Wake Up World

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Propaganda: Mind Manipulation and Manufacturing Consent

By Joe Dubs
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Propaganda, known today euphemistically as ‘public relations’, is the manufacturing of consent. Propaganda is the act of deliberately spreading false or deceptive information, ideas, rumors, doctrines or principles propagated by an organization or movement to help or harm a target person, group of people, movement, institution, nation, etc. It’s the distortion of information to suit a particular agenda. Along with its ‘proper’ use comes the ability to control the masses and mold the collective mind.

Propaganda is so pervasive in our culture, we have trouble discerning what information is real and what is not. It’s become increasingly difficult to tell the truth from the lies, even with the power of the internet. Time has given these mind manipulators lots of practice to hone their skills. It’s important to realize the magnitude of manipulation that is being perpetrated against mankind.

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City Residents Exposed to Cancer-Causing Chemicals as City Officials Secretly Test Drinking Water Additives

By Carolanne Wright
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

As if California doesn’t have enough worries with its current record-breaking drought, a city in the northern part of the state has created further problems by adding a chemical to their water supply that encourages carcinogen formation. Astoundingly, the City of Sacramento continued testing the chemical in the municipal water supply for an entire year — even after it was discovered the compound creates harmful disinfection byproducts, or DBPs.

The chemical in question? Aluminum chlorohydrate (ACH), a coagulant that bonds with silt and other impurities found in river water. Once bonded, sediment falls to the bottom of treatment plant pools, where it’s then removed. The trouble is, the chemical was a complete failure. According to city officials, DBP numbers rose to “historically high levels when using (ACH) aluminum chlorohydrate.” These disinfection byproducts are associated with cancer, low birth weight and miscarriages. In spite of this, city officials soldiered on with the chemical because they were focused on saving the city “quite a bit of money” and not much else.

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How Cannabis Helps My ADHD – A Patient’s Story

By an anonymous patient
Guest writer for Wake Up World

Let me introduce myself, I am a 32-year-old entrepreneur with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and I use cannabis, daily, to manage my condition. I’ve spent the past decade running international businesses on two continents, and have previously been in a long-term relationship for nine years; which provided me with a beautiful 6-year-old daughter whom I care for jointly.

My story starts when I was diagnosed at age two with ADHD and spent the next three years on a series of diets that have affected my eating habits to this day. I didn’t have chocolate, sugar, wheat or cow’s milk until I was five. From then I was medicated with amphetamine-derived drugs for over 20 years. First Ritalin, then in my 20s Concerta. By age 10 I was prescribed double the maximum daily dose (which is 6 tablets or 60 mg) and I was given 12 tablets or 120mg methylphenidate per day. By age 15 I was on 4.5 x the maximum daily dose at 25 tablets and 250mg per day.

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How Old Grows Young – Preschools in Nursing Homes Give New Life to Elderly Residents

By Carmen Allgood
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Aging can have a lot of issues attached to it: The body is no longer at the top of its game and gravity is slowly but surely drawing the body down to its final resting place. We try not to complain, but Bette Davis probably said it best: Old age is no place for sissies.

As we age, there is also bound to be loss as friends and family age and inevitably cross over. What used to be a huge gathering during holidays and special occasions begins to dwindle, and many will suddenly become part of the nearly 50% of elderly people who feel isolated and alone. Then, when coupled with the physical ailments of aging, which are made worse by feelings of loneliness, emotional issues can turn into a disaster and depression can easily set in.

But now, in an inspiring innovation, elderly Seattle residents are finding a new lease on life with a project that integrates preschool and aged care facilities, bringing children and elderly residents together for variety of activities like music, dancing, art, storytelling and socializing.

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Understanding Ascension: The Geometry of Energy

By Ethan Indigo Smith
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

“The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.” ~ Lao Tzu

After climbing through the jungle, making my way through the grueling forest, dense and bewildering with trails, I came to a clearing on a ridge, on what I sensed must be the very top of the great mountain in the clouds. And as I made my way to the ridgetop and clearing, I saw that this was not the top. I saw it was beautiful and magnificent, but it was after all only a plateau. And from the plateau above the bewildering and winding complex of trails I now stood, I could see in the distance what could only be assumed at this point to be the peak. Perhaps there was a mountain more massive behind it too.

