natural food

Amla: The Wonder Berry Offering a Dose of Non-GMO, Health-Boosting Vitamin C

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Naturalsociety, By Christina Sarich, 10/13/2013

amla vitamin c 263x166 Amla: The Wonder Berry Offering a Dose of Non GMO, Health Boosting Vitamin C

Many of the vitamins sold in grocery stores and health food stores by large companies source their vitamin C from ascorbic acid, and this comes from GMO crops. Amla, also known as Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) is a vitamin C-packed fruit found all over India and used in popular Ayurvedic formulas called Triphala and Chyawanprash. It might just be a good substitute, along with non-GMO, organic foods, to supplement vitamin C.


The vitamin C antioxidant itself is a vital nutrient that activates cell metabolism, stimulates the immune system, and composes the connective tissues of our bodies. It also helps to deactivate free radicals and has even been shown to help with radiation poisoning, a growing concern with the latest Fukushima disaster.


Yerba Mate Tea - Natural Alternative Energy Drink

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By:, 06/18/2013

Yerba Mate tea or tincture is an alternative energy drink that is all natural.  Additional benefits include; "Quickens" the mind, increases mental alertness, delays the onset of lactic acid build up in the muscles, has rejuvenating effect, strong antioxidant, mind body stimulant, energy support, boosts metabolism, burns fat, balances most bodily functions, stimulates focus and clarity, promotes weight loss and more.


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