ann albers

Ann Albers – Message From Ann And The Angels -15 February

Silver's picture

By: Ann Albers, 02/15/2014




My dear friends, we love you so very much.


Today we’d like to speak to you about competition. We are not talking about competitions set up for the sake of sport and entertainment. We are talking about the ego’s need to compete with others to feel better about yourselves.


In our reality, there is no such thing as competition. We understand that God designed the entire universe to work in cooperation. This love, this infinite intelligence is monitoring all of creation at every moment in time, fine tuning, making adjustments, and issuing new guidance in an attempt to keep creation working together in a beautifully orchestrated harmony. This is very much mirrored by the human brain that, at every moment, receives thousands of nervous signals from the body, and immediately sends out new instructions to the cells in a constant attempt to keep the body in harmonious balance and order.

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 8 February 2014

Silver's picture

By: Ann Albers, 02/08/2014




My dear friends, we love you so very much.


There are times in your life when God and the angels are trying to love you more than you are trying to love yourselves. These times usually look frustrating to you as human beings, and yet we have the bigger picture. It is frustrating to a child that he or she cannot have candy before dinner, and yet a glorious meal and dessert may be available soon. The adults know this. The child simply says, “I am not getting my way! You don’t love me!”


Ann Albers – Messages Ann And The Angels – 25 January 2014

Silver's picture

By: Ann Albers, 01/25/2014




My dear friends, we love you so very much.


Today we wish to speak to you about balance. We hear so many of you saying, “I feel off balance. I want to live in balance. How do I create balance in my life?” Most of you know what it feels like to be in balance and yet so very few know how to create this state of grace.


Ann Albers ~ Message From The Angels

Silver's picture

By: Ann Albers, 01/18/2014


You live in a society which demands instant gratification and yet so many times there is great value in waiting for your dreams to come true. In the process of waiting you grow. You cultivate characteristics that you will need to manage these dreams and enjoy them. You learn to find beauty and joy in the present moment. You stop giving away your power to false idols and learn that happiness comes from the inside. And when you find the right vibration and energy inside of yourself, then dear ones, you will be ready for the dreams you have requested. There are other factors involved in any creation as well. There are other people involved in many of your dreams, that must also be synchronized in their vibration.


However, at all times, the feeling you wish to achieve in the future is available to you, right here and right now.


Ann Albers ~ Message From The Angels

Silver's picture, By: Ann Albers, 09/07/2013

Take a deep breath. As you breathe in you breathe in the energy of all possibility in your life. Breathe out. Release limiting notions of what you can be, achieve, or have in your life. For with God all things are possible.


It is easy to feel trapped by life circumstances, but in all cases dear ones you, you have choice. You have the power to choose thoughts that are loving and positive, or thoughts that are conditioned and often negative. You have the power to perceive life as a a journey of opportunity for expanding love, or as a dance of survival. You have the choice to view people and situations in your life as obstacles, or opportunities for transformation.


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