And on the story goes…

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The Window of Opportunity to Protect Our Vaccine Freedom is Closing

By Dr. Joseph Mercola
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

There is a closing window of opportunity for you to make a difference in the cultural vaccine war that’s imploding on us now, and I’m here to tell you what you can do about it.

As noted by Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), starting in January of 2015, Americans were slammed with what can only be described as mass hysteria surrounding the measles outbreak in Disneyland.

Patient zero has never been identified. To this day, public health officials still don’t know who brought measles into Disneyland. Yet in no time at all, public health officials joined with pharmaceutical company and medical trade organization lobbyists and immediately started calling for elimination of all non-medical ‘personal belief’ vaccine exemptions — in other words, the right to decline vaccination due to either religious or conscientiously held beliefs.

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Licensed to Kill: Psychiatry, Big Pharma and the State-Sanctioned Drug Cartel

By Cortland Pfeffer (with Irwin Ozborne)
Guest Writers for Wake Up World

I just think it is time we try something new,” said the doctor to his patient, “It’s called Abilify.”

But I’ve been doing well,” the patient pleaded, “I have had no problems for over six months and I am feeling fine.”

Well, you are on an involuntary (civil) commitment and I would hate to have to extend that 18 months,” said the doctor, “You understand that the court will always do what the doctor recommends, and I think that you are in need of a switch to Abilify.

This is a conversation that I overheard when I first started working at a county hospital. I was new and trying to learn from these wonderful doctors that I believed were there to help people...

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Bottled Water Industry and National Parks Clash Over Plastic Waste Ban

By Carolanne Wright
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

In a move praised by conservationists, as well as those who care about human and environmental health, 20 national parks in the U.S. have sworn off bottled water sales within their boundaries — including the Grand Canyon, Canyonlands, Arches, Zion and Bryce Canyon. Considered a “sustainability success story” by park administrators, Zion and other national parks have taken a major step towards reducing plastic waste. In Zion alone, the park has put an end to the annual sale of 60,000 bottles of water, eliminating a hefty 5,000 pounds of plastic waste per year.

However, visitors aren’t left high and dry — far from it. Instead, water-filling stations dot the park, where canteens and reusable bottles can be filled with safe, pure spring water...

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Secret TPP Text Unveiled: It’s Worse Than We Thought

Via Public Citizen

Secret TPP Text Unveiled: It’s worse than we thought, with limits on food safety and controversial investor-state system expanded, rollback of Bush-era medicine access and environmental terms. Long-awaited text reveals gaps between administration claims and actual TPP terms on key congressional and public concerns.

Thursday’s long-awaited release of the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) reveals that the pact replicates many of the most controversial terms of past pacts that promote job offshoring and push down U.S wages while further expanding the scope of the controversial investor-state system and rolling back improvements on access to affordable medicines and environmental standards that congressional Democrats forced on the George W. Bush administration in 2007.

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Moon Anomalies Show There is Much Deception About Outer Space

By Makia Freeman
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Moon anomalies are nothing new – there are many people, including mainstream Western scientists, who have pointed out numerous highly strange and irregular things about the Moon. A few years ago David Icke brought the book Who Built The Moon? by Chris Knight and Alan Butler to public attention, which concluded that the Moon is an unnatural object that has been placed there for some reason – possibly as a broadcasting station. Icke further linked the Moon to Saturn, and theorized that the “Matrix” in which we live is actually a program originally broadcast by Saturn and amplified by the Moon. He called it the Saturn-Moon-Matrix.

Now, with consumer technology rapidly advancing all the time, there are many people pointing their video cameras up at the night sky… with incredible results. More confirmation that all is not as it seems in outer space is the most visually fascinating of the latest Moon anomalies: the lunar wave.


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