Expanded Consciousness

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Tending the Soul of the Earth

Recently I’ve become fascinated by an interesting idea — that we humans must play a critical role in tending the soul of the Earth. The concept was brought to my attention by Sufi teacher Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee at a conference I attended. He stressed something I had never really fully understood before: that the challenge of climate change is something that must be tackled not only on a physical level, but on a spiritual level as well.

Upon reflection, I realized that this idea also reflects many ideas I talk about in my book  Active Consciousness.  In particular, that:

  • All things possess an energy body, at least on the etheric level, and many living things have energy bodies on even higher levels.
  • The Earth can be viewed as a living organism (sometimes called Gaia)...
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Good News: Europe’s Bears And Wolves Are Thriving Again

Here’s a fact that should make all of us Americans a little bit ashamed: Europe, with half of the land area and double the population density as the United States, is now home to twice as many wolves as the United States. And those wolves, along with other carnivores, are thriving!

A new study has shown that European carnivores are experiencing a massive resurgence in their numbers, and interestingly enough, mostly in areas of the continent that aren’t set aside as protected areas. This indicates that these carnivores and the people who settle near them are less at odds with one another than before. Additionally, some of that success is owed to international cooperation between European nations, strong regulations, and a much better public attitude.

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Do Cat Purrs Have Healing Abilities?

We all know that the ancient Egyptians worshipped felines to a marvelous extent. There’s no question that these civillians openly celebrated the value of cats and even glorified them remarkably. Their art, culture, and interpreted lifestyle seem to revere cats prominently. This information is well known, yet most of us have often wondered their reasoning behind this unusual behavior. Few have made speculations, but we really just haven’t been able to sufficiently verify these assumptions. Is it possible that the ancients knew something that we might have missed..? Further examination suggests this may likely be the case!

Current domestic findings have lead us to the rediscovery of many key factors. These points primarily correspond to the mystery of this “kitty loving conduct,” and as it turns out- the most critical element may most likely be obscured in a uniquely produced self-healing ability, that is exhibited throughout all feline species.

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4 Ways Manipulation is Detrimental to Relationships

Manipulation is a dangerous tool in relationships. Most of the time we are unconscious of our doing but sometimes, a little voice inside us says, “You know you are doing this to keep her around”. What happens when we don’t listen?

I had a personal experience that evolved and ended badly because of my (at the time unconscious) manipulation of someone’s interest in me. I interjected my energy into his, posted the right pictures on Facebook, wore the outfits he would like and highlighted sides of my personality that would get him hooked. As a result, several unpleasant things happened. I listed some of the major ramifications of manipulation that I find to be common in not just myself but in other people whose stories I become intimate with.

  1. It creates a platform of distrust...
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8 Ways to Spot Emotional Manipulation.. and Free Ourselves From It

By Paul Lenda

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

We as human beings have a very strong self-centered aspect (even if it may not be truly ‘real’) of our beings called the ego, and many problems arise when this aspect of the human experience goes uncontrolled. Manipulation has always been a favored tool of the ego in order to get what it wants.

This manipulation can come in either a physical form or it can be seen to work on the emotional level in order to break the psyche into meeting the manipulator’s desires. Properly identifying the ways in which people emotionally manipulate others can save us much suffering in the future when identified early enough.

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8 Things You Don’t Really Need to Have an Awesome Life


It is normal for us, people, to constantly strive to become better, to have more, to do more. But on our lifetime journeys we often forget that what we need in order to be happy, is right in front of us NOW. In our rush to prosper and be successful, we fail to remind ourselves that we are whole, we are enough and that we have this exact moment. Why waste it being grumpy? Why not be happy now? Here are 8 reminders of what you don’t need in order to appreciate the present moment:

Worrying about past mistakes.

The fact that you have made mistakes in your past is simply another reason to smile and be happy about. Wondering why? Well, if you hadn’t made any mistakes in your life, you wouldn’t have learned the important things you know now. Life has its ups and downs and that’s the beauty of it. Failing is the best way we can learn something. Your past, no matter how hard it has been, shouldn’t get in the way of your future.

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Smoke and Mirrors: The Illusion of Fear

As human beings in a high-tech 21st century society, we’re used to things being organized and structured in a very orderly way. Childhood, then high school, then college, then the “real world” of employment, tax paying, house buying, having a family, and buying lots of toys and gadgets.

But is this really our purpose for being here? Is this really YOUR purpose for being here?

Pushing limits often becomes a matter of financial practicality and reason, and our higher goals and motivations get shelved in favor of the socially-conditioned charade in which we’re all embedded.

Many will default to this conditioned path, because at first, it appears much safer and more secure than “going at it alone” via our own passion-driven endeavors.

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How to get out of the Rut of Self-Harming Thoughts and Feelings

Every single one of us is guilty of treating ourselves poorly at some point during our lives. Unfortunately, some of us are guilty of doing it for long periods of time.

Common examples are easily frustrated, continually angry, forever unforgiving, always stressed, resentful towards others, constantly jealous, hateful in general, behaving cruelly, commonly abusive, insecurity issues, plagued by fear, dishonest in life, lack of self-respect, living in denial, victim mentality and frequently sad.

The mind is a very powerful tool and if used inappropriately it can be very damaging to oneself.

Therefore, these states of being are negative and disharmonious vibrations which have significant impacts on our health. Sometimes these states can even lead to serious physical and mental health complications; they are dis-ease, which consequently lead to disease.

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Farmers Abandon GMO Seeds: The Reason Might Surprise You


A growing number of farmers are abandoning genetically modified seeds, but it’s not because they are ideologically opposed to the industry.
Simply put, they say non-GMO crops are more productive and profitable.

Modern Farmer magazine discovered that there is a movement among farmers abandoning genetically modified organisms (GMO) because of simple economics.

“We get the same or better yields, and we save money up front,” crop consultant and farmer Aaron Bloom said of non-GMO seeds. Bloom has been experimenting with non-GMO seeds for five years and he has discovered that non-GMO is more profitable.


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