Wake Up World

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Active Dreaming: Exploring the Vivid Dreamscape

By Montalk
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

It is possible to enter a lucid dream directly from waking. Usually this entails lying down, relaxing, and allowing the body to fall asleep while the mind stays awake. Difficulties include falling asleep along with the body, or the body staying awake with the mind. Decoupling body and mind so that the latter can stay awake while the body falls asleep is difficult but possible.

The Process of Sleep

To enter normal sleep we begin by letting our thoughts wander until they turn into daydreams that either dissolve into oblivion along with our self-awareness and volition or else spontaneously evolve into hypnagogic imagery (short vivid hallucinations) that eventually cohere into a full-blown three dimensional dreamscape.

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Plastic-Eating Mushroom Discovered in the Amazon Rainforest — A Solution for Our Trash Saturated World?

Pestalotiopsis; Fred Brooks, University of Hawaii at Manoa CC-BY 3.0

By Carolanne Wright
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

In a world addicted to plastic, it’s hard to imagine life without it. The problem is, plastic doesn’t breakdown safely and has proven itself to be exceedingly toxic for the planet and its inhabitants. We’re drowning in the stuff and it doesn’t look like our reliance on the material will end anytime in the near future. Radical solutions are needed — and soon. Recently, a team of students discovered what very well may be part of the answer: a plastic-eating fungus.

Choking to Death on a Modern ‘Wonder’ Material

Plastic is a relatively new material, developed in the last seventy years or so. As I wrote previously in “Plastic is Killing the Planet and Our Health — Here’s How We Can Turn the Tide,” the widespread use of the material is directly linked to the military needs of the United States:

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Trust The Universe: Unlocking the Flow and Ease of Life

By Nanice Ellis
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

I know how difficult it can be to trust something you cannot see, and maybe even something that has disappointed you or let you down in the past. This idea of trust was foreign to me as well, for much of my life. My parents didn’t trust and even the nuns at catholic school didn’t seem to practice trust. Fortunately, life gave me a first-hand education in trusting this invisible source of reality, I now call God (aka Universe, Source, Consciousness etc…).

I was seventeen years old, and had just barely escaped a physically abusive (life-threatening) relationship. I was lost and confused, not knowing how to live the life that was now surprisingly before me. So, when I witnessed a falling star one autumn night, I had no idea what to wish for. By default and not wanting to miss the opportunity, I wished, “Please give me something that I need that I don’t know I need.”

Hindsight: never make this type of wish if you are not prepared for the outcome.

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Evidence Mounts on Roundup’s Link to Liver and Kidney Damage

By Dr. Edward Group
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

One of the world’s most popular herbicide–Roundup–is making its way back into the headlines in regards to its health and environmental effects. Monsanto, the producer of Roundup (glyphosate), claims this herbicide is safe; however, study after study from independent researchers is showing the exact opposite.

A new research study is showing that small amounts of exposure – up to thousands of times lower than permitted in drinking water in the U.S. – can produce unfavorable and concerning effects in the liver and kidneys. Could this study be the turning point for finally phasing out Roundup in agriculture? Or will it simply be ignored and human health continue to suffer?

The Damaging Effects of Roundup to Liver and Kidney Health

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How To Build A More Positive Brain

By Debbie Hampton
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

While the idea of having either a sunny brain or a rainy brain is a little bit extreme, it’s not too far off base because optimistic brains actually do function differently than pessimistic ones.

As science has begun to unravel and validate the complex neurobiology of positive emotion and optimism, it’s been discovered that three brain regions play a crucial role in making and keeping you optimistic.

How Your Brain Makes Optimism

The prefrontal cortex (PFC), the “executive center” of your brain, guides your behavior, regulates emotion, and motivates you towards reward and away from pain or danger. The PFC also allows you to set goals and plan for and imagine the future, which are directly related to optimism.

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When We Love an Addict – Courage and the Limits of Compassion

By Jack Adam Weber
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

At some point in our lives, we are asked to show up for an addict. When we love or are attached to this person, the ride can be rough for us, for the relationship, and everyone involved. Addictions most often conceal emotional pain, some form of despair and self-dislike. They either numb physiological pain, or distract the addict on a psychological level. Most often, both physical and emotional denial and numbing are at play.

