~ 5 days away from the Galactic Alignment!~

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings~ We have 5 days remaining Until The Alignment and a Huge flash of Light and Love Energy!!! The INtensity will Continue on and Upwards we go. We Love You, Love The Earth Allies

Gloria Wendroff – The HeavenLetters – God’s Welcomer To The World



Gloria Wendroff – The HeavenLetters – God’s Welcomer To The World 

gods20handGod said:

To be a great greeter of the human race is to welcome each person you see, meet, or pass by. If you live in a big city, your greeting can be unspoken, yet you give your greeting just the same. This is not a small thing I ask of you when I ask you to be My official greeter to the Universe. Please do not take it lightly. This isn’t a service to give only when you feel like it or happen to be in a good mood. What mood you’re in isn’t the issue. Your service is the issue. You are one who serves.

You don’t know what saving grace your welcome to the Universe might be to someone. You don’t know what your simple welcome might mean to someone you bless. You could be giving someone a new lease on life, yes, just your moment of welcome, your moment of meeting someone’s eyes, your moment of recognition. Let your face convey, “Hello, man.”

Even in a big city, you can welcome everyone. You can. In a small town, you can welcome everyone in another way. You are My welcomer to the Universe, not to this one and that one, but to all. It is important that you have this friendly intent. This is your mission. It is everyone’s. Welcome is yours to convey: “Happy landings. To your health. Cheers. Have a good life.”

A reason given to welcome all has been bruited around in the world. You don’t know in advance whom you could be greeting. Unbeknownst to you, you could be greeting Christ or Moses or Mohammed. True, there is good in it for you to welcome the Great Ones. You don’t want to pass up that opportunity, yet I am suggesting that your heart be generous and that you welcome all of My children, not just a certain select few you favor. I am suggesting that you become a Great One even in this seeming little daily thing. What a gift it is to welcome one and all into your generous heart. What a blessing to all, and what a blessing to you to be a Greeter of the Universe.


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Selacia – Ascension And 12/21 Solstice – 17 December 2012



Selacia – Ascension And 12/21 Solstice – 17 December 2012

SelaciaWith the 12/21 Solstice almost here, it’s vital that you connect with a lightness of being and remain in your heart. A lightness of being, after all, is required to maintain a high frequency.

The process of ascension you have heard so much about is directly related to frequency. In the days ahead of Solstice, and on 12/21 itself, you want to have the highest frequency possible in order to access a multidimensional state allowing for great spiritual openings.


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Marilyn Raffaelle – The Arcturian Group – 17 December 2012




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Choosing Ascension



Pubblicato in data 16/dic/2012 da OpenhandFoundation

" It's been prophecised and spoken of for centuries. It's magical and mystical. To the uninitiated it may seem way out, weird and whacky; but in fact its grounded in the quantum fabric of science. It is very ordinary, awesomely ordinary! It is our Ascension..."

Chris Bourne



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Paradigm Shift Radio Ep26 - Pheonyx Roldan Smith, Merkaba, Pain, Choices, Prayer + More



Pubblicato in data 16/dic/2012 da SKULLBABYLON


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Dr. Wayne Dyer: How May I Serve Others So that They May Have What I Desire?


The Healers Journal Posted by admin on December 16, 2012 by Dr. Wayne Dyer

A great question to ask yourself as we celebrate the end of our year (and even the end of an era) is this: How may I serve others so that they may have what I desire? The answer to this seemingly contradictory question holds the key to authentic inner peace. Many callers to my radio show are struggling with fears, worries, and concerns that stem, as they see it, from unfulfilled desires. I usually suggest that they try wanting something more for others than they want it for themselves. The love required to do this turns their focus away from the constant turmoil of the ego and instead opens real possibilities for living their highest and most joyful purpose.


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How To Foretell Your Future


First let’s go to your “tool” box and find out what you have there for tools to use for said purpose. Ah, there’s a prayer, meditation, exercise, knowledge, information, hammer, pliers, chainsaw, ah here we are, found a good one!

“Attention,” yours. Let’s use this one due to the fact that it is the most powerful one that exist in your tool box.


Yes, the most powerful “tool” that you have to create your reality is your attention. Use it wisely and with consciousness, that will bring to you awareness. Know when you are in use of this important tool. Know what it is being used on and for. Know that you can rest the tool when you wish. Keep close in mind that when this tool is not on leave, being rested, that what ever it is focused on is headed your way.


If you were using a chainsaw cutting a large tree down, you would certainly keep you eyes on it to know which way it will fall, right? Speaking of this all powerful tool, your attention, what is it on just NOW? Is it on these words, the concepts/meanings within them, or is it wondering, drifting from on event to the other in your past, present or future? Being in the NOW is the power behind this power.


When you focus this power on The Power that keeps your body at about 98 degrees, and life in it from mostly automatic breathing of the air all around you and making your heart beat perfectly for an entire life-span, then That same Energy will return the focus with much, much more power and energy than what you are giving it.



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Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead: 12.17.12



Morning Blessing: 12.17.12
Arriving Upon Ascension's Doorway 


"Nowhere can man find a quieter or more troubled retreat than in his own soul."  - Marcus Aurelius.


