Ra-Raela's blog

The Great Barrier Reef Is At Risk From Proposed Coal Shipping, Right Through It!

Ra-Raela's picture

Yep, you read correctly. There is an unprecedented attack on our environment going on right under our noses. It seems to be an all out assault on all fronts. Let's love this one away!

Dear friends, 


Plans are underway to build a giant coal complex that could kill the Great Barrier Reef. But the company planning the project is deep in debt, and if we can convince a crucial investor to walk away, the whole polluting plan will be derailed. Sign this urgent petition now and help Save the Great Barrier Reef: 

Landmark Lawsuit Challenges Ag Gag Law!

Ra-Raela's picture

Kudos to the people who are standing up to laws that seek to hide the truth! What makes these laws so insidious, is that they are not just used by nasty agriculture practices, but they are also spreading to other industries, like the mining industry, which uses "fracking" practices to extract oilshale! We need to stand up to such nonsense!


The Wolf Is In Trouble! Please Help!

Ra-Raela's picture

Wolves are amazing animals. They play an important role in nature, and they are Mother Earths children. The consideration of taking them off the endangered species list is shortsighted and is going to put severe pressure on the remaining wolf populations

Please make this petition viral and stand up for these magnificent creatures!



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