US to phase out antibiotics for fattening livestock

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By: Andy Coghlan, 12/12/2013

The practice of feeding antibiotics to healthy farm animals to fatten them up is being phased out in the US, a move that should help quell antibiotic resistance. However, the Food and Drug Administration has been criticised for failing to make the move compulsory. Antibiotic-resistant microbes are thought to kill 23,000 Americans each year and infect 2 million. In the US, 80 per cent of the antibiotics are given to farm animals. Since resistance develops when microbes are repeatedly exposed to antibiotics, giving them to healthy animals exacerbates the problem.


The FDA, which first proposed a ban in 1977, has told pharmaceutical companies that manufacture medically important antibiotics given to animals to voluntarily withdraw them from use as growth promoters. The manufacturers have three years to change labels on the antibiotics and other antimicrobials to state that they can only be given to animals for veterinary reasons, and prescribed by a vet.


FDA declares trans fats no longer safe to eat; partially-hydrogenated oils to be banned from nearly all foods

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By: Mike Adams, 11/10/2013

(NaturalNews) The FDA is on a roll. Barely two week after announcing new quality control standards for pet food manufacturers, the agency has declared that trans fats are no longer safe to consume. A ban of the toxic substance is in the works, and the FDA will spearhead the eventual removal of this disease-promoting ingredient from the food supply.


"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced its preliminary determination that partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs), the primary dietary source of artificial trans fat in processed foods, are not 'generally recognized as safe' for use in food," the FDA has now announced. "If the FDA finalizes its preliminary determination, PHOs would be considered 'food additives' and could not be used in food unless authorized by regulation."


For more on this story visit www.naturalnews.com

Tryptophan – The Natural Antidepressant and Sleep Aid Pulled to Save Prozac

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Naturalsociety, By: Christina Sarich, 10/26/2013

newsweek prozac cover thumbnail 263x199 Tryptophan – The Natural Antidepressant and Sleep Aid Pulled to Save Prozac

Several years ago, the FDA pulled tryptophan (an amino acid) from the US market when a contaminated batch was delivered to the American soil from Japan. Several people got sick, but it had nothing to do with trytophan itself, and only the fact that it was contaminated. In fact, trytophan is far safer than many of the sleeping pills on the market today (which have been linked to cancer and premature death). Still, it was pulled from the market, primarily to save FDA’s buddy, big pharma.


Part of the reason it was pulled from the market by the FDA was not to protect our health, but to protect the bottom line for drug companies. As a natural substance, L-tryptophan cannot be monopoly patented, which is a problem for the FDA and big pharma. Tryptophan is not only a safe way to deal with insomnia, but it also calms frazzled nerves and can be used as a safe antidepressant. It was big competition for Prozac, which has since been called less effective than a sugar pill and much more toxic.

FDA to Finally Remove Arsenic from Animal Feed After Years of Inaction

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Natural Society, By: Christina Sarich, 10/23/2013

animal chicken feed toxic 263x164 FDA to Finally Remove Arsenic from Animal Feed After Years of Inaction

Why does it take a lawsuit to get the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to listen? After a 4-year petition to try and convince the FDA that arsenic-laced additives used to feed our chickens, turkeys, and hogs should be removed immediately, the government institution is finally paying attention.


Arsenic occurs naturally in trace amounts on the earth’s surface and in our ground water, but when pumped into our food supply via animal feed and environmental waste, it can cause cancer and other serious health concerns – in every form of life – from plants to human beings.


For more on this story visit www.naturalsociety.com.com

FDA Food Safety Rules Threaten to Crush the Good Food Movement

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By: Cornucopia.org, 09/19/2013

After years of deliberation in Congress, interagency meetings, lobbyist activity, and a never-ending stream of food poisoning outbreaks, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is finally poised to implement the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).


However, according to a just released white paper by The Cornucopia Institute, the FDA’s draft rules are so off the mark that they might economically crush the country’s safest farmers while ignoring the root threats to human health:  manure contaminated with deadly infectious pathogens generated on “factory” livestock farms and high-risk produce-processing practices.


For more on this story visit http://www.cornucopia.org/2013/09/fda-food-safety-rules-threaten-crush-good-food-movement/

The Magic Duo for Cancer Treatment That Frightens The FDA and Conventional Medicine

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Prevent Disease, By: Dave Mihalovic, 08/22/2013

WIKI - Cancer Cells

Use of DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) in medicine dates back decades. It was predominantly used as a topical anagesic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Today, we know that DMSO can treat a variety of disorders including arthritis, mental illness, emphysema, and even cancer. While this is now considered a superb cancer treatment, orthodox medicine is not interested in discussing its benefits. If DMSO were to be implemented and used in cancer treatment, the “true cure rate” for orthodox medicine would rise from 3% to above 90%! Here’s why.


Supporters of DMSO have long supported the claim that it can cause cancerous cells to become noncancerous, or benign, and can slow or stop the progress of cancer in the bladder, colon, ovary, breast, and skin. Some evidence even suggest it is useful in treating leukemia, and it has also been used as a part of some metabolic cancer therapies.


For more on this story visit www.wakingtimes.com

FDA Knows Nothing About Most Chemical Food Additives Used In the U.S.

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Realfarmacy, By: Justin Gardener, 08/19/2013


About 10,000 chemicals are added to Americans’ food to make it taste better or look better, to thicken it, preserve it, or otherwise improve it. That’s an awful lot of chemicals for the federal Food and Drug Administration to monitor. How do they do it? It turns out that, often, they don’t. According to the authors of a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine this month, the agency doesn’t even know what all the food additive chemicals are.


For more on this story visit www.realfarmacy.com

80% of Processed Foods in US Are Banned In Other Nations

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Naturalsociety, By: Anthony Gucciardi, 06/26/2013

80percent packaged foods banned 263x164 80% of Processed Foods in US Are Banned In Other Nations

I write a lot about the dangers of processed foods when it comes to wreaking havoc on our health, but even I was surprised to find that 80% of pre-packaged foods sold in the United States are actually banned in other nations. And for good reason.


Whether it’s toxic soda brands like Mountain Dew, or sugary artificial cereals and carcinogenic ‘potato’ chips, around 80% of the processed food variety within the US actually contains ingredients that are banned around the world in countries like Canada and the United Kingdom. As a matter of fact, sometimes they’re banned throughout the entire European Union. The FDA, however, seems quite alright with these disease-linked substances lurking within the food supply.


For more on this story visit www.naturalsociety.com

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