Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Monday October 12, 2015

Dear Ones, would you like to know why the practice of gratitude feels so good? Because it is, by your choice, moving into connection with Source, in order to acknowledge and reciprocate the love you have received. What could feel better than the amplification of love? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday October 11, 2015

Dear Ones, you have no idea how incredibly important you are. The grand shift that is occurring on your planet would simply not happen without you. You are the ground crew, the intrepid, loving souls who came to your planet to make a difference. Take a moment today to feel that truth, to acknowledge and thank yourself, and wrap yourself up in love for who you are, all you have done, and all you will continue to do. Bask in the knowledge that you are loved and honoured beyond measure, and that the entire universe is grateful for you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 10, 2015

Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools you have as a human being. It is so much more than being polite. It is a profoundly effective manifestation tool, as it provides feedback to the universe on what you wish to expand and multiply. It anchors the energy of what you prefer to experience. In fact, you could consider it to be an energetic sorting tool, as well as the steering wheel of the flow.

Gratitude also helps you connect with the Now moment. It allows you to acknowledge the magic and abundance that exists all around you, if only you have eyes to see. Gratitude allows you to see how loved and supported you are, and to expand into even more of that experience of love, because it is, in effect, sending love and appreciation back. Gratitude is how you dance and create with the unconditional love of your guides, universe and Source. It is honouring your connection as an important co-creator of it all. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday October 9, 2015

Many of you have used vision boards to represent what you would like to manifest in your lives. Along that line, we have a suggestion to help you capture the essence of what you would like to experience.

Why not create some manifestational art? You do not need to be an artist to do so. You simply need to be clear about what it is you would like to create in your life and go from there. This is a very effective practice, because it involves intention, creation, and allows you to immerse yourself in the energetic essence of what is desired. The act of the creation of the art, like all flows of creation, puts you in alignment with Source energy, and when you are in alignment you are in the ideal energies for manifestation.

Your art does not need to be of any specific sort, or particularly skillful. All that matters is that you know what your intention and energy infusion was to your piece, and that you enjoyed creating it.

So perhaps you wish to experience more peace in your life. While creating with the intention of peace, you might be drawn to colours that make you feel peaceful. You would be thinking the word peace in your mind as you were creating, which would be infusing your art with the energy you wish to experience more of. You would then be holding the peace, which will make you magnetic to more peace. Then every time you would see your art, you would remember that feeling and anchor it into your existence even more.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday October 8, 2015

Today we invite you to stop, acknowledge, and celebrate all that is wonderful about you. Then, stop and take a moment to celebrate what is wonderful about all the people in your life. You get to choose what you wish to connect with, both in yourself, and in others.

When you intend to experience the wonderful traits that can be found in everyone, you are leading with love, openness and acceptance, which are energies that are appreciative and supportive. It is planning to connect your light to other’s light, which can only add to the quality of your meetings and pre-pave the way for smooth and loving interactions. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 7, 2015

If you cannot practice self love and self care, it indicates that you are unwilling to accept from yourself. If you cannot accept from yourself, how can you accept from others? If you are not holding the energy of acceptance on the most fundamental level, how on earth can the universe deliver to you?

Do you see? Your own self love, your own nurturing, your own acceptance of your own divine perfection, are absolutely vital in order to draw to you the very things you yearn to experience.

Dear Ones, acceptance is an essential element of the manifestation process, as well as the anchor of peace. This is why we stress the importance of self love and acceptance so very much. It is the foundation of all the things you wish to experience and so deserve.

You simply cannot attract what you do not embody or accept. Isn’t it time to make the change within? Isn’t it time to see yourself as the precious, mindful, loving, tender being you are and allow the entire universe to reflect that truth back to you? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 6, 2015

How much time do you spend in tender self care? So many of you are beautifully loving and caring towards others and leave yourselves last.

Listening to your body is self love. Eating food your body is asking for when it needs it is self love. Giving yourself rest is self love. Meditation is self love. Exercise is self love. Taking part in activities that bring you joy is an act of self love. Making choices that support your comfort and wellness rather than sacrifice is an act of self love.

Can you see how none of the above are selfish? You are all so mindful, you fear that to love yourselves will make you selfish or take away from others. We are not asking you to give to yourselves as an act of exclusion to others. Far from it!

We are simply encouraging you to make yourselves equally important as everyone else. We are asking you to include yourselves in the unconditional love and unity consciousness you are here to anchor, support, and experience. We are asking you to love all, fairly and indiscriminately, and that, Dear Ones, begins within. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday October 5, 2015

Dear Ones, resistance cannot get you where you wish to be. You cannot resist your way into healing. You cannot resist your way into growth. You cannot resist your way into joy. You cannot resist your way into unity. You certainly cannot resist your way into love. You might consider resistance as the operation system of fear.

Flow is supported and empowered movement. Healing is a flow. Growth is a flow. Unity is a flow of connection. Flow is the operation system of love, which brings all of those things.

It is the tug of war within yourselves between resistance and flow that is causing so much stress for so many. Isn’t it time? Isn’t it time to surrender to love? From there all things are possible. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday October 4, 2015

The greatest amount of discomfort humans experience stems from their belief that something is wrong. The second they perceive something to be somehow wrong, is the moment they move into complete resistance to the flow. Resistance to the flow then creates even greater discomfort, often resulting in a deep dissatisfaction with life, fatigue, despair and depression.

It is surrender and faith that moves you beyond such uncomfortable states. When you are able to surrender into the flow, even when it is taking you to unknown territories, you are allowing your highest self, your guides and helpers, and the universe to lead you. You begin to work with the system that is always there to love and support with you, rather than denying the very things you seek.

When you are able to move back into that faith in action, you are able to settle into a deep, abiding, acceptance of the unfoldment of life which will automatically activate the energy of peace within you. You will have deactivated fear, doubt and worry, and will find yourself with the ability to be more fully present than ever before.

From that place, you will experience a deep gratitude which will become the place you powerfully create from. Do you see? It is a complete system that beautifully supports you, and it is available to you whenever you choose. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 3, 2015

Many of you have grown up with the concepts of heaven and hell being a large part of your religious teachings. From our perspective, hell is, simply put, the denial of your own divinity, and heaven is the reunion with the divinity that you are, and have always been. Moving into that truth while still in the body could then be considered experiencing heaven on earth, which is exactly what is anchoring and driving the grand shift on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel


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