Knowing Whispers

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It is easy to “feel” the truth when we trust ourselves. It is easy to “know” the truth when we are aware.

Truth automatically confirms itself within us. It is a recognition, a remembering, of what we knew, forgot, and now remember again.

The mind is like a dog chasing its tail in the hopes of catching it. Awareness cuts to the core of our nature where no outside influence is needed to prove what we know.

The last stop on our journey home is the recognition of our truth within. It is the beginning of our true life and a natural expression of our being.

Robert and CJ

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Awareness that is shared blooms into realized consciousness.  It is the voice of the universe speaking directly to our hearts, where its seed rests and remains.

Awareness is like water upon the soil of our soul that refreshes when the dry wasteland of the mind parches us. It is the point within, where the differences can dissolve into unity.

Robert and CJ

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Open to The Real

Without an ego, there is only sharing, giving, intimacy and truth.  An ocean of love waits for the vulnerable.

Mind and ego need each other to exist.  They are outside our feelings, so they hide what we feel.  Since they are outside the understanding of self and the experience of love, they are counterfeits to the truth within us.

When we silence the mind and ego, we open the door to what is real within us.  Only then can we share the nature of our reality within from our beingness.

CJ and Robert

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The Manifestation of Love

Love manifests as a creative force when each heart embraces what is best for all.

There is no selfishness with love, because it takes surrender to realize love’s presence and potential.

It is never a matter of what “I” want with love, but more a matter of what is best for all. No individual, or group, knows what is best for all, but in the midst of surrender, a sense of the taste and flavor of it are sensed within the hearts of those who have surrendered.

In love, you know what is best for all, because it is revealed by the universe within each soul.

CJ and Robert

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When we give, we live.  Literally, when we give to others, our heart center opens and we receive more of the light within us.

The ego blocks that path of life and creates a callous around our heart. Over time, we forget to feel and the good memory of sharing leaves us.

In life there is a balance between the heart and ego.  If we want to feel alive and vibrant, we must not forget to give and share what we can, when we can.

The greatest gifts are not those we purchase in a store, but those that come from the heart:  a warm and receiving look, a gentle touch, or a sincere hug.

Robert and CJ

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Pain, confusion and depression are all attempts by the mind and ego to hold us a prisoner against the truth.

The ego uses unconscious pain to distract us from the simplicity of our awareness, drawing the mind into endless self-judgment and criticism of our choices and beliefs. It ties the hands of our mind, emotions and thoughts into a ball of despair, until it is coated it with self-pity.

Eventually, the mind strangles itself with its own deceptions. This can either set us free, or slowly drive us to madness, too proud to surrender to awareness.

CJ and Robert

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Spiritual Fraud

If we base our spirituality on ideas, beliefs or supposed religious souvenirs, we are guilty of spiritual fraud within our self.

It is one thing to know the nature of self in reality, but something entirely different to be a fan of some idea, person, or relic of antiquity.

Enough of the charade, or religious piety, that fills the minds of the masses.  We were born to know the truth and it will set us free.

Freedom only exists when nothing stands between us and the reality within. Mind and ego are necessary to sustain life in the body, but they are a hindrance to our freedom and the reality within.

Mind and ego form deceptions within consciousness that mimic the real, used skillfully by those who seek to rule others who choose ignorance over truth.

Robert and CJ

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Spiritual Glamour

Spiritual information that cannot be applied directly to our understanding of self is useless -- if it only teases the imagination, it is worthless.

If what we are taught cannot be practically applied to expand our understanding of ourselves within, it is deception.

Spiritual glamour is not awareness.  It only supports the spiritual ego, not the path to inner knowing.

There is too much glamour in the religious, spiritual, new age and metaphysics communities!  Too many seem headed for Hollywood – have they forgotten the way “Home”?

CJ and Robert

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What is Your Value?

In today’s world, it is not practical to live a spiritual, or aware, life.

Life is based on our productivity, not our value, as a living being.

It is also not necessary to be aware and poor.

Time is needed to detox from mass consciousness and find our way. Until we know ourselves, we have little to offer others that will touch them and help them understand their life.

It may be necessary to back off from the rat race we have created for ourselves. Bravery is the courage to accept what life offers, without complaint, and to silently surrender.

Robert and CJ

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Tasting Death

We do not feel life, until we have tasted death.

Our mind and ego create a persona that masks the true life within us. Death’s somber presence drops the curtain of the mind and ego, revealing the bare innocence within us.

We have nowhere to go, but to embrace the death within us. Death reveals the deep landscape of our inner being and unveils the knowingness of our true nature.

Welcome any death that touches you, even your own.  Allow the majesty of our soul to baptize you into communion with truth, awareness, and reality.

Robert and CJ
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