Wake Up World

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Breaking: Report Finds Cancer Deaths Have Doubled in Argentina’s GMO Growing Regions

GMO Corn

By Carolanne Wright

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

A new report by the Ministry of Health in Cordoba, Argentina, has documented a disturbing trend for those who live in areas where pesticide-intensive GM crops are grown — specifically, a dramatic spike in cancer deaths.

The report covered five years of collected data. The average cancer deaths in the province is 158 per 100,000 individuals. And yet, four of the “Pampa Gringa” districts have much higher death rates — between 216 and 230. “Pampa Gringa” is considered the premier agricultural region of the Cordoba province.

The Report on Cancer in Cordoba 2004-2009 is the official investigation which links the use of pesticides — especially glyphosate — to the staggering increase in cancer deaths.

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Quitting the Nuclear Labs – a Scientist’s Plea for World Peace

Quitting the Nuclear Labs - a Nuclear Scientist’s Plea for World Peace - Main

By Andreas Toupadakis, Ph.D.

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Immoral Science: the World Behind the Security Fence

This article describes the events of my professional life, in particular my work at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Dow Corning, and the University of Crete. It explains why it was necessary for me to resign from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and how scientists unintentionally get drawn into working with nuclear weapons. It directs a beam of light on the world behind the security fence – a world that the scientists who join these labs are not told about when they are hired.

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A Word About Grief

Grief is another word for grieving, anger, mad, madness. The concept of losing love when viewed through forgiving eyes, which are opened through gratitude, becomes impossible. There is no separation in love, and death is for the physical body only.

Ways to work through grief include sharing thoughts and feelings with others in support groups. We are not alone!

Get up and move! Exercise and healthy life-style choices will help us heal.

Talk to family and friends and never believe you are a burden. How many people have you helped in your life? Learn to accept love and care without feeling guilty.

How Grief Works

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Choose Your Reality! Connecting to a New Consciousness

By Lisa Young

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

What would life be like if you could choose between two completely different experiences of reality in every moment?

Just like Neo in the movie “The Matrix” having to choose between taking the red pill or the blue pill; Imagine if each choice moved you into a different consciousness which brought you a vastly different reality.

How would you choose between the two? How would you discern which “reality” you were focused on in any given moment?

This is not just a story line from a cool science fiction movie. It is happening on the Earth right now. It is our planetary reality, a unique cosmic moment in time on our beautiful and beloved planet. TWO realities, TWO paradigms, TWO consciousness’, and in a sense, TWO Earths, are residing simultaneously but in different dimensions and frequencies.

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Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water (Particularly in the Morning)

By Garrick Dee

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

A glass of lemon water to start your day can help keep the doctor away. Why do I say that? According to Hippocrates “All disease begin in the gut”, and modern research has also concluded that an unhealthy gut environment impacts the immune system and leads to a myriad of diseases.

Drinking vitamin C rich lemon water (especially first thing in the morning) helps your gut by stimulating the production of hydrochloric acid, a critical ingredient needed by our stomach to digest and expel waste. Lemon is known to neutralize free-radicals in our body, and helps greatly in balancing our body’s pH levels (more on that below). And there are more benefits that I want to share with you too.

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Understanding the Mechanics of Political and Corporate Lies

The Arithmetic of Political Lies

By Ethan Indigo Smith

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

“To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.” ~ George Orwell

As with most societal dynamics, there are various approaches and thought-processes we can employ to help us make sense of the unpredictable nonsense that constitutes today’s politics and corporate spin.

There are four forms of political lies.

Those involved in politics – the politicians, reporters and corporate lobbyists – are constantly lying. We all know it, we just don’t all appreciate the scope of it. Of course, there is outright lying which might be done in any number of ways, including complete conjuration and outright elimination of important information. However corporate heads, politicians and their faithful media normally prefer more nuanced presentations to their lies — so it pays to understand just how they go about it.

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Truly Healing From Cancer and Preventing It Altogether

Truly Healing From Cancer and Preventing It Altogether

By Katrin Geist

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Medicine as it should be

I came across the excellent documentary below – Truly Heal From Cancer – and thought to write an article around it. It’s a great resource for people currently experiencing cancer and seeking effective ways to help themselves, and everyone interested in simple preventive measures that go a long way. The MDs and clinics featured (see contacts in references section below) offer some great therapies, using contemporary medical wisdom at its best. I would happily visit these doctors, as they practice a medicine much to my liking: as non-invasive as possible, addressing causes of illness, and patient centered.

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Seeking a Low-Cost Solution to Cardiovascular Troubles? Hibiscus May Be the Answer

By Carolanne Wright

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

If you have traveled to Mexico then chances are that you’ve seen the vibrant, scarlet-hued herbal tea known as hibiscus. Commonly referred to as “sour drink” in Iran, hibiscus not only is a refreshingly tart brew but also has been used worldwide as an effective medicinal beverage. Rich in vitamin C, alkaloids and bioflavonoids, this bright-red elixir is traditionally used for supporting respiratory and cardiovascular health, lowering blood pressure, maintaining fluid balance and alleviating insomnia.

And now, contemporary research has validated the herb as a health-promoting tonic in a variety of areas.

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Are You “Spiritual But Not Religious?”

By Lissa Rankin MD

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

When I talk to some people about spirituality, they commonly respond with, “Oh, but I’m not religious,” to which I respond, “Yeah, me neither.” Then they look a bit puzzled. The way I see it, every religion is some human being’s interpretation of spiritual principles, and while there’s a lot of overlap in the teachings of all religions that probably points to some spiritual truth, I find myself resisting any dogma that says that one way is “The Way” and everything else is hogwash.

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Allowing the Vibrational Change

By Zen Gardner

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Many of the symptoms we’re witnessing amongst those around us can be explained in terms of the vibrational change we’re undergoing. The shift is on, and people are responding by either welcoming or resisting it at all kinds of levels. It’s quite a fascinating phenomenon to behold, as well as a bit disturbing as people who don’t get it lash out at whatever influence they perceive is the culprit for their disorientation.

Fascinating stuff, but intrinsically important to what’s happening here at the surface level.

Most importantly is the personal level of this transformation that’s happening whether people want to acknowledge it or not. Fighting the structural degradation of old paradigms is always a messy affair, with seeming little to support our old viewpoints, except desperate grabbing on to old thought patterns and resultant behaviors which have shaped our lives. Such is the death of the old.


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