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The Dolphin Collective ~ The input of the Lightcodes is now completed ~by Love Reporter Méline Lafont



The Dolphin Collective ~ The input of the Lightcodes is now completed ~by Love Reporter Méline Lafont




Lovely Ones, we welcome you all in our energy of Love and enrichment. It truly is our pleasure to be able to accept all of you again and to share our message of Love with all. We love you all so dearly!
It has been a while since you have heard from us through this scribe but a lot has come to pass in the meantime for her and for us, just as for all of you. We have found an appropriate window of opportunity to again step forward and we are grateful for this!
Where shall we begin? A dazzling amount of things are on the verge of breaking through whilst a lot has already happened ; however, just as we have stated many times before this is just the beginning of something truly grandiose and fabulous. In the meantime you all have become accustomed beautifully to the standard measures and frequencies of the Light arriving in full swing on your Earth, particularly in your DNA and in your cells. That this process is moving up a notch is noticeable for many of you and, in spite of this fact, has become very tolerable. This can only mean that you are ready for this, for in all honesty, you are already dealing with very high frequencies of the Light that now arrive at a pace that even we, with our swiftness,  are not always able to keep up with.


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Sophia Love – 4:44 AM



4:44 AM




It feels like we are waiting for the bus on the first day of school.  Our shoes are shined, our pencils, notebooks and crayons are neatly packed in our brand new backpack.  We are wearing an outfit that was carefully chosen for just this moment.  It is a perfect hair day.

We can’t see the bus, but we are in the place where it’ll arrive and we are early.  There’s nothing else to do but look around and pass the time.  The bus will be here any minute and will take us someplace else.

We have heard about where we are going, yet we’ve never been.  We feel apprehensive, hopeful, brave, excited and anxious.  We don’t have much to say.  This is almost too much to bear.  Our internal reserves and our faith are the only things that will help us now.


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Judith Dagley – About 12.21.12… Well, What About It?



Judith Dagley – About 12.21.12… Well, What About It? 

21122012Here it comes! December 21st, 2012 is just around the corner, and this is a real mind-bender. Even if you are one of those who intends to live through it as “just another day,” don’t kid yourself–it’s still a mind-bender. Why? Because this date  has been imbued with prophesies and predictions that have been repeated and embellished throughout generations for a very long time. They have thus gathered what Jung called “the archetypal numinosity” of a very powerful myth in the  collective unconscious of humanity. Meaning, whether you know it or not, it’s in yours, too.

So, regardless of what you “think” about 12/21/12, it is the experience of living out such a powerful myth as an actual day in your life that bends the mind.  Like dreams, myths are not even in the same “reality” as everyday life, you see, and to experience both at once will be an unprecedented event, indeed.  Of course, this is not to say that the date won’t come and go like any other “normal day.” For many of us, it probably will, to some extent. It will also be more than a normal day, however…whether you consciously choose to experience the “more than normal” part or not. My suggestion is that you DO choose to experience it, and even more importantly, that you choose exactly HOW to experience it. From my perspective, it is important for ALL of us to do so.


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Lucas – A Personal Message – Make Your Choice



Lucas – A Personal Message – Make Your Choice 

NoILoveYouMore(Picture: Duality played out in full forgetting unconditional love from the heart and not the mind or ego.)

Dear Readers,

First of all thanks for all you readers that read my blog. I have been going with you on a journey to ascension and change. Now a great event is taking place and its culmination point is 21 December 2012, also my birthday. It is of the utmost importance to remember you need to make a choice in your life now.  It is the choice to choose love or to be  choosing fear and duality. Or better said getting ready to be in 5D or staying in 3D.  I do not make the choice for you, nor will anyone or anything else.


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2012: The Great Shift -The Hidden Comes To Light…Love Or Fear


Uploaded on 12 December 2012 Kemetprince1 

Letting Go Off Society’s Expectations!


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What Did You Miss In All The Negative Displayed – “26 Moments That Restored Our Faith In Humanity This Year




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By Ute Posegga-Rudel


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012

Please also read update from 21.8.12

VIDEO (recommended) 

My Beloved Friends, 


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Meg Benedicte – “12-12-12 ~ 12-21-12



Meg Benedicte – “12-12-12 ~ 12-21-12″ 


As we approach the final days of December towards the Solstice on the 21st, our solar system is moving into alignment in the last degrees of Sagittarius of the Milky Way Galaxy. This is the annual event when the Sun conjuncts the center of our galaxy, which lies at 26-27 degrees Sagittarius.

When our solar system moves into range with the Galactic Equator this week, our planet receives a powerful stream of gamma photon light emanating from the spinning black hole. The surge of gamma energy is evident all around our planet in the increasing solar flares, the melting ice caps, coastal flooding, intensifying storms and climate change, the shifting magnetic poles, thinning of the ionosphere, and the acceleration of time towards zero.


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Joy to the World December 16, 2012


“You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here’s why.

It’s because of the way

the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single victim of Columbine? Disturbed people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he’ll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.


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Happy Birthday, Father God!



You Have SEVEN BILLION Children?


Speaking of Ancient Aliens....


Surprise Birthday Party for Father God RIGHT NOW!
Join us! ALL are welcome in LOVE!