The damage that addictions cause is usually more damaging than what one feared facing in the first place. When we face a challenge, or pain, we fear dying. But the challenge usually presents a death and rebirth experience from which we can emerge more whole and healed, not a literal death threat. While we may fear the death of our sense of self, and avoid that reckoning through addiction, ironically, our addictions are what actually kill us. What the addict does to counteract fear is scarier than what he avoids. Presented with an opportunity, the addict misunderstands the opportunity and takes it as a threat to his survival, and ends up killing his life.

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New Moon in Libra – Creating Balance in the Outer World

By Simon Vorster and Jennifer Langstone
Contributing Writers for Wake Up World

In the aftermath of the blood moon tetrad and all the anticipation around possible global events, we are still here. But as the dust settles, and life goes on as usual, we are finding it ever more difficult to tolerate the outdated life and structures around us.

Massive internal shifts have taken place within each and every one of us: we are not the same as we were two years ago. Our paths have now been illuminated, and the next step in this beautiful cosmic journey is to step into devotional service to our ourselves and others. This New Moon in Libra brings with it themes of acceptance and integration, and the urge to create balance between our inner and our outer worlds.

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Are You Sick of Feeling Sick? These 4 Steps Can Help You Naturally Heal Your Immune System

By Dr. Kelly Neff
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Autoimmune disease is caused by an overreaction of the body’s immune system. This happens when systemic inflammation triggers your body’s cells to attack themselves. Inflammation is usually understood as some combination of pain, swelling, redness and heat. It might be easy to observe on the outside of the body, but when it happens inside the body, we usually know something is wrong, but we are not quite sure what it is.

As many as 50 million people suffer from autoimmune disease, ranking it in the top 10 causes of death for women under the age of 65. There are more than 80 recognized types of autoimmune disease, includng Celiac Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto’s, Graves Disease, and many more.

Many autoimmune diseases have an underlying genetic component that is then expressed in the presence of toxins or chronic inflammation tied to food sensitivities or leaky gut.

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Celebrating Genocide – Christopher Columbus’ Invasion of America

By Irwin Ozborne
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

“In 1492, the natives discovered they were Indians, discovered they lived in America, discovered they were naked, discovered that the Sin existed, discovered they owed allegiance to a King and Kingdom from another world and a God from another sky, and that this God had invented the guilty and the dress, and had sent to be burnt alive who worships the Sun the Moon the Earth and the Rain that wets it.” ~ Eduardo Galeano

A good friend of mine, a member of the Republic of Lakotah, had a meeting with her first grade son’s elementary school principal. Apparently, her six-year-old was being defiant in classroom. What were these defiant actions? Well, upon his teacher explaining Columbus Day and honoring the courageous and brave sailor who discovered this land in 1492, he had a couple of questions for the teacher. He wanted to know how it was possible that Christopher Columbus discovered a land in which his ancestors had lived for over 30,000 years, he wanted to know what happened to all the people who lived here in 1491, and he wanted to know why the man responsible for invading his native land and slaughtering his ancestors was being honored.

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Our Galaxy Awakens! (And Science Confirms It)

By Zen Gardner
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

If anyone needs a confirmation of this energetic change we’re experiencing as well as expecting more of, scientists have just confirmed it. This is big news and should be an encouragement to many that what we’ve been sensing does indeed have a confirmed, identifiable physical counterpart.

Three orbiting X-ray space telescopes have detected an increased rate of X-ray flares from the usually quiet giant black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy after new long-term monitoring. Scientists are trying to learn whether this is normal behavior that was unnoticed due to limited monitoring, or these flares are triggered by the recent close passage of a mysterious, dusty object.”

“By combining information from long monitoring campaigns by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA’s XMM-Newton, with observations by the Swift satellite, astronomers were able to carefully trace the activity of the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole over the last 15 years. The supermassive black hole, a.k.a. Sagittarius A*, weighs in at slightly more than 4 million times the mass of the Sun. X-rays are produced by hot gas flowing toward the black hole.


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