Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Sunday September 4, 2016

When we suggest you can live a life of far greater grace and ease, what comes up for you? Do you immediately think that can’t be true? Do you equate ease with being lazy or somehow not deserving reward? Do you think grace and ease are for other people, not you?

Grace and ease, simply put, come from embracing the energetic flow that is available to you at any given time. It is a space of acceptance, of gentleness, of beautiful and willing movement, of inclusion. How could any of those elements be considered not enough?

Dear Ones, you can be powerful and gentle at the same time when you are embracing your true divine nature and your ability to co-create with intention and preference. We urge you to release the idea that your worthiness is somehow wrapped up with how much you have suffered or efforted towards a goal. You can beautifully and mindfully create from a space of alignment with Source energy whenever you choose, which is what allows you to experience the state of grace and ease as an effective and viable option. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday September 3, 2016

By now many of you know you have assistance from above in the form of the angelics, ascended masters and guides. But did you know your earth is also a wonderful source of help to you?

Your beloved planet is always available to you to ground you, to clear your energy, and to offer healing to you. Stand on the earth in your bare feet and connect to the beautiful grounding she offers to give you balance. Spend some time lying on her to receive her healing and adjustments. Ingest the pure offerings she so abundantly gives. Immerse yourself in the salt she provides for cleansing, purifying baths. Use her treasure – her crystals – to further heal and assist you. Spend time walking and communing with her and she will help you connect with her wisdom, as well as with spirit.

You have endless supports available to you, Dear Ones. Ask yourself what you need and let your inner knowingness lead the way, for there is a tremendous amount of help, both from above and below, to help you continue on your ascension journey. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday September 2, 2016

The act of focusing on what you like perpetuates flow, while being focused on what is unwanted automatically stops the flow. Simply put, you can stand in the buffet line yelling about how much you don’t like tomatoes, or you can simply keep moving, filling your plate with whatever it is you like. Wouldn’t you rather have the delicious, satisfying experience? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday September 1, 2016

There is a beautiful, authentic, and profound shift in your power when you start to navigate your life from inclusion rather than exclusion.

When you are focused on inclusion you have stepped out of pushing against what is unwanted to simply deciding what your preferences are. Inclusion is an act of acceptance, of unity consciousness, of love.

Inclusion takes you out of the energetic layer that holds judgment, struggle, fighting and rejecting – engaging with what is unwanted – into an entirely new energetic platform that is much more efficient and satisfying to create from. It demonstrates your ability to peacefully choose, rather than fight.

Most of all, inclusion finally moves you into the receiving of your own unconditional love and acceptance, demonstrating that you finally see yourself as an honoured, divine, worthy, and beloved part of the whole, and thus, embodying your truth and what it is you wish to experience more of.

It is through inclusion, Dear Ones, not exclusion, that you will finally create the peace, support, and joyful expressions of self you’ve been seeking. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 31, 2016

So many of you have been conditioned to equate worrying with love. But is it really loving to worry?

When you worry about another, you are energetically broadcasting your belief that they are not competent. You are also in a space of fear and doubt, which is an indication that you are out of faith and trust. Not only are you in the illusion that the person is somehow unable to manage their life, but you are also buying into the illusion that things could ever unfold without divine perfection, or that they are somehow out of the loving support of the universe.

We love you for your tender and caring hearts! What if, when you saw someone having what you consider to be a struggle, your first reaction was to acknowledge them as being completely capable? What if you remembered that, just like you, they have an entire team of helpers and guides assisting them? What if you encouraged them to remember their own divine capability when they were having a temporary moment of self doubt? What if your pity and fear for them could be replaced with encouragement and faith?

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 30, 2016

Dear Ones, the energetic shifting you are a part of is occurring to serve you, to assist you, to allow you to experience yourself in an expanded way, and to evolve in whichever way and speed is perfect for you. Again we say that surrendering to it all is key to move forward with the greatest amount of ease possible, as is being kind and gentle with yourselves and with others.