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Jafree Ozwald – Being Authentic is Overcoming Fear


Source: The Golden Age Daily - 12/16/12




 ”Become more authentic and you will have a flowering. And the more authentic you become, by and by you will feel many things are falling away – of their own accord. You never made any effort to do it; they just fall of their own accord.” ~Osho


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We'd driven over four hundred miles without a break. Lily enjoyed doing the marathons. I see myself as a butterfly, a fish in a stream, and so, although I need to always keep moving, I like little stops, looking at the world's biggest ball of twine, or the corn cob palace in Iowa. Sort of like Michael in that movie, Michael. I don't smell like cinnamon buns though.


Lily had the glow, plugged in as she was to her CD on hypnosis in the autistic population. I'd hunkered down into Atonement, my fall back novel. In the evenings I still put myself to sleep with Douglas Adams, but during daylight hours, Ian McKewan tells it like it is.


Lily's hand came to rest on my arm, and that was very pleasant, until it wasn't anymore.


She began squeezing my arm so hard, it felt like an Indian burn. I turned to her, ready to start yelling, but then I got a real good look at her face.


She was blankly mesmerized. She sort of looked like a zombie.


She was staring straight ahead, completely lost, completely gone. I got, real fast like, that this was a very dangerous situation. We were rocketing at 75 miles an hour, and here is Lily, frozen. Oh. My. God.


And then something very odd began to happen.


We very slowly, very gently, began to float upward.



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So... cocreating. How much outcomes are left for survival? of extinction if someone knows?


When I'm watching tv or so interacting with information beyond, in my mind, outcomes are portrayed over what is possible of true meaning of my five sense's so unconsciousness listen's to reality and unconscioussly overlap parallel reality's by having sense's aware and visualization's with thought patterns by the third eye conecting parallel reality's of meaning's in my head for new creation. When machine dont run I can picture the pattern of what will happen thankfully haha might sound insane this is hypothese's:   so the tree's are tree earth's parallel from my understanding close to this earth one magma #1 other one hollow #2 and other green plasma #3 let's say... also known as tree's=to humans on each level of # on earth working parallel to this one. each having an accelerator on planet and in mind's pineal. this will be of further work umm... this is mainly how I work when I dont feel it in back of pineal feels alot more less guided but mostly awakening in information from uknown incredible is the human body over analyzation will decide if I keep changing these thoughts or to trow it away. Its my kind of evolution everything happens for a reason so do not take action on this its only for acknowledgement of creating with um what extraterrestrials would have available at higher precision thought process



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J. Speer-Williams – Everything Vibrates – 16December2012


Source: The Golden Age Daily - 12/16/12

J. Speer-Williams, Veterans Today
Waking Times

Good, Better, Best Vibrations

Someone once wrote …

“The truth has a certain elegance and restraint to it. Sometimes it can be a little rough because truth doesn’t spend in any time in makeup as lies do. Lies require cosmetics and strategic lighting. Truth posses its own beauty without the need for artifice and produces its own light.”

Now ask yourself …  Am I aware of being aware?


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Christina Fisher – Our New Humanity is Here Now – 16December2012


Source: The Golden Age Daily - 12/16/12

Lotus Light

The Golden Heart Dialogues


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The Galactic Free Press Update: The Golden Age is Upon US!~




Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


Earth Allies Joseph And Christine Capturing New Earth Energies from Their Window


Greetings Love Beings, We recently went through the Much Anticipated 12~ 12~ 12 Stargate and Portal Opening! The Gates of Heaven Are Wide Open, The Broadcast System is Activated, Mother Earth=Heart is In the 5d Frequencies Holding the Space For Humanity To Enter.

AS of the 12~12~12 those who walked through the stargate entered Completely into the Unknown. The Unknown is where the Energy of Creation and the Energy of Love Come together to Create More joy and Happiness, this is Also Called Reality and Heaven On Earth.


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On the Ascension ~ The Arcturian Group of Forty David K. Miller


On the Ascension

Copyright © December 2012 ~ David K. Miller


Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians.
Congratulations for being on the planet Earth at this exciting time of the beautiful transitions. Congratulations for your being present on the planet in fulfillment of your soul mission.
That mission has to do with developing the planetary healing skills that will enable the Earth
to grow and expand into a fifth-dimensional planet.

You each are establishing a great foundation of spiritual light. We are on the eve of a major
planetary transition. Some of the starseeds are convinced that the Ascension is very close.I want to speak directly about the Ascension in this lecture, and I also want to talk about the new spiritual technologies that you have been learning and practicing.

Let us look at the Earth from the perspective of the Ascension. There are a limited few starseeds like yourself. Believe it or not, there is not a large majority of starseeds on the Earth. More interestingly, not all of the starseeds are activated. There are still many starseeds who are asleep. They want to be awakened. They want to remember who they really are.


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Top Russian TV Station Exposes Financial Tyranny [PICS, VIDEO!]


Divine Cosmos Written by David Wilcock Sunday, 16 December 2012 00:55

On December 4, 2012, one of Russia's top TV networks contacted us -- to do the world's first-ever full exposure of our Financial Tyranny investigation in mainstream media!

This show will air just hours after we have made this post -- and we hope to get a copy of it.



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12:12:12 thru 12:21:12


12:12:12 thru 12:21:12


As we approach the final days of December towards the Solstice on the 21st, our solar system is moving into alignment in the last degrees of Sagittarius of the Milky Way Galaxy. This is the annual event when the Sun conjuncts the center of our galaxy, which lies at 26-27 degrees Sagittarius.



