Wake Up World

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The Superfood Health Benefits of Celery (with Recipes!)

The Superfood Health Benefits of Celery with Recipes The Superfood Health Benefits of Celery (with Recipes!)

By Trinity Bourne

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

As a discerning health seeker, I can’t help but get really excited about celery and its myriad of health benefits. It has a distinctive, tangy crunch that adds a refreshing depth to salads, whilst easily earning a five star thumbs-up as the perfect finger food. Celery also works wonders as a natural scoop for dips, pates and nut butters. And you’ll often find it as an ingredient in soups and stews, to bring a tasty base flavour to various culinary creations.

An unexpected bonus for anyone watching their weight is that it’s ridiculously low in calories, with scientists going as far as saying that chewing it uses up more energy than the vegetable itself contains!

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A Higher Level of Freedom – The Benefit of Cannabis to Health

m 510637 eISDmwsxqOvL A Higher Level of Freedom   The Benefit of Cannabis to Health

By Sayer Ji

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

If the words “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” don’t include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn’t worth the hemp it was written on. ~ Terence McKenna

While this article is not focused on the recreational use of cannabis, Terence McKenna’s quote speaks directly to a sacred right, increasingly being legislated against in our society — namely, the ability to choose and use substances that grow freely on this Earth as our medicine.

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Fluoride Linked to Coronary Heart Disease

Fluoride Linked to Coronary Heart Disease Fluoride Linked to Coronary Heart Disease

By Dr. Michelle Kmiec

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Dental fluorosis is a condition caused by too much fluoride, and it’s on the rise in the United States, despite the US government knowing about it for some time now. Though it can happen to anyone, the condition (which ruins teeth) affects more children than adults, primarily because children’s teeth are still developing and more susceptible to fluorosis.

But did you know that dental fluorosis is also a biomarker for coronary heart disease?

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Unconditional Basic Income – an Economic Model for a New Renaissance

By Elizabeth Edgett

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

How can we solve poverty and boost the economy without causing massive environmental damage?

Here’s how. It’s called a Unconditional Basic Income (UBI).

The fundamental challenge today is that we need redefine the value of work. We need to stop relying on corporations to create jobs. That’s not what they do. They exist solely to create profit. They do this by lowering wages and/or decreasing the number of workers (jobs) required to get that profit. Yet both left and right leaning governments continue to try to induce corporates (through tax breaks and other programs) into creating jobs and/or raising wages.

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New Moon in Sagittarius – Our New Horizons

By Simon Vorster

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Our New Horizons

Whoo! We survived! What an incredible month we just had with the sun’s movement through intense and confrontational Scorpio. It has been an amazing journey that has readied us for the next step in our cosmic evolution. The cosmos gave us a nice boost of inspiration with the recent alignment of 11:11. This month’s cycle is now all about expanding our philosophy and aligning to our personal truth. So during this month we will be experiencing some incredible healing and finding deep spiritual connection.

Happy Birthday Sagittarius!

May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face.

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What Motivates You to Help Others?

By Lissa Rankin MD

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

When I got back from the World Domination Summit this summer, I wrote a post about what motivates visionaries to try to change the world. The conference was full of well-intentioned do-gooders trying to make the world a better place. Amazing things were being birthed as a result of this impulse to do good. But I couldn’t help wondering whether this impulse to be of service came from a pure, noble intention or whether it came from some sort of underlying sense of unworthiness or ego-driven motivation. Or both.

In other words, why do we do what we do?

A few people argued, “Who cares why? As long as the world is benefiting from these impulses, why question it?”

Yet, as one of those self-help author do-gooder types who is committed to getting my own ego out of the driver’s seat and letting the Divine take the wheel, it matters to me.

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What About the Feminine? How Patriarchal Value Systems Affect Consciousness

Not long ago I spoke to a friend who is part of a team organizing a consciousness conference. Looking at the speakers and their subjects, I was surprised that a conference dedicated to ‘ecology, consciousness, human evolution, spirituality, future’ didn’t include a topic that explored the outcomes of the imbalance of the feminine and masculine in our patriarchal societies. This was reflected in the line up of speakers, who were predominantly male. I checked a few more events in the consciousness conference calendar and found a similar picture: only one third, or sometimes even less, of the speakers were female.

This wouldn’t be worth mentioning if we were dealing with a different subject, but it certainly warrants some reflection when we look at conferences within the consciousness, eco, and spirituality scene. We all begin to understand that a functioning, sustainable whole requires the feminine and the masculine to be integrated within the individual and within humanity as a whole, and we are increasingly aware of the dysfunctional results of millennia of human development based almost solely on patriarchal, masculine value systems.

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13 Ways To Roll With The Punches

13 Ways To Roll With the Punches 300x251 13 Ways To Roll With The Punches

By Gaye Levy

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The great recession of the 21st century has been marching forward for seven plus years. For many, these have not been easy times. For the the enlightened, these seven years have been troubling and extremely stressful. As questionable government controls are mandated and insidious corporate shenanigans and corruption are uncovered, that stressful edge is likely to get steeper over time for many of us, with no end in sight.

In this type of environment, it is easy to become frustrated and immune to taking steps to effect change. Instead, many go about their day, afraid of rocking the boat or too fearful to even think about the consequences of a major breakdown, crisis or natural disaster. Even those who have prepared, stockpiled food and water and learned survival skills (such as fire building, sheltering and emergency medicine) wonder whether we will make it through if/when the SHTF.

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6 Things Your Soul Wants You to Know

6 Things Your Soul Wants You To Know Main  6 Things Your Soul Wants You to Know

By Katrina Cavanough

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

We all wander through life searching for a higher purpose. We live with the same questions. Who are we? Why are we here? What are we meant to be doing? Am I living my best life?

Throughout my life I have pondered these questions. My experiences with over 400 deaths as a frontline social worker in a busy ER gave me the greatest insights and new understandings about death, dying and how the soul wishes to express itself in life.

Each life experience is an invitation to live as closely as possible to your soul’s true essence.

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The Effect of External Energies in Your Space

The External Energies in Your Space The Effect of External Energies in Your Space

By Caroline Diana Bobart

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

From an intuitive standpoint, your aura or personal space is separated from the outer world by a permeable membrane that turns you into a multi-dimensional, etheric telephone exchange of sorts!

For better or for worse, you are constantly receiving and transmitting spoken and unspoken communication with the world around you through the medium of energy, which in turn registers upon your sensations, feelings and thoughts. 

Most people are generally unaware of the inherent nature of their auras, but this type of communication can run the gamut from past life memories and family karma to the held beliefs, expectations and fears of your friends, colleagues and family members in present time. This feature also forms the basis of the universal truth that ‘all is one’.


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