling up to be released, not to be brought into.. My 3d human though wonders why it is that when I am already in a 'bad' mood that things will happen around me to exacerbate it... builders swearing at one another... machinery making horrendously loud banging noises... people wanting to outsource their issues instead of taking responsibility... SIGH!!! 5d me knows the answer, it is because I am sitting in the anger frequency that there is a reflection of yet more anger being shown to me... 3d me doesn't like 5d me so much when it's releasing time, I sound like a right smart ass LOL...


Ahhh well it must be time to go make a tea, put on my headphones and listen to some quiet music... Riding the wave... Much Love ~ Joy and Abundance _/\_

Ascension Diary Wednesday 5th September

Oz Angel's picture



I figure the easiest way to keep a track on the changes I am feeling is to blog them, and share them with everyone so that we may share the load and the experience. I am not saying these are the only 'symptoms' around nor that anyone not experiencing these are somehow behind or lacking.. My personal take on ascension is that it is as much a personal journey as any 'event', so as always, if this resonates with you I am grateful, and if it does not, I understand that too...


So, last night (I live in Brisbane, Australia) I was sitting on my lounge watching some mindless TV winding down from my 9 - 5 day when I got what I can only describe as a 'bolt' of energy surge down my left arm and go through me to the point where I could hear an internal "whooshing" sound (think waves lapping the beach) as the surges continued. This process went on for maybe 5 minutes... At some point I heard a familiar voice (don't know who's... yet) say "Welcome Home".



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