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POOF for December 16, 2012: Have a Very Merry Christmas





Greetings and Salutations:

It’s clear the gag order they put down when they got everything positioned is being held. I do know they were busting a hump this week to get the rest done. The pres doesn’t need to be in the WH for everything to proceed, where ever airforce 1 is, so’s the WH. We have our original constitutional treasury back and they did something with the fed, in other words, the ‘setup’ is done for a wonderful xmas. The mystery of the ‘moment’ lies in this silence. Be good and be ready because Santa’s coming to town.

Be at Peace and step into your glorious future. The door is open, now step lively.


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Montague Keen, December 16, 2012~Trust that things will happen


Montague Keen, December 16, 2012



What a difficult week it has been for you, my dear. Because you are very sensitive, the changing energies affect you deeply. They bring up emotions long buried in the past. Certain other people have behaved completely out of character recently and are in a confused state of mind. At this time, when you deviate from your pre-ordained path, all sorts of difficulties will arise, to force you back on track. It is a war between good and evil, right and wrong. The Cabal wants you firmly on the materialistic path. They are causing financial problems that seem insurmountable for so many of you. When you have the courage to step off the treadmill and take control of your lives, everything will fall into place and your path will become clear. Take courage, and hold a firm belief and acceptance of the changes that need to happen, to remove you from this dark, miserable, third-dimensional existence, into a future that presently, you can only dream of. You made a commitment when you returned to Earth, that you would willingly bring about these changes. You are now doing what you came on Earth to do. Trust that you will be taken care of, and that you will enjoy the fruits of your effort. Come together, support each other, and encourage those who worry about taking the next step.


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!!!!! MUST READ! The Pluto/Saturn Yod to Jupiter retrograde. December 15th, 2012 – by Jon Waldrup


Love and Light Portal 16 12 12 Posted by Eternity

Horoscope circle


Jon’s words to us today are especially powerful! Love and hugs, ~Jean

It is impossible to overstate how much pressure people are feeling these days. People are popping – it’s like the human race is bubble wrap and we’re all getting squeezed.


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How to Absorb the Highest Energies Well


Ascension is your body's vibration increasing to a higher dimensional frequency. Your body is your best guide in this process. Listen to it. When you want to rest, rest. When you want to eat something you really enjoy, go ahead. Your body is tellling you what it needs to make the assimilation of these energies as smooth as it can get. More on this subject at: http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2012/12/what-happens-when-you-veg-out.html



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Many of us are feeling the energies of change sweeping our planet. I am no exception. Day after day I watch for indicators of the changes I know are necessary if our society on earth is to be transformed. The energies are one thing, along with our hopes and visions for a better tomorrow for everyone; but it is manifestation that I and others look for in the world. The many channeled messages have provided hope to a lot of us; but I have to be honest: I get tired of hearing, "Soon!" I'd like to get get beyond believing in change and actually start seeing it happen. How do you feel about this? How will the changes in leadership actually happen?


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Surprise Birthday Party for Father God RIGHT NOW!
Join us! ALL are welcome in LOVE!






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McDonald’s Closes All Their Restaurants in Bolivia



McDonald’s Closes All Their Restaurants in Bolivia





Published at 2:55 pm EST, December 22, 2011



Bolivia became the first McDonald’s-free Latin American nation, after struggling for more than a decade to keep their numbers out of ‘the red.’  And that fact is still making news.


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3MIN News December 17, 2012: Earthquake & Solar Flare Watches Begin



Pubblicato in data 17/dic/2012 da Suspicious0bservers


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Pubblicato in data 17/dic/2012 da paradoxman316

From stories of reconciliation with long estranged family members to the horror story of yet another black op mass murder in the US, this holiday season on doorstep of the great shift in consciousness shows little change in the status quo. Human life continues as it has for a very long time. The only difference, perhaps, is that we have the ability to watch it all happen in media ranging from the TV to the Internet...and, of course, our personal lives. As for me, I do my best to tap into the collective consciousness and allow myself to feel what my human family is feeling. I have to admit: it's a very mixed bag with wide contrast. It's been said that the emotional roller coaster is just ride, and what a ride it is.



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We Declare Peace on Earth! Volume 9


We Declare Peace on Earth!
Please enjoy and share our latest video.



Source: YouTube.com


Thank you All for standing up in LOVE and LIGHT!
Thank you, Doreen, for bringing together
the Royal Angels in your community!


Please send in your Declaration of World Peace today. You can send a video clip, an audio clip, or a written statement. Contact us if you have questions. The address is:


In case you missed any of our Peace Vids, here they are!



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Tips To Awaken To Your Psychic Ability


Instinct is inherent in all sentient beings.  Intuition is an interchangeable description for instinct.  I believe intuition to be an untrained, unconscious demonstration of psychic ability.  It is the ability to tap into our higher consciousness.  By learning to utilize our senses we may retrieve information within and beyond our present senses.  It is possible to engage more use our brain’s sentient ability. 


Here are some tips to begin awakening to your inner gifts:


Space Clearing

Your senses are more rested therefore more available when the environment around you feels safe with pleasant smells and serene colors; soothing sounds.   It is good to have an uncluttered environment with comfortable furnishings decorated with pleasing art and items that have meaning to you personally.  This allows your senses to relax.  Learning to relax is one of the first necessary steps to your inner psyche.  If your mind is busy with sensory impute you are distracted and can not perceive your senses or thoughts.


