Sheldon Nidle

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The Photon Belt & Becoming A Galactic Human ~ 3 Days of Darkness?

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The Photon Belt & Becoming A Galactic Human ~ 3 Days of Darkness?


You Are Becoming A Galactic Human: The Photon Belt

Excerpted from "You Are Becoming a Galactic Human" by Virginia Essene and Sheldon Nidle channeling Sirian Council members )


  • You will first enter through what is called the null zone. This procedure will take roughly five to six days to complete including three days of total darkness.


  • Following this action, you will move into the main part of the belt itself and experience unending daylight (24 hours a day). This journey normally lasts around 2,000 years and ends when your solar system exit at the other end of the belt by going through the null zone exit for the same five to six day period.

~Galactic Love Reporter Sheldan Nidle~ 12~20~11 First Contact Is Getting Very Close~

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Dratzo! We return! You are now in the midst of a global dilemma: your surface world is drawing ever closer to its shift into a 5~D unified reality, but those in charge of your world, despite efforts by many to depose them, remain defiant of the disaster that is swiftly approaching. We have sent out emergency calls to our Earth allies to start the actual process of arresting those in your various governments who are responsible for maintaining the fiction that your world can somehow weather the storm and survive. This is blatantly false! So far, we have received word from our Earth allies that the final stage of their takedown scenario is beginning. The coming year of 2012 requires new governance and the formal termination of the unending plots and stratagems of the dark cabal. It is time for prosperity, the return of your sovereign rights, and disclosure. It is also time for an open dialogue with us to begin on a global basis. There is so much that needs to be said by each one of you and by us, and so much needs to happen prior to your move to Inner Earth and your transformation into full consciousness.


`12~6~11~ Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the ~Galactic Federation

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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the ~GaGalactic Federation

Selamat Balik! We return! The cords that tie your reality together are rapidly dissolving and transforming into the grids of a new one. Initially, this new one is manifesting various debacles that are churning things up in every corner of your world, and this is to be expected as the miasmas of the past are purged. Many of your realms in ages past have been wiped out by the thunderous might of the Anunnaki as they froze, flooded and burned your societies in an effort to expunge the memories of your fully conscious origins. On each occasion, the Anunnaki chose a group of survivors to 'stock' the next reality (by means of memory trauma held within the DNA) with the 'fodder' necessary to endlessly repeat these patterns of destruction and genocide down through history. This attempt to bury your memories of your former, higher state of consciousness was only partially successful and was unable to induce the complete adulation and acquiescence desired by your dark overloads. Your ineradicable inner path was kept alight by Spirit for the day when all of you would be returned to your former state of glory.

~Update from Sheldan Nidles~ A New Resolve~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Sheldan Nidles~




Dratzo! We return with lots to discuss with you. Several events are ready to happen which will catapult your world toward a new reality. At present you are watching a number of situations which point toward the coming collapse of your global setup. Furthermore, these social structures are set to evolve out of all recognition. For example, regime change today has assumed a whole new dimension: formerly, those who took down a despot would, in time, revert to what they had so idealistically intended to replace. Now, however, those who have replaced the deposed are quickly discovering that the people are not willing to sit back and let the old ways return. Now there is a sustained effort to keep the new rulership on track and instituting the reforms promised. This focus and determination demonstrates the difference in today's uprisings versus those of yesteryear. The new ingredient that is demolishing the age-old syndrome of tyranny is your rise in consciousness, which makes it impossible for those recently brought to power to veer from the course that the people have set for them.

~11~22~11 Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation i

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~Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation~



       10 Cimi, 19 Xul, 8 Manik        

Dratzo! We return with more to say about your world and its divine transformation. As Gaia moves ever closer to altering your surface reality, the Agarthans are using their abilities to prevent the dark from having any hope of mounting a comeback. Right now the Agarthans have teamed up with our Earth allies and a general plan has been put into effect, the first part of which was the dismantling of the vast network of underground and deep underwater bases maintained for decades by various secret governments. This major military action has now been achieved. The dark has lost tens of thousands of vital personnel and is denied the services of most of its exotic research scientists and technicians. Despite this, it was not until the recent arrests of mid-level personnel that the illuminoids became really panicked; they now know that their own arrest is near. Those who have for so long 'managed' your world see the time is rapidly approaching when each of them must face the large crowds of angry citizens they once so arrogantly manipulated. And the roundup strategy does indeed include these 'kings of darkness.'

~Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation~

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~Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation~


Dratzo! We return! Time is swiftly collapsing the time-space grids that form the framework of your present reality. Ever-increasing new energies are flowing into these grids and shaking the very foundations of the dark's long hold on you. Nearly 13 millennia ago, the Time Lords and the local Elohim constructed these grids as a temporary measure in order to permit you to survive, and now they are rapidly disappearing. The dark ones know this and yet persist in their bizarre schemes to keep all of you entrapped within their dark control fields. The time has come to counter their delusional activities and free your world from their ever-weakening grip. As you look around at your world's political and economic conditions, you can see just how close everything is to complete breakdown. We have monitored the strange maneuvers of this dark cabal and seen how easily they dissociate their continuing fantasies from what is now manifestly becoming real. Our Agarthan cousins consider it their prime obligation to you to liberate your surface world from these decaying delusions, and we are here to fully support this vital task!


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