Metatronic Consciousness

Guided Meditation for Rewriting Sacred Contracts

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture

Greetings All,

For those of you, who have been consciously participating in the work of Completion, Cleansing and Releasing of the last vestiges of what no longer serves our highest good this month I am sure you realize we are halfway through the nine day period of doing the work of the actual Completion, Cleansing and Releasing we started on Monday, March 10th.

During the days of Preparation, from the 1st through the 9th, we made some fairly long lists of people, events, situations and issues we knew had served their purpose in our life and awakening process that we now need to release, so we have been focusing on doing just that.

I am sure most of you know Kyra and I recorded a Guided Meditation to be used in conjunction with this work, but that I had also stated we would be recording and sharing at least two Guided Meditations to be used with this work.

I am happy to let you know the second Guided Meditation is now posted and ready for your use.

The first meditation was designed to lead you through the process of detaching energetic cords connected to what no longer serves your Highest Good.

This second meditation is designed to guide you through the process of Rewriting Sacred Contracts with others in your life.

The reason for the necessity for periodically rewriting the Sacred Contracts we have with other people in our lives is because as we Awaken more and more along our Spiritual Journey we change a great deal.

Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report: 3/14/14 – What DID I Come Here To Do?

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture


Today is a 6 Frequency day with 11 and 55 Sub-frequency influences, and a 77 Minor frequency influence.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 6, 11, 55 and 77 are:

6 – I AM Love’s Responsibility

11 – I AM Truth Illumined through Spiritual Revelation

55 – I AM the Higher Self Aware of Divine Will

77 – I AM the Divinely Inspired Synthesis of Spiritual Intuition and Physical Intelligence

The 6 energy is about taking on our individual responsibility in caring for our family. This means, not only our immediate birth family, which is always where we start; but it then extends out in ever widening circles until it encompasses the whole of The Family of Man.

It is about taking on our Responsibility out of a sense of Love, not out of a sense of obligation, and teaches us how to care for family without becoming overly critical and trying to make everyone exist in the world in the manner we see and believe to be the most proper; but instead doing so in a fashion that fosters each individual to be responsible for self.

This is the Mother aspect of the Goddess, the Divine Feminine, teaching others by words, deeds and actions of Love, not by coercion, force, guilt and intimidation, in how to think for their Self and be responsible in their interactions with others and the world as a whole.

Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report: 3/13/14 – I Hear You Spirit and I AM Ready for Change!

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture


Today is a 5 Frequency day with a 77 Sub-frequency influence.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 5 and 77 are:

5 – I AM Adventurous Change

77 – I AM the Divinely Inspired Synthesis of Spiritual Intuition and Physical Intelligence

The 5 Frequency and its energy loves change and is always looking for the next great adventure into the unknown; the occurrence that once it is experienced will change one’s perspective of reality forever.

The 5 frequency holds a neutral charge, so it allows for open-mindedness; it is simply about going in search of the “Truth” no matter where it is to be found. The 5 Frequency lends us assistance in having the courage to step out beyond our comfort zone; that small confined Box created by the mainstream consciousness mindset, and test the waters for what else just might be true.

This frequency also teaches the Right Use of Free Will, and although there is still much work to be done on Self before it can be ignited, the Spark of the Divine Rational Mind lies within the Frequency of the 5.

The frequency of 77 is about Creative Thought and Expanding our Perspective of our Reality. It is the frequency where the melding of our Spiritual Intuitive abilities blending into cohesion with our Physical Intellect begins to transpire. This Frequency stimulates, motivates and inspires the initial igniting of the Divine Rational Mind.

Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report: 3/12/14 – Compassionate Conscious Service to Others

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture


Today is a 4 Frequency day with a 33 Sub-frequency influence.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 4 and 33 are:

4 – I AM Form and Service

33 – I AM Compassionate Consciousness in Universal Service

Being a single digit number, the 4 Frequency is associated with the Physical World and the Individual, and it holds a Masculine (+) Positive Charge.

The 4 Frequency is about work. It is about creating limits, boundaries and a solid foundation upon which to build. It is represented by the Sacred Geometric forms of the Square and the Cube; equal in all ways and holding a unifying principle. The 4 Frequency, through the Sacred Geometric forms of the Square and the Cube brings light into your body and your life in a balanced manner, and assists you in holding your world in equilibrium. It helps you to build your life upon a strong and solid foundation.

The 4 Frequency teaches the lesson of steady growth through patience, and shows the value of a strong work ethic; but above all it teaches us about our work in Service to Others and about doing our share of any necessary work, both in the physical world and in the Spiritual world.

Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report: 3/11/14 – Divinely Inspired Joyful Creation

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture


Today is a 3 Frequency day with 11 and 77 Sub-frequency influences.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 3, 11 and 77 are:

3 – I AM Joyful Creation

11 – I AM Truth Illumined through Spiritual Revelation

77 – I Am the Divinely Inspired Synthesis of Spiritual Intuition and Physical Intelligence

The 3 Frequency is Creative Energy; Creativity in all forms. It is the initial energy of theCreative Life Force for the physical realms, and is the lower frequency vibration of the 111, and therefore associated with the Initial Spark of the Conception Energy.