In similar fashion as to dust that accumulates in our homes so also does energy from our thoughts and feelings build up in our personal environment, vehicles, and workspace.  It is best if these energies are cleared on a regular basis.  You will find this is beneficial to your health and soothing to your mind.



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this morning after waking up, i remain in the bed and tried to remember my dreams.. i dont do that usually.. i mean i dont make extra efford for remembering.. but this morning i felt like i have to remember.. 

suddenly i remembered and began crying .. a strange cry of fear .. I was saying oh my god.. oh my god.. every detail i remembered, i felt like a poor kid in extrem fear..


in the dream:


i was a kid.. not who i am now.. not this time.. language was english.. time felt like early 19th century.. i was in a orphanage.. manager was a man with big face and big glasses..

he was known as evil himself among kids. he approached me and gave me a small piece of fabric with a glass symbol on it...(i dont remember well but.. i think it was a thing to be attacherd or warn to arm like star of David jews warn at 2nd ww.) when i got it in to my hand i understood that i was choosen.

i ran away.. not many kids knew it.. but i knew it.. i heard abt it before that.. if someone is given this mark, this kid would be choosen and taken at night time.. not given to a family but, raped and murdered.

i was so afraid.. i was running in the gardens between barracs.. i began screaming.. they want to kill me.. they want to kill me.. please help me.. all the children i came across was so afraid of my reaction.. they had white faces.. no one could ever help me... i knew that this night they would pick me up... so after all the noise i made the manager ran after me and he was saying '' i wont do anything'' he cought me. i tried to fight back.. it was impossible..

i do not remember the rest of the dream.. but i know that i was 12 years old and raped and murdered.





it took a while to remember where i am.. i realized that this was a chance at my door for forgiving and purifying my self..


i tried my best.. 



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More Mesmerizing Music From Dr. Moe



Dr. Moe's mesmerizing music is a big hit.

Please enjoy and share these
wonderful songs from Dr. Moe.


I Am That I Am
Source: YouTube.com

From Dr. Moe -

"I was reminded of this first song by something at your message page here so I'm dedicating
"I Am That I Am" to you."



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Oracle Report - Monday, December 17, 2012



Monday, December 17, 2012


Crescent Moon Phase - Moon in Aquarius

From our perspective here on Earth, the Sun appears to conjunct or align with the Galactic Center today at 26 Sagittarius 22.  The Sabian symbol for this degree is the scultptor's vision taking form.  Of course, the real question is what do you think the Glactic Center is?  Friend or foe?  But perhaps the even-better question is what do you think the Earth is?  Everyone is peering out "there" in space, but what if the real party was right here on Earth?  Would there be less fear going on in the collective?  I think so because the answer to all questions of this sort is grounding down with the Earth.  Keeping your feet on the ground feels a lot better.  Keeping it real by connecting with what's really important - not some image of what most people think is important - is much more merry and bright.  Fears are being heavily triggered right now, but there is no need for it.  We can choose to fall back in love with life (and with living!) or choose to think about the end of life (death) but how about a little of both?  How about the death of things that involve power and control combined with a love of things that involve beauty and freedom?  The Sabian symbol is the sculptor's vision taking form.  What do you envision?


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Visionkeeper – Exhausted




Posted on December 17, 2012 



As the infamous 12-21-12 draws ever closer I have to say I am just exhausted. It is becoming difficult to whip up blog posts out of thin air. My mind seems so drained with outside information and astrological adjustments taking place, it is enough just to get up everyday and function. I have found pretty intense headaches to be a constant part of this adjusting as well. I don’t know how complete my posts will be between now and December 21st. Please know that I too am going through what everyone else is experiencing and my posting may become less for a time, I just don’t know, I’ll have to play it by ear. I definitely WANT to continue as best I can. You have all become such an integral part of my life here. Sharing this journey has brought us all together in deep friendship.

I mentioned before that these times might get very difficult as the dark ones play out their last hand before going down. They will stop at nothing. This latest tragedy was a good test to see how well we can remain in our hearts, ignore the drama and not crumble under the grief. The shock may hit at first but we see now we must not fall prey to it. We must distance ourselves from whatever insanity they are creating and concentrate on love, on being out in nature, on finding something to be happy with, helping and reaching out to others and remaining calm. We are goodness despite how bad we are made out to be. We will not listen to their lies and allow ourselves to be seen as less when we are more, much, much more! We are light and we are love and we are the new world!!


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12-17-12 Bill Ballard ~ What is Ascension And Best Focused on for 12-21-12 ~ My Feelings



Pubblicato in data 17/dic/2012 da pearls2u

There is much talk of what will happen and one needs to do for 12/21/12 and the days following. Many persons feel we need to join in groups for further activations of humanity and the planet. Personally, I feel we have accomplished all that work over these past 25 years plus and now it is time to focus on self. Doing just that and expanding our consciousness to the highest levels we can individually reach is the greatest we can do for Mother Earth and the collective of Humanity. Changing ourselves changes the whole at this point, and that can only be done from within our own selves. Enjoy, as you are totally unlimited except by your own perceptions you put upon yourself at this point! Those who do the inner work will understand this while those who say show me will experience nothing but the anxiousness and anxieties of their inner frequencies being raised without consciously understanding what is occurring. Be ALL THAT IS! Be ALL YOU CAN BE! BE LOVE!



