
The Spider and the Swirl

Tryak437's picture

Last night I decided to place a few gemstones under my pillow to seek insight into my current situation and mission. I chose Nuumite to eliminate any psychic manipulation, negative energy or facades. Black Kyanite for dream recall (very difficult for me - even if I'm woken up immediately with a journal beside the bed I can't recall) and healing dreams, as well as connecting to spirit guides. Sodalite for understanding circumstances, cancelling out environmental energy pollution and uniting intuition with logic. Finally, I selected Rhodonite to assist with a traumatic past and a recent abandonment by my fiancé. With the stones under my pillow I went to sleep.

I "woke up" in the same room that I was in. I would have sworn that my eyes were open the room was so detailed, but in retrospect I realize they must have still been shut. Dangling on a long thin silk from the ceiling was a spider with very spindly legs. It was a light tan color. Intuitively I was unable to tell if the spiders was dangling down towards me, or had been "sucked" up out of me and was retreating on it's cord. I also couldn't tell if the "watching" was protective or harmful in nature, as my overriding fear of spiders colored the entire experience. I wanted to sit up immediately and smash it and was horrified the sanctity of my rest/bedroom had been violated (Really, this basement is rather prone to spiders.)

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