Just because one energetic influx, one mercury retrograde, or an eclipse season has been difficult for you in the past doesn’t necessarily mean the next one will be. And just because others are finding energies difficult in a certain way does not mean you will experience them in the same way. You are all unique beings and will experience each shift in your own way based on where you are on your ascension journey, your own energetics and astrological influences, and your willingness to move with the energies.

So we urge you to get back to basics. Practice good self care. Listen to what you need and give it to yourself. Treat each shift as a brand new event. Stay present and open. Have compassion for yourself and others. Use the assistance that is always available to you from us by remembering to ask for it. And above all else, know that this is an incredible time on your planet and you are both the stars and the audience of the greatest show on earth. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday August 29, 2016

Many of you are confused about how you can have certain things in your lives be predestined and yet we encourage you to be empowered co-creators. How can that be?

Before you come into the body you select many major events or themes you wish to experience. These would include choosing who your parents are, who you wish to have important relationships with, where you will live, your natural talents, interests, and traits, and certain areas you wish to gain a deeper experience and mastery of.

Think of it like having certain presets, or a template that holds certain key elements. Everything else is fully customizable! You can add to it in whatever interesting and delightful ways you like.

That is your life, Dear Ones. Even though you have certain things on your to-do list, everything else is completely up to you. You get to make it as fabulous and unique as you are, and if you get tired of it looking one way, you can absolutely switch it up to better match your preferences. That is the joy of expansion and creation – the potentials and possibilities are endless, and you are free to express yourself however you like because the major elements have already been taken care of by you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday August 28, 2016

We understand that during times of great intensity and fast moving energies it can feel like life is happening to you. Please know you are an active and loving participant in all of it. In fact, these are the times your soul has been excited to be part of.

If you are feeling buffeted by the energies, call on us to assist! Let us know if it is too much and we will do our best to help you find more comfort. We are always available to you.

There are many things you can do to create greater comfort for yourselves, as well. Willingly moving with the energies (also known as surrender) is key. Practicing energetic clarity (see the daily message from August 23 for more on this), meditation, immersing yourself in salt water, grounding, and being kind and gentle with yourselves are all things that can help.

The beautiful thing about ascension symptoms is the discomfort is temporary yet the rewards are great. For every bit of space you create from releasing, you are integrating brand new energies that support you in being the most glorious versions of yourselves you have ever experienced in your body. And that, Dear Ones, is something to be embraced and celebrated. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday August 27, 2016

Dear Ones, one of the biggest ways you hold yourself back is by your habit of seeing yourself as being wrong. What if your procrastination is simply waiting for supportive energy to create from? What if your sudden time off work is designed to give you time to focus on your spiritual growth? What if your breakup happened to make room for the greatest love of your life to occur? What if you were late this morning because had you been on time you would have been in an accident?

Your soul – your highest self along with your guides and helpers – all work together to give you the exact conditions you require to grow, expand, and evolve. All your self judgment does is create resistance and discomfort within conditions that are designed to serve you. Trust. Accept. Work willingly with whatever the energies are supporting. And know that there is divine perfection in all of it. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday August 26, 2016

Joy is a high vibrating energy that is essential to you having a satisfying life experience. But for many of you joy seems elusive, or something that only happens sporadically throughout your lives. So how do you experience more joy?

Joy comes being fully present in the Now moment in alignment with Source energy. So this means allowing love to flow through you to another creates the experience of joy. Allowing yourself to fully receive love from another creates the experience of joy. Being of service brings joy. Surrendering to the flow of creation brings the experience of joy. Gratitude brings joy. Simply being still and allowing yourself to connect to the love of Source creates the experience of joy.

The feeling of joy has happened, for most of you, by stumbling into that magical combination of being fully present in the Now and in alignment with Source, through the catalyst of an external event – the birth of a child, experiencing sheer beauty on your planet, or a pure expression of love. But now that you understand what facilitates joy you can start to seek out that alignment consciously and start to infuse joy into your day to day life on a far more regular basis.


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