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Give Love A Try


Note: I am not usually into writing poetry but I was guided this morning to write this poem. I received confirmation that my guides and angels were working together with me on this when I unknowingly posted it on my blog at precisely 11:11. Feel free to share freely, with proper credit. Love & Light, Rach



my heart is breaking
the angels cry
a nation is mourning
questioning why


answers won’t come easy
some may never be found
for now, we can open our hearts
to let the sorrow drown


we can argue about guns
and we can argue about motives
yet all the while
families and friends speak votives


my heart is breaking
and the angels cry
what difference could I be making?
my mind gives no reply


it’s no small feat
to fix a world broken
but i’ll start small, and
continue until everyone has woken


it’s a fact i know that
true change starts within
so i’ll start with a smile
and call everyone my friend


and someday i know
this philosphy will expand
to include one and all
in each and every land


my heart is mending
the angels tears are dry
we’re all in this together
let’s give Love a try


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The manuscript of survival – part 239



The manuscript of survival – part 239



 •December 17, 2012 • 

The times are turning and so too are you, as you are slowly but inexorably being pulled into this vast tunnel of love that is already starting to have its effect on you. For many, this will seem to be a rather painful one, because all of the physical symptoms from this churning and compressing will indeed mask what is happening at your core. But for others, this voice of bliss and joy is already starting to surface somewhat, and it will grow stronger in the days ahead, and you will all start to tune into this jubilant choir that awaits you.


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Lisa Gawlas – “The Old Earth Has Fallen Away. The New Earth Is Not Yet Visible.





And the evolution continues… but now it simply leaves me baffled into what the next day could possibly present from here on out (thru the 21st at least.)  Every single and double (smile) person that I read for yesterday, were on the most beautiful, surprising zip line going completely across the upper atmosphere (west to east direction.)  Not one person had their “field of life” visible within their readings.  That deep blue/black energy, thicker and more present everywhere, than the day prior.  It took me a little bit… but I finally and excitedly understood what we were not only witnessing, but very much, participating within.

“The old earth has fallen away.  The new earth is not yet visible.”  This is a direct quote from the field as I was desperately searching the something familiar, something to read from.  Once I heard that, I so understood what is happening and what really has been happening over the last few days (field shifts.)  Our place in the cosmos is changing, shifting into higher vibrations.  Meaning, we have left this particular earth and all that it has wonderfully served to get us to “Here” and now we enter a void period.  We have made our evolutionary leap into what I call 2013, a new, higher vibrational earth.  But, that earth is not yet… not even sure what word(s) I want to use for this understanding… let’s just say, it’s not quite ready to be seen or walked upon… yet.  Hence, the zip lines.


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The twin GRAIL spacecraft will impact the moon’s surface on December 17, 2012


The Watchers By chillymanjaro– Posted on December 16, 2012 Posted in: Moon watch

What will happen in 2013 ?? - Solar Flares, Karmic Resolution, Source Integration


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Volcanic activity world-wide 15-17 December 2012


Source: Volcano Discovery - 12/17/12, By T

Tungurahua volcano (archive photo)


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Ecuador declares orange alert near Tungurahua volcano


News.com.au - 12/17/12, AFP


A view of the Tungurahua volcano, from Patate, Ecuador, taken in August this year. Source: AFP

ECUADOR has issued an orange alert - the second-highest warning level - for towns near the Tungurahua volcano, as its level of activity rose, civil defence officials say.

The area of the warning covers the adjacent provinces of Tungurahua and Chimborazo, according to the national civil defence agency.

To read the rest of this story, visit News.com.au.


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Latest Earthquake Activity - December 17, 2012


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.


Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.


10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the quake  in SULAWESI, INDONESIA

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.


December 17


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After a miserable week of wind and rain, can we dream of a white Christmas?


Mail Online - 12/16/12, Amanda Williams and Paul Bentley

  • Odds of a white Christmas are cut to 4/1 in London and 2/1 in Edinburgh
  • Hailstones the 'size of pound coins' have already fallen in Penzance, Cornwall
  • Heavy December rain has already claimed victims, with one dead and others rescued by services
  • This week is set to be another wet and wild one. Winds and unusually high tides have caused damage in Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire

    This week is set to be another wet and wild one. Winds and unusually high tides have caused damage in Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire


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    SaLuSa, December 17, 2012



    SaLuSa, December 17, 2012

    You are getting used to the idea that duality such as you experienced it, is now consigned to the past. So you can now get on with the task of cleansing out all old personal energies, that you know will have no place in the higher dimension. You should find it easier now that you have been lifted into the higher frequency, as you will instinctively know what requires your attention. The turning point has been reached and there is no going back, and your sight should be firmly set upon the future. With the Ascension of Earth you will have truly entered the Golden Age, and can go ahead with the re-organization and cleansing, and the establishment of a Galactic Civilization.

    We know that many of you who did not necessarily feel greatly uplifted by 12.12., have since noticed changes within yourself. This will continue as your body responds to the energies still reaching your Earth. Ascension still continues as does your spiritual evolution, but it will be a while before the next crucial point. The coming exciting times are going to allow you choice as to where your future lies. Great opportunities will be presented to you quite unlike those in your past, when your first consideration was to earn an income to survive. No such problems will exist in the very near future, and you will have all of your time to follow your hearts desire. Service to others will be most satisfying and rewarding, as you will be aware that it is the main purpose in your life.


