Food Companies Seeking Ingredients That Aren't Gene Altered

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Nytimes, By: Stephanie Strom, 05/26/2013



Food companies big and small are struggling to replace genetically modified ingredients with conventional ones. Pressure is growing to label products made from genetically modified organisms, or “G.M.O.” In Connecticut, Vermont and Maine, at least one chamber of the state legislature has approved bills that would require the labeling of foods that contain genetically modified ingredients, and similar legislation is pending in more than two dozen other states.


This weekend, rallies were held around the globe against producers of genetically altered ingredients, and consumers are threatening to boycott products that are not labeled. And so, for many businesses, the pressing concern is just what it will take to gain certification as non-G.M.O.


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Food Companies Seeking Ingredients......

Ra-Raela's picture

So the question must have come up:"How is Monsanto going to pollinate it's crops, if it kills all the pollinators and the birds?" Never fear, Monsanto has an answer for that as well:


It's looking like a train wreck is about to happen. Question is, who's coming out of the wreck untouched. My bet is on the people of the world, who hold the power of love for all in their hearts, and will fight tooth and nail, to keep this planet alive and out of the clutches of this company. What do you think?