Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Monday August 15, 2016

Many of you understand the concept of having soul contracts between you and others, but did you know you can also have soul contracts with the earth? Your planet is a living being, and many of you have contracts with the earth to energetically support certain areas. If you have been wanting to move but haven’t been able to no matter what you do, it is likely that you are in a soul contract that isn’t complete yet. As soon as the contract is fulfilled, you will be swept along to your next locale, swiftly and easily, to start your next grand adventure.

While we understand it may feel long and arduous to you right now, from a soul perspective you are extremely satisfied with your service and dedication to honouring your commitment. You will be happy to know that for a great many of you that phase is drawing to an end, and you will be released from that area and moving on to fresh vistas and forms of service that will be exciting and new. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday August 14, 2016

Unconditional love and acceptance create an environment of safety that allows others to drop their guard, to open up and simply be themselves. It offers the encouragement to embrace their authenticity, which leads to transparency and truth. How would your relationships shift if you created that safe zone for others? How would you shift if you shared your unconditional love, acceptance, and encouragement with yourself? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday August 13, 2016

So many of you yearn for peace. If your inner peace seems elusive to you, we urge you to look at your life to see your choices support the peace you crave. It is hard to feel peaceful or joyful if you are working at a job you don’t enjoy, if you are surrounded by people who don’t honour you, or continuing in activities that keep you in a painful place.

What can you do, right now, that would be a demonstration of your desire to shift your life in the direction you want and deserve? It doesn’t need to be grandiose to show your intention. Perhaps you can start to meditate, take a class to learn something that interests you, or simply take some you time. So many of you have created lives of duty with very little consideration to your own satisfaction.

Dear Ones, we implore you to start to create a life you love, that honours you as much as you honour others, for as you create a life that allows you to experience peace and satisfaction within yourselves, you support the creation of more peace on the planet. Again we say the ascension process is a revolution of one soul at a time anchoring empowered change through preference and choice. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday August 12, 2016

Many of you have been conditioned to be afraid of the future, to be on high alert for what is unwanted. You look for reassurances that nothing bad will happen. Do you ever think that the future could bring wonderful surprises? If that isn’t a potential you consider, we urge you to broaden your scope of possibilities.

The fear you have held for so long concerning your future has come from feeling powerless. Once you grab the reins and begin to hold the energy you desire and co-create from an empowered place, you can start to approach each coming day from a space of openness and acceptance. To put it in terms you can easily understand, there is no need to fear the mail when the bills are paid and you are simply waiting for the packages you have ordered to arrive.

Make room for magic in your lives, Dear Ones. Open to the idea that the unknown can be delightful. Allow the universe, and your highest self, to serve and delight you in all the ways you couldn’t imagine, and you will embrace each day with a sense anticipation and wonder. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday August 11, 2016

Dear Ones, you are part of a universe that is designed to continually expand and evolve naturally. Constant struggle is not a natural aspect of growth.

Think of things you see in nature – a sprout breaking through the ground or an egg about to hatch. There will be a build up of energy that will increase until there is just enough pressure to break through to the next level. The energy then settles back into the ease of unimpeded growth.

Just as all things in nature, you work with rhythm. There may be moments of stress, but they will always lead you to release and back to ease. Flow and growth will be the constant, with moments of resistance and stress being sporadic entryways to new, better states of being. If you can remember this, you will find it much easier to stay in forward movement with greater comfort, embracing the positive aspects of all stages of growth. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 10, 2016

Dear Ones, faith and trust are essential elements because they anchor the divine combination of your empowered operating system which consists of surrender, faith, flow and trust. The energies of faith and trust work together to create the experience of acceptance. Acceptance is the foundation of peace, calm, and patience.

Faith is the belief in the existence of a divine energy. Trust is the knowingness that the divinity you believe in loves you and supports you in all ways. We understand that both of these energies can be difficult to fully embrace because of their intangible nature. This is why we encourage you to work with us, to ask for our help, to surrender and allow yourself to be led and loved.

It is through faith and trust that you show your active willingness to move into that partnership with spirit and be able to stay in surrender and flow. You will start to notice more and more magic and miracles in your life and finally start to see the proof of our existence and endless love for you in more tangible ways.

As you start to experiment with the energies of faith, trust, and surrender, you will start to embrace the flow as the unconditional love of Source that it truly is, and move into a deep appreciation of being such a beloved and valued aspect of that divine whole. You will allow the experience of being sustained and nurtured in all ways, and grace and ease will become your preferred way of being and navigating life. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 9, 2016

It is true that from the perspective of unity consciousness what you do for another serves the whole. Why then do we advocate self love so much? Because it is through embracing yourself, your divinity, with acceptance and love that you will finally be willing to include yourself in that whole, and accept the love and assistance that has always been there for you. It is what shifts you into giving yourself permission to receive and see yourself as equally worthy and deserving. The universe has always been there for you, it is your own willingness to see yourself as worthy of the experience of that love that has been lacking. Simply put, it is your self love that will open the floodgates of a deeper experience of all love, for it ends your self-imposed separation. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 2 – Monday August 8, 2016

There will be no daily message from Tuesday August 2 – Monday August 8, as I am taking a little vacation. :)  The messages will resume Tuesday August 9, 2016.  In the meantime, if you are feeling like you need a little extra Gabriel energy, why not catch the replay of my appearance on Beyond the Ordinary on Thursday August 4?  You can access it here:  Wishing you a wonderful week and I’ll see you next Tuesday!

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Daily Message ~ Sunday July 31, 2016

Very few human beings use the full extent of the help available to them on a daily basis. We are here to help you! A simple request and an openness to receive is all that is required. You were never thrown onto an ascending planet to go it alone! It is our greatest joy to assist you, so allow us the delight of serving you, and allow yourself the delight of fully embracing the love and support of an entire universe that adores you. ~Archangel Gabriel


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