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    Cyclone Evan hits Fiji: 'This will be much worse'


    The New Zealand Herald - 12/17/12

    Fiji residents are bracing themselves as Cyclone Evan makes its presence felt. Thousands of people have taken shelter in the region as Tropical Cyclone Evan batters the area with winds of up to 185km/h.

    Up to 400 New Zealanders also hunkered down in evacuation centres, with Cyclone Evan increasing from category 3 to 4 as it made its way towards Fiji.

    To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit NZHerald.co.nz.

    Similar Story:

    Cyclone Evan lashes Fiji


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    Animal Photos Of The Week: Lions, Monkeys, Giraffe And More Pictures From Around The World


    As seen on Huffington Post Green Posted: 12/16/2012 10:21 pm EST  |  Updated: 12/16/2012 10:21 pm EST

    A lioness looks at a 'Christmas gift' during a photocall marking Christmas at the London Zoo in central London on December 12, 2012. CARL COURT/AFP/Getty Images


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    Drought Deepens Across the Carolinas


    Weather.com - 12/16/12, Meg Kinnard

    COLUMBIA, S.C. — Conditions are dry across the Carolinas, and there may not be much relief in sight. Most of South Carolina is now in moderate or severe drought, and all of the state's 46 counties are now in some drought stage, according to the state agency that monitors the conditions. Drought conditions are moderate across more than half of North Carolina, primarily in the central part of the state.

    On Tuesday, the South Carolina Drought Response Committee upgraded the drought status in every county by one level. Conditions were most dire in 12 of the state's western counties, where the drought was determined to be severe. The middle of the state was in moderate drought, while the eastern and coastal areas were the least severe.

    To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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    Heart Song for December 17th 2012


    The Heart Song for December 17th 2012 is

    I Will Survive by Gloria Gayner. 


    This goes out to FEAR, DIVISION, and anything else that ASSUMED it would break our Spirits and leave us torn. WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERERS.




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    Miracle Twins In Palo Alto: Rare Monoamniotic Twins Born Against All Odds


    Huffington Post by Robin Wilkey Posted: 12/14/2012 8:59 pm EST  |  Updated: 12/14/2012 8:59 pm EST

    Miracle Twins Palo Alto

    A Bay Area family got a holiday miracle last month thanks to help from Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford.

    On November 7, Allison and Kevin Carlson celebrated the birth of their twin baby girls, Kate and Annie. But the girls weren't just any twins: they were monoamniotic twins, which stand a slim chance of survival, made even slimmer by a complication.

    Under normal circumstances, twins share a womb but live in their own individual amniotic sacs. But in a monoamniotic pregnancy, which occurs in less than one percent of twin pregnancies in the United States, the twins share the same sac.


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    Snow, Strong Winds from Winter Storm Draco


    Weather.com - 12/17/12, AP

    Chiloquin, Or.

    Mt. Bachelor, Or. Even the dogs are enjoying the new snow at Mt. Bachelor in Oregon (Courtesy: Mt. Bachelor Ski Resort)

    PORTLAND, Ore. — A powerful winter storm has moved into the Pacific Northwest and is expected to linger into Monday, delivering strong winds and rain in some places and heavy snowfall and whiteout conditions in others.

    Towering waves also are expected, but the storm won't be limited to the coast and mountains. Forecasters also have posted high-wind warnings with gusts up to 55 mph in Oregon's Willamette Valley and the metro Portland area, The Oregonian reported.

    To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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    Diamonds in the Sky...



    Diamonds in the Sky…

    We’ve Entered a Timeframe of Incredible Intensity


    Posted by Wes Annac

    001smallNote: As a few others have expressed, I must offer my apologies if I don’t seem to be around much during this intense timeframe. As outlined in this message, I am already feeling the powerful effects of this alignment and may simply require some time to absorb these energies. Many thanks for your understanding!

    Steve Beckow has been writing about the rapid surfacing and releasing of what can be termed “vasanas” or reaction patterns garnered and employed in everyday Life that are driven from former traumas we’ve experienced that instilled such patterns within us. (1)

    Many people are looking toward the 21st for the powerful energy we are to experience and as a lot of people have also reported, I am feeling the onslaught of effects in my personal Life from this powerful timeframe we have entered.


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    Terence McKenna on the Zeropoint Expected on Dec. 21, 2012


    As interest grows rapdily in Ascension, expected on Dec. 21, 2012, here’s a historical backgrounder on Terence McKenna’s ground-breaking work on what he called the zeropoint singularity, written in 2009.

    Timewave Zero and the 2012 Convergence

    Timothy Connolly, Shift of the Age, 2009 December 18



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    FUN POST: I think my 16 year old mutt has already Ascended (video)


    The Golden Rule December 17, 2012

    Amidst all the dark news and earth shattering information we expose ourself to, it’s always good to keep light hearted and enjoy the simpler things in life.  While truly global citizens participate daily in the great game of awareness, much of that is consumed by becoming aware of the darkness in our world.  This can be depressing if you are not grounded enough and will eventually get the strongest of us in a “down” state of mind.  Fear is an intoxicating emotion that many would like to take advantage of at this time.

