Knowing Whispers

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Too Close

Sometimes we are too close to see the big picture. Our eyes are focused too narrowly to see all that is around us.

This is the problem with science, mysticism, and new age thought. We see what we want to see, not what is actually there.
The eyes of awareness are the inner eyes of our consciousness.  They see what is to be known as our truth.
Science only looks at the visible physical world. Mysticism and new age thought often proclaim a truth they cannot explain, or verify.
Spiritual and Scientific vanity cloak the truth within. They see with the aide of the mind and ideas of others.

The aware see what they can feel and become aware of. They taste the nature of consciousness and realize that consciousness is all that is.

Robert and CJ

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The Few

Millions follow the words of men and the ideas of the ages, but few follow their inner light and truth.

Ideas become crutches of our conscience, resting us in ignorance and torturing us with their incompleteness, yet millions follow to avoid the emptiness within and to ignore the truth of their feelings.

Letting go of the familiar and embracing the unfamiliar is the only pathway to growth in consciousness.

Crisis often forces the many to eventually become the few.

CJ and Robert

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Study Yourself

Study Yourself.  Look within and feel.  Realize the relationship between your thoughts, feelings and awareness.

Knowing self is to know all that is.  Becoming one with eternity is to take on its consciousness.

Many are trapped within the mind and ideas of man, seeking to become like other men, but winding up as mediocre copies of the original.

Become Yourself!  Become what you are meant to be:  a cell in the soul of existence and a reflection of the infinite in time and space.

Look beyond the thoughts and images of man and see within the consciousness of your being.

This is the home of truth -- our truth and your truth.


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All of our lives are timeless and only experienced through awareness.

Time freezes our attention and makes us believe we are a solitary entity. Awareness allows us to escape the illusion and limitation of time.

We are soul expressing self, through multiple dimensions, all at one time, within the illusion of self.

Everything exists within the moment of now -- every potential, every outcome.

CJ and Robert

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Our Choice

Love is a choice.  Either we disrobe our egos and enter the holy tabernacle of humility and surrender, or we remain outside in the cold protecting our foolish pride.

To be real is a choice. Either we choose to open the door to our true selves, or we hide behind who we only think we are.  Love is dealing with the reality of who we are at the deepest level of our current consciousness.

Love will go as deep and as far as we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and open to intimacy in our relationships.  Love is disrobing fear and remembering the naked innocence within.

CJ and Robert

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Natural Intelligence

Natural intelligence is infinite, alive, whole, and inclusive of everything. It is the living essence of the universe flowing through eternity and beyond.

Educated intelligence is limited, egotistical, and restrictive and only accepts what the mind can believe and understand.  It knows little, but pretends to know a lot.

Little does it understand the nature of existence; therefore, it relies on imagination to build its theories about everything.

CJ and Robert

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The Pretender

The mind seeks an identity grounded in truth and awareness.  It lacks the heart to know itself.

There is no permanence to its being, so it fluctuates into forms having no soul, or heart, in them.

Mind is not life, but only a form of antilife forever languishing in being unfulfilled, endlessly searching for truth and meaning.

For observing, analyzing and comparing ideas, mind is good, but it lacks the fullness of becoming those things it seeks.

CJ and Robert

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There is No Spirituality

There is no spirituality, only our consciousness and awareness within it.

Spirituality is a term created by mind and imagination in an attempt to explain phenomena experienced within the imagination and unconscious. It is a clever distraction from the truth within our being.

Ego and Mind create the distraction of spirituality, so we become lost in imagination and fail to investigate our feelings. It is the old peanut shell game of distraction, where our attention becomes lost in the shuffling of the peanut shells.

Truth is a simple recognition within ourselves of the nature of consciousness and our identity within it. This is our truth.

CJ and Robert

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Truth Revealed

The true purpose of a whisper is to affirm the presence of truth within us.

Beyond the mind and beliefs, a whisper awakens our inner intelligence, allowing us to feel its presence within us.

Truth is not remembered with the mind. It is felt within the presence of our beingness.

Silence reveals all truth in our being and, like a calm ocean, we see our true reflection without the distortion of waves.

Meditation places our attention within the silence of our beingness.

CJ and Robert

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Look Within

The mind reaches out to “discover” self, while the heart simply “knows”.

Consciousness is a presence that knows self.  Mind and ego eternally seek to know and understand, but they look outside the knowing presence of our truth and distract us from the knowing truth within us.

Awareness is knowing self, without the mind and ego. It is feeling self within consciousness and remembering it within our truth.

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