Dragonling Garden.. Releasing the Karma of old wounds

Oz Angel's picture

So yesterday I went to see an energy healer in the hopes they would be able to assist me in moving on (what felt like) a stagnant energy that I'd been having trouble with for a while... What I got though was a whole other level...


Like any good healer we sat and chatted for a little bit, we talked about what I had worked through myself and been able to shift and the difficulties I'd been having trying to get this "thing" to release and move on. After about 20mins of chatting (and playing with some amazing Chinese gongs for a little bit of sound healing) we got down to the nitty gritty..


As we began the process the healer called upon the guardians of light and his soul group to assist in the process that was about to occur. He told me that usually his group will show up to him as Dr's or Lawyers (if there is negotiation to be done) Today, he said they have shown up with Ouzie's and Machine Guns AKA Rambo style ready to do battle... Great, I thought... Just what I wanted to hear... Not!!


Turns out this "thing" was karmic, and dated back well thousands of years off planet, back to a time when I had gone into league with the powers that were.. Seems (surprise surprise) I was duped!! I had gotten involved with a group of "scientists" who were playing around splicing different species dna together... Now, what the purpose of this was i still don't know, and quite frankly don't really care... BUT, I had spliced my soul with that of a dragon in an attempt to garnish the dragon power... Sigh, the things we do!! I had taken a dragon egg from the kingdom of the dragon's to use as a power source, only I had handed this power over to the dark one's and they in turn had used it to control me. I can't tell you how the tears flowed as I was able to return the power source back to the dragon's and watch as the dark one shadowing me was left with no defenses and nowhere to go... Except to the light


A couple of things came to mind as I was learning and releasing that part of me and calling back my soul that had been left behind all those thousands of years ago... One was, well this sure does explain my love of Dragon's and Two... at least I know now why I have had the same recurring dream over and over again in my life.


I think I have mentioned in another one of my blogs that I felt like my back wanted to crack and allow wings through? All makes sense now as the dark karma had been steadily rising in me in an effort to reek the vengeance it felt was required for the damage I had done in the past... And the dreams I had had over the years of desperately trying to return a dragon egg to it's owner and never quite making it suddenly made a whole lot more sense..


Attached to that part of my life was also a 20ft cloaked something that identified itself only as the 'keeper'.. Not so happy to be met with an entire soul group of the light asking it to "move along".. Took a wee bit of convincing and some not so pleasant images being flashed through my head ~ but finally it surrendered to the light which allowed for that piece of my soul that had been left behind to find it's way home.


As this 'thing' left me I felt a great pulling on my left hand side... Suddenly my mind went blank, and I mean blank... No sound, no chatter... Nothing... Can't say I have had a quiet mind ever, so that was interesting to suddenly have space in my own head.. I felt a blanket being laid around me of white and gold, cocoon me as you would swaddle a new born. I felt raw and I felt very much like a baby in very unfamiliar surrounds.


I came home and pulled a card from one of my favorite decks... Now, how's this for a message... The card was "Dragonling Garden" "A new World is Born".. I am so grateful that the Dragon's are sticking by me and giving me another chance to work with them once again.. I choose this lifetime though to work with them only in light and love.


For now though I must rest.. I feel like I have had major surgery, I'm tender and so very very tired....