    Watch this video and simply disagree with the fearful energies being broadcast by many at this time, and you will feel better instantly.

    Exposing ourselves to this information can, at a certain point, become counterproductive if we’re not careful so it is always good to indulge in simple pleasures and find ways to enjoy our time here on earth.

    So today I present to you my 16 year old mutt named Anna, who I am fairly sure from this video has already ascended!


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    Galactic Alignment 2012?


    By Chris Bourne | Wake Up World

    So we’re rapidly approaching the much heralded and prophecised Galactic Alignment, where the earth aligns with the sun through the galactic equator and according to some interpretations of the Mayan’s “Popol Vu”, it will also coordinate with the completion of what’s known as the “Precession of the Equinoxes”, which is caused by the ‘wobble’ of the Earth’s polar axis subscribing a 26,000 year cycle through the 12 constellations of the Zodiac. As I understand it, the Mayans configured their “Long Count” calendar around the prediction to complete on 21st December 2012. Is this true and what might we expect to happen as a result?…


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    Where is our Mass Awakening?


    17 December, 2012 

    Someone posted on a forum the other day that the Connecticut shooting made them feel like there was no mass awakening going on, and in fact that things seemed worse than ever. Now, with only days to go before the date on which so many have pinned all their hopes and expectations for a ‘mass awakening’ it is important to get clear on how we define a mass awakening.

    Our mass awakening does not mean that overnight we will go from the world that is as it is now, to a wonderful paradise. It cannot be. There has to be a bridge. Awakening allows us to see that bridge. It helps us to cross it. It even gifts us with a myriad of ideas, synchronicities, tools, resources, emotions and countless other things to ensure we have all we need to create something new. Awakening provides us with the ingredients – we decide what to do with that awakening.


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    Ben Fulford ~ Full Update ~ The World Will Not End This Friday


    December 21st 2012, But It Almost Did ~ 17 December 2012


    benjamin_fulford_3This Friday will be the long talked about Mayan etc. December 21st, 2012 end of the world date. When that date comes and goes, it will be time to examine forensically exactly who was behind the various Nibiru, Planet X, photon belt, rapture etc. stories that all predicted the death of 80% or more of all humans. We need to do this because a very real plot to start World War 3 and a fake end-times did exist and, although the plot has been stopped, many extremely dangerous mass murderers behind this satanic scheme still walk the corridors of power in the West.

    The purge of the over 26 pentagon generals who and the fall of the Bush family are just a start. We need to deal with the rest of the cabal in order to make sure that humanity will never again be enslaved.

    To help carry out this process, this week we will provide detailed forensic intelligence on some of the still active cabalists and their on the ground agents. We would also like to report extremely good, very concrete news on the new financial system but loose lips sink ships so we cannot give out much detail yet.


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    Connections by Suzi


    Written by Suzanne

    It’s time to make friends with the unknowable. Whatever I do to court in visions of what my own transition out of 3D will be like, there seems to be a limitation on what I can know at this point. Whatever success I’ve achieved in my personal clearing work, still I’m looking for a major, unmistakable and completely unsubtle shift in how our world operates. The way it all unfolds is and will remain a mystery to all of us until it actually does, and we’re just going to have to find a way to have peace with that.

    I woke up this morning with a song in my head. It was Bon Jovi’s “Livin’ on a Prayer”, just like they performed it live at the 12~12~12 Concert for Sandy Relief. We are actually half way there, between the 12~12 and the 12~21, and it made me think of more of those lyrics and how they fit this moment so well: “Take my hand. We’ll make it, I swear.”


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    Shala’s December 2012 Whale & Dolphin Cosmic Pulse


    Monday, 17 December, 2012

    Dear Light Family,

    Welcome to my December 2012 Whale and Dolphin Cosmic Pulse.  I realize it has been 3 months since my last whale dolphin meditation and I want to apologize for my lack of communication during this time.  Many of you have emailed and I deeply appreciate your loving support.  I’ve been dealing with some health challenges brought on by committing the cardinal sin of working too much and not taking time for myself.  I have been busy on the outside but quiet on the inside and trusted the timing would be right to re-connect.


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    Message from Matthew ~ December 15, 2012


    Message from Matthew

    December 15, 2012

    Shooting in US school




    With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew to speak about the recent shooting at a school in the United States.  To consider this as a singular horrifying event is to miss the purpose of all those who agreed to be involved—the shooter, the little children and the adults who died, their families, the entire community.



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    We looked at each other, shock and awe reflecting from the other.


    “I just can't believe,” Lily sighed, “how deep we are into something so multidimensional. It's sort of taking my breath away, really.”


    “I am curious,” I asked, hoping not to offend, “how one goes about packing for a vacation like this.”


    What a vacation we had already had! Both in our flannels just minutes after Sabrina and Eddie took off, we decided to get to sleep by coming up with the perfect vacation scenarios. We'd each do one we'd always imagined taking alone, and then we'd imagine one taken together, and we did that for, gosh, maybe eight rounds.


    Remember, we are each travelers, by soul, so it was really hard to stop, actually. The best vacations we had ever dreamed up were the ones we would have gone on whether we were alone or with someone, so those were the ones we decided, in the end, to concentrate on.


    It was hard to narrow down the field. Here is our attempt to solidify a dream vacation.





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