Metatronic Consciousness

Thoughts on Compassion and Detachment

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture

Emotional Sensitivity is directly related to Compassion. There are different types and levels of compassion. Compassion from the level of human existence is tied directly to our ability to be empathic. Emotional empaths often have a very difficult time until they learn to control their empathic abilities. I know I did.

Compassion from this level, the human level, often is overwhelming and brings us to tears and causes us to say “yes” to people in circumstances we usually would not, leading us to becoming a doormat. We do this because we “feel” other’s emotions and the emotional frequencies of everyone all around us. We are constantly being bombarded with emotions that are not ours. We “feel” the low frequency emotions of other’s dramas and personal issues and it becomes too much to bare.

When we say “yes” to helping others beyond what is productive and beneficial for their personal growth and our own, we are not doing it for them, although we think we are. We are doing it for our self. We are doing it because the pain is too much to tolerate and we will do anything we can to make it stop.

This is compassion born of the physical human heart chakra. Don’t get me wrong; to hold compassion for others is a wonderful and beautiful thing. It is a virtue we MUST possess if we want to do our part in the forward movement of the Spiritual Awakening of Humanity.

Monday Mantra -- 11/18/13

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture

Greetings All and Welcome to the start of another work week.

I have been led to share a music video once again to start our week with.

May you all Be Blessed as you travel though life this week and remember….. 

If you find yourself in need of assistance in realigning and rebalancing you energy you can visit Shambahalla – New Earth and use this meditative music video for a short relaxation and rebalancing break.

Snatam Kaur - Ek ong kar sat nam



The Creator and the Creation are One


To view video please follow link below

Shambahalla-New Earth




Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Daily Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report for 11/15/13

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture


Today is a 5 Frequency day with an 11 and 66 Sub-influence frequencies, and a 111 Passive Potential

The I AM Keyword phrases for 5, 11, 66 and 111 are:

5 – I AM Adventurous Change

11 – I AM Truth Illumined through Spiritual Revelation

66 – I AM the Divine Feminine Inspired Planetary Healer

111 – I AM Multi-dimensional Thought Energy Set into Motion

Before we get into the explanation for today’s frequencies I would just like to give you a little reminder to constantly and consciously be emitting the 11:11 New Mayan Calendar Round “Wake-up” call, which is the main work of this month.

The 11-111 Frequency combination is very much about you as the individual you are Awakening to the Expanded Reality of your Multi-dimensional Self. So with that in mind, please continue the work on Self as it pertains to you becoming ever more so comfortable with what this means in your personal daily life. Remember to assist you in this work you can use Metatron’s Cube and the Shambahallan symbol of Consciousness and Communication shared in yesterday’s Frequency report as meditation mandalas.

Metatronic Frequencies of the Upcoming Lunar & Solar Eclipses

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture

Metatronic Frequencies of the Upcoming Lunar & Solar Eclipses

 Oct. 18, 2013 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

 Nov. 3, 2013 Full Solar Eclipse


By: Essence Ka tha’ras


Eclipses, whether Lunar or Solar, are always great harbingers of change. Just what type of change there will be is often uncertain.

By looking at the Metatronic Numerological Frequencies associated with these two Celestial events, individually and combined, we can garner information about what type of changes are set to occur, and what types of disruptions to our daily routines we can expect to see; as well as what approximate time frame we can expect it to occur within. 

Metatronic Numerology sheds light on this type of information and so much more.

So, let’s take a quick look at these two eclipses and see what information the Associated Frequencies tell us what we might expect.




October 18, 2013

Full Moon & Penumbral Lunar Eclipse


The Frequencies associated with the Full Moon and the Lunar Eclipse are……

A 7 Frequency,  an 11 & 77 Sub-frequencies and a 777 Passive Potential.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 7, 11, 77 and 777 are…

7 – I AM Intelligence Seeking Self

11 – I AM Truth Illumined through Spiritual Revelation

77 – I AM the Divinely Inspired Synthesis of Spiritual Intuition & Physical Intelligence

777 – I AM the Divine Multi-dimensional Alchemical Synthesis of Technology, Biology & Spirit


Fibonacci Happiness

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture

Fibonacci Happiness


If daily you incrementally increase your “Happiness & Joy Quota” using the mathematics of the Fibonacci Golden Spiral…


Just think where you will be a year from NOW!


Let’s just take a quick look at what the first few Frequencies of the Fibonacci Sequence are telling us.


The Golden Spiral of Creation

0- Out of the Vortex Energy of Infinite Potentiality, the Individual (1) comes together with another Individual (1). Combining their Selves/Consciousness they give birth to the Group Collective Conscious Mind (2), which in turn gives rise to the Creation of Joy (3). This Joy then affects and propels the Constructive Change (5) necessary to Manifesting a World existing within a Secure Physical Reality (8)…

The Frequency of Happiness & Joy will, (and are), Create a Planet of Peace and Equality. This is where we begin in manifesting a Secure Physical Reality for our Planet and Everyone on it.

Begin today increasing your “Happiness & Joy Quota”.

Be a part of the Great Constructive Change!



Blessings of Happiness & Joy from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



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