Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 6, 2021

Someone commented on yesterday’s daily message, “I wonder what healthy interdependency looks like?” We would like to address that today.

What a wonderful question! By asking the question you set in motion the opportunity to have that experience. You move into the expansion and discovery of that topic.

Healthy interdependency means working together for the whole with everyone contributing in their own unique way. This allows everyone the joy of their own self expression in a supported way which means no one person has to do all the heavy lifting. This creates the profound shift from martyred service into joyful service.

Healthy interdependency means supporting each other into your highest potentials and expressions of self in whichever way matches your true desires and your soul’s agenda. It means honouring the unique gifts each individual contributes to the whole, understanding your beingness is more than enough and your growth continues to drive the shift on your planet. It prioritizes empowerment of all. It seeks to heal beyond separation into connection because you recognize you are stronger together than apart.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 5, 2021

A major theme of 2021 is moving beyond codependency into healthier interdependency. As the vast majority of you are empaths and you feel so much, it can be difficult to tell what is yours, what is others, and where your responsibility lies. The fact that many of you are on the planet with service contracts, it can make it confusing to know when to step in and when to step back. It can also lead to being out of balance with over giving and not allowing yourself to receive.

Feeling energy provides you a lot of information. It allows you to have a deeper understanding of what is going on with yourself, others and your world. It can help you identify areas of need, and why people may be acting in certain ways. It can feel overwhelming if you aren’t able to discern what is your and what is not.

If you are a sensitive it is imperative that you find an energetic clarity technique that helps you be fully present in your own energies comfortably. This can be as simple as connecting into your heart centre and allowing the white, luminous energy of your soul’s essence to expand from your heart until it surrounds your body in a ball that extends arm’s length all around you. This is an excellent practice for it allows you to lead through your beingness without practicing any form of separation. It is claiming your own energetics in a completely safe and empowered way.

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Daily Message ~ Monday January 4, 2021

Dear Ones, as you step into brand new energies it is important to not infuse them with the energies of the old. It is also important to not have expectations of the new, as your expectations can often act as constraints on your flow and expansion.

Be present. More than that be curious! What is possible in the new? What fresh discoveries can be made? What new abilities are being supported? What energies do you wish to embody moving forward? What amazing things can be created from this unprecedented combination of your latest level of embodiment along with the energies of a new, higher vibrational era?

You are being offered a blank slate. We highly recommend you meet that blank slate with openness and a willingness to explore, for there is much that is possible for you now. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Sunday January 3, 2021

Dear Ones, the energies of any given time will have certain areas of focus. One phase may be about review and release. Another might be about receiving and integration.

One period might be focused on going within, and another might be about expansion. A highlight of a certain time might be healing, while the next might be about discovering what is possible from your latest level of attainment.

As you have discovered by now, there may be certain overall themes but how you navigate within those themes is completely individual and up to you. You are all unique, and have your own strengths, your own soul agendas, your own desires, your own energetics, and your own astrological influences that will make your individual experiences different than anyone else’s while still focusing on that theme in your own way.

There is no one size fits all ascension path, nor is there any one prediction that can be made for the times you are stepping forward into, for you will all experience the themes in ways that are absolutely perfect for you. Further, you are creators, pioneering in brand new energies that are full of new potentials and possibilities waiting to be discovered.

Allow yourselves to have your own experiences, to move with what is supported, and to follow your hearts as empowered co-creators who are driving the shift as you go. If you commit to simply making your best choice in each now moment, you will always be working with your own flow in ways that match your energetics and your highest intentions. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Saturday January 2, 2021

The way to move with the energies of the new is through the essential model of surrender, faith, flow, and trust. This allows you to not only harness whatever theme the energies are supporting, it also allows you to be a non-resistant human being who is willing to be moved into your perfect right time/right place scenarios.

The surrender, faith, flow, trust model which what we call the Divine Combination is profound because when the elements are employed together they open the door to so much more. The elements work together creating balance, healing, greater comfort, and supported forward movement.

