The Creator Writings

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The Beauty Of Perfect

The timing the place, the situation or the people around you may not be perfect, but you are! There is a great beauty in these moments and The Universe always guides you to situations where you are needed most and will learn the best. Have faith and trust that all will be well in Divine Timing. ~ Creator

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Shame is defined as a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior.
Just for today, look very closely at any shame you are holding. Is it necessary? Is it Self or Other created? How does it serve you? If it is an internally generated, be gentle with and forgive yourself. If it is external, think on how much of it is really yours. Please remember; you do not have to feel shame to identify with those around you. Release it and grow! ~ Creator

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Look More Closely

A gentle reminder; a person’s connection to the Divine is as varied as there are humans on your Earth. Spirituality need not be somber, quiet or meditative and it is certainly not about denying the human experience! A truly spiritual being is very rarely any of these things. Instead, they have learned to embrace the flaws of being human, find joy and comfort in them and realize they are in a learning phase. Take time today to look a bit more closely at your fellow journeyers. They will often teach you things you least expect. ~ Creator


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