The 3 Frequency is lighthearted and filled with the energy of Joy. It sets our imaginations free from structured reality and allows us to fly to Mystical and Magickal realms.

In this energy we play, we enjoy life and everything is has to offer. This way of existing, in turn, opens us to unlimited possibilities of Creative Expression.

The frequency of Joy is one of the highest, if not the highest frequency obtainable within our reality. When you exist in, and work from the energy of Joy anything is not only possible, it manifest into physical reality quickly.

Guided Meditation for Detaching Energetic Cords to what No Longer Serves Your Highest Good

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture

For those of you, who are consciously participating in the work of Completion and Releasing of the last vestiges of what no longer serves our highest good this month, if you remember on the 1st of this month we began the nine days of preparatory work of readying ourselves by taking a very close and honest look at Self each day, and making lists of what no longer serves us in our Spiritual Growth process in preparation for the work of the Cleansing and Releasing portion of this month’s work.

For the next nine days, from Monday, March 10th through Tuesday, March 18th, 2014, we will be focusing on actually releasing what we have found no longer serves us in our forward Spiritual Growth and Awakening Process. I know we have made some fairly long lists of people, events, situations and issues that we know have served their purpose in our life and learning and awakening process and we now need to release, so for the next nine days we are going to be focusing on doing just that. Kyra and I have recorded a meditation to be used in conjunction with this work. It is a meditation designed to lead you through the process of detaching energetic cords attached to what no longer serves your Highest Good.

This Meditation can be used daily if you like. It is all a matter of what you are led to do by your Higher Self.

Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report: 3/9/14 – Moving Into Metamorphosis & A True Hard Look At Self

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture


Today is a 1 Frequency day with 44 and 77 Minor frequency influences.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 1, 44 and 77 are:

1 – I AM Independent and Brave

44 – I Am Structured Power & Metamorphosis

77 – I Am the Divinely Inspired Synthesis of Spiritual Intuition and Physical Intelligence

The 1 Frequency is about the Self… you as the Individual you are. So today’s frequency is focused on working on Self. The reason work on Self is so important is because if we are to be effective at the work of assisting the Collective Consciousness we have to have our own energy balanced and flowing properly.

Remember the 1 Frequency is about New Beginnings. It is about starting a New Journey into unexplored territory in search of what else is out there.

Regular readers of the Daily Frequency Reports will be familiar with the example I share about the 1 Frequency and the journey of the Newly Awakened Self.

The Fool card in Tarot gives us a perfect example of the 1 Frequency.

The 1 Frequency and The Fool represent New Beginnings, being spontaneous and jumping in. Not in a sense of carelessness and reckless abandon, although from time to time it may appear to others this is the case, but out of a sense of wonder, awe, excitement and questioning.

Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report: 3/8/14 – Metamorphosis through Unconditional Giving & Forgiveness

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture


Today is a 9 Frequency day with an 11 Sub-frequency influence and a 44 Minor frequency influence.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 9, 11 and 44 are:

9 – I AM Unconditional Giving

11 – I AM Truth Illumined through Spiritual Revelation

44 – I Am Structured Power & Metamorphosis

I have always shared that the easiest way to come to understand and experience the frequency of the 9 frequency bandwidth is to think of Mother Teresa and Princess Diana and the work these two women did, and the energy they embodied and projected to the world. The loving energy that floods over you when you connect with this image is the energy of the 9 Frequency.

The 11 Frequency bandwidth holds the energy of Initial Spiritual Awakening. Here is where Spiritual Revelations and Epiphanies awaken those who still slumber; unaware of the greater Spiritual Truths of our Reality, and it assists the Spiritually Awakened in further expansion of their perspectives of reality and Spiritual Truths. Within this Frequency we can more easily see, know and understand our Reality from an expanded and more spiritual perspective.

Today the 11 frequency is here to lend support to the 9 Frequency. It is here to assist in expanding our understanding of Divine Unconditional Giving and the difference holding this level of Giving and Compassion can make in the world when we apply it to our lives each and every day.

Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report: 3/7/14 – Building a Sacred & Secure Physical Reality Guided by the Divine Voice of Spirit

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture


Today is an 8 Frequency day with 22 and 77 Sub-frequency influences.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 8, 22 and 77 are:

8 – I AM Secure Physical Reality

22 – I Am Spiritual Vision Building Sacred Structure

77 – I Am the Divinely Inspired Synthesis of Spiritual Intuition and Physical Intelligence

Very basically stated this frequency combination is about Building a Sacred and Secure Physical Reality guided by the Divine Voice of Spirit.

With the assistance of this frequency combination we are better able to hear the voice of Spirit leading us in building this New Reality though our Spiritual Intuition and filter it through our Physical Intelligence.

This allows us to interpret the Sacred Knowledge Spirit is telling us into practical ways of using and implementing it in our physical world and daily reality.


The 8 Frequency is very much about creating a Secure Physical Reality.

Let’s take a look at what this means.

What does a Secure Physical Reality mean to you?

To most of us it means having a nice home to live in, having food to eat and sustain us. It is about having enough money in the bank to live a comfortable life; a life free from worry and lack.


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