Faith and trust together open the door to acceptance and allowing. Acceptance and allowing create patience and peace. It is from that space that you embody your beingness and full presence, which is truly your hearts greatest desire because it is through your beingness and presence you are able to experience your highest life expression. It is all there for you, Dear Ones, and it starts with the core elements of surrender, faith, flow, and trust. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Friday January 1, 2021

As you step into 2021, you have truly and finally arrived in the new after what might have felt like the world’s longest flight. You have landed where you wished to go, but even though you are on the ground at your destination it will take a while to discover what this new land holds.

Just like landing at an airport, it still takes a while to get off the plane, shake off the discomfort of a long flight, collect your luggage, and find a way to where you wish to stay for a while. Even though you are in the new, it can initially be difficult to really get a feel for where you are. You are indoors so you have no sense of climate or the features of your new landscape. It may feel exactly the same as many other airports you have been in.

Don’t let that fool you, Dear Ones. You have landed. Give yourself some time to stretch your legs, get some food and rest, and acclimatize to your new environment, and before you know it you will be off exploring and discovering this next exciting phase of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Thursday December 31, 2020

Dear Ones, we wish to congratulate you on navigating the most intense and transformational year you have seen on your planet. We honour you for your courageous hearts, for your resilience, for taking one step after another despite the many challenges.

You have only begun to scratch the surface of how profound the shifts of 2020 truly were. You will look back and be truly amazed at the depth of the transformation, and what will become possible due to your continued efforts. Suffice it to say that you, and your world, are completely and forever changed. You are now holding a completely different energy as you exit 2020 than you held when you entered it.

As you step up onto the new platform of 2021, you will again shift into sustainability in the energies of the new. Please know this is a major shift, one you have worked hard to prepare for. Intend to flow into the new with open hearts, curiosity, and clarity. As always, water is an essential element to assist you with your flow, so make sure you are well hydrated. Submersing yourself in water, particularly salt water, can also be very helpful.

You are pioneering into the new. You do that one step at a time, making your highest choice one now moment at a time. Hold your highest intentions, employ the essential operating system of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, and allow yourselves to feel the wonder and magic that comes from stepping into the exact times you couldn’t wait to experience. You have arrived. Happy New Year and New Age! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 30, 2020

If you have a dream you truly want to experience but are stuck because you don’t know exactly how to make it happen, we highly recommend that you give it up. We don’t mean abandon it. We mean give it UP to your highest self and your guides and helpers on the other side of the veil to help guide you to the next steps you simply can’t see from your vantage point. It is time to activate your team by asking for their help if you have gone as far as you can go on your own, for it is their specialty to lead you to your highest potentials and create the perfect intersections for your next greatest discovery. That is what allows all of you to experience the joy of co-creation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 29, 2020

As you prepare to step fully into the new, we encourage you to examine everything that follows the word ‘but’ when you think of your dreams. Often the first part of the sentence identifies your true desires and where your soul is trying to lead you and everything after the word ‘but’ is an indicator of old conditioning, fear, and anything else that is holding you back.

As you examine everything that follows the word ‘but’ ask, “Is this really true? What part of me needs reassurance to stay true to the dream? Is this societal conditioning or other people’s opinions? Does this support or resist my expansion? Does this really serve me and my highest life expression?” As you feel into it you may be surprised to discover that often what follows the word ‘but’ immediately puts the brakes on any forward movement.

‘But’ can be a mid-sentence pivot point that negates the expansion you are ready for. It can also be an indicator to make you aware of anything that needs to be lovingly addressed to get all parts of you cooperating and willingly moving in the same direction. With your wisdom and awareness you can take the information it offers to assist your evolution.

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Daily Message ~ Monday December 28, 2020

You get to choose who you are and how you show up every single day, and that is exactly how you harness the most out of each now moment. The consistency of those choices creates the overall energetic themes of your life.

Do you see? Your highest choices profoundly shift not only your Now moment but also the trajectory of your path. This is how powerful you are, Dear Ones, and this is how you continue to contribute to the grand shift you are participating in.

So an ideal question to ask yourself as you feel your way forward is, “What choice brings me the greatest joy and allows my truest expression of self?” If you continue to navigate your life in such a way there is no end to what you can